Best Specialty Dining Restaurants on SUN PRINCESS: A Complete Guide!

Best Specialty Dining Restaurants on SUN PRINCESS: A Complete Guide!


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@yolliesworld3158 - 30.01.2025 01:05

Heading for Sun Princess in a few weeks, this was a great video 😊

@smb2a587 - 19.01.2025 10:26

They should have a pork and shellfish free labels on the menu for those of us that are on a Biblical diet.

@dazza1974 - 08.01.2025 11:13

Hey Joe… sorry to ask but I have the top premier package on Sun Princess this July and was just wondering above cover charge…..that’s only for people without that speciality package right…? By the way your videos are the best , great energy and really informative…keep it up..👍

@lisahamil3625 - 27.12.2024 02:59

Sounds way to loud to eat at the sushi place. Sad

@Diocles6009 - 20.12.2024 09:16

That looks tasty. Good video. I gotta get to Madeira Island soon to claim my land. It's been 20 years. Good stuff.❤

@aeroAdvocate - 04.12.2024 12:11

Looks excellent. One Problem I have with meat on Celebrity is that they overcook everything.

@Rebec80 - 27.11.2024 08:43

The Rudi’s actually looks like it is on Sky Princess not Sun? I mean the food is the same but

@PNg-v4f - 05.11.2024 08:31

Love this review

@JudyCaraker - 31.10.2024 05:48

Do the specialty restaurants allow you to choose more than one appetizer, or were They wanting you to promote there food?

@mikep439 - 30.10.2024 15:16

Great Video.. thanks.

@acaciomadeira5147 - 14.10.2024 14:34

Weird looking crabcake, looks deep fried weird. Those scallops you say are seared i font think so. And those arent giant scallops their regular lsrge scallop ,digby scallops from nova scotia i beleieve are giant scallops

@betttyyip572 - 14.10.2024 05:35

I will be taking the Sun Princess in December, after I watched this video, I definitely will get the premium package to take advantage of the unlimited specialty dinings.

@anna3046 - 13.10.2024 13:28

Italians are not the best for steaks! They should always season the meat with salt before cooking!

@diannechristino - 13.10.2024 01:46

I discovered Dario in a book titled Heat. Then, that same year (2014) I visited his Butcher Shop in Panzano, Italy. It was amazing. He' s this huge presence (is hand was bigger than my head). You walked in and AC/DC was blaring, where we had bread and chianti. Then, we went across the street to his restaurant where we had a 14 course meal of meat. Amazing. I was so excited to see he has a restaurant on a ship. Will be going on The Sun next year.

@jonesy77777 - 09.10.2024 23:49

As much as i really like the videos etc.., if i were there in person I would not appreciate some guy doing a presentation at the dinner table and standing over the food with a camera. It was odd that he was up there beside the cutting board in front of everyone

@misskaylaw519 - 28.09.2024 05:40

Do you remember what time you were eating at Kai? Looked like the ideal time. I want to beat the Piazza noise. 2 weeks til my cruise!

@ELEKTRARE - 15.09.2024 14:30

Teppanyaki is the best entertaining restaurant for sure luuuuuuvvvvvv iiiiiiittttt 😊❤

@CatfishandCrappie - 12.09.2024 11:13

Great video I enjoyed it very much! We will be planning our cruise on the sun princess very soon. This December we are going on the Caribbean Princess for the 2nd time! We can not wait!

@LeeDesignStudioYT - 30.08.2024 09:59

I'm taking my mom on the Sun Princess next year! I can't wait to eat all the yummy food! Thanks so much for the video! I really shouldn't watch this late at night. I'm so hungry right now ;D

@bobbypruitt9361 - 11.08.2024 22:39

Great review vlogs for the Sun Princess! I usually Solo travel on the NCL ships and have been regularly since the end of the pandemic. I love it.
Your review of Sun Princess apply’s to much of cruising, solo cruising and travel in general. A truly balanced observation is one thing verses people who love to constantly complain. You have the ability offer such balance and set expectation.
I love how you emphasize one’s ability to customize their experience, by what they are willing to pay for. I do not think that having a choice as being Nickel and dimed, as much as the ability customize one’s own vacation experience for what works for them in a mass travel experience.
You produced some of the best, highest quality vlogs I’ve seen in a while reviewing a cruise ship!! I hope you continue cruising and reviewing other lines.
Thank you!!

