Released from Training Camp? | Life in The FED Ep 1

Released from Training Camp? | Life in The FED Ep 1

Travis Ridgen

2 года назад

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@No_Fear_33 - 07.02.2023 00:05

Hey Trav, long time no see any vids. :( I have a question about your Prolaces. Do you pull them under and up and criss cross behind your heel