@jeanettesmith3080 - 08.08.2024 02:34

We leave 9/23!!

@marywinter8216 - 30.07.2024 07:29

Presently on a Princess ship with reservations for the Crown on Thursday. Really looking forward to it since watching your video. New subscriber as of today. Thank you.

@Hulalulatallulahoop2 - 29.07.2024 11:23

I loved the over an hour long video! Couldn't get enough of seeing all the food, wow! My local posh supermarket sells those Tomahawk steaks and they're HUGE!

@lindalikes2travel - 28.07.2024 23:32

Going in October and then again in February and March 2025. You've done a spectacular job of describing the specialty dining venues. And now to make the hard decisions. 😉😘

@maxf3253 - 28.07.2024 00:51

Enjoy Joe

@candyrose8473 - 27.07.2024 18:56

thank you for your great descriptions, my husband is blind and he can 'see' the food you speak of thanks!

@jessicaroberts2408 - 27.07.2024 03:52

Thank you for making this one! We’re sailing Sun Princess this Fall and we were really not sure which specialty dining to choose, so this helps ☺️

@irishinusa1615 - 26.07.2024 18:46

Crown Grill is one of our favorite restaurants at sea.
Especially the crab cake and French ouion soup ❤

Great vlog 👍

@angelacincilei9010 - 26.07.2024 14:59

Thanks!! Bravo for this video!

@lornaandrewes3611 - 26.07.2024 12:39

Only just found your channel, really enjoyed this. I’m curious, what is the island you grew up in?

@sinethglueck2384 - 26.07.2024 09:35

We will be on Sun Feb 2rd . Can’t wait to try specialty !

@raydesborough7333 - 26.07.2024 07:43

One of the best food videos I have seen am travelling on sky Princess soon am now looking forward to it the only thing you have not mentioned is ie the meat feast is $49 you don’t mention the 18% gratuity which puts another £6 - 8 on price.

@Dm-wf5ro - 26.07.2024 06:55

Excellent content I’ll be sailing on her in October of this year when she comes to the U.S for the Caribbean season. In the past the cover charge included the gratuity is that still true or do you leave a separate gratuity

@pakishia - 26.07.2024 02:15

Hey Joe. So that’s the video you said it would be my penance? You are wrong my friend. That’s a reward 😃.
I am on it!!

@rickandmaryruppel2455 - 26.07.2024 02:06

Awesome food review. Keep them coming. We will be on the Sun in Feb. 2025

@PheepSheep - 25.07.2024 22:30

Salad-y things 😜

@PheepSheep - 25.07.2024 22:24

🤤 how did you manage to eat all that food!

@boreilly82 - 25.07.2024 20:25

I've booked the teppanyaki and Crown Grill, and I'll also book Spellbound as soon as they release the availability

@boreilly82 - 25.07.2024 20:23

I've been waiting for this!

@lilemmyRA - 25.07.2024 19:48

Looks delicious! Thanks for posting. But I wish you'd also included some content on the shabu shabu at Umai. Everyone reviews the teppenyaki only.

@brucewayne2773 - 25.07.2024 18:46

Hi Joey, such luxury. Impressed how they managed to get all that food on the ship and staff is first class all around . You've done a great job showcasing the Sun Princess for sure.👏

@antech555 - 25.07.2024 18:36

It is a fully decked out floating resort.

@quinnypig1 - 25.07.2024 18:06

I’m on the Sun princess right now

@sondrajas758 - 25.07.2024 17:00

Going on the intro cruise mid October so this was the perfect video. Thank you!

@pipday1356 - 25.07.2024 14:10

I’m sold! Get me on this cruise ship! 🤩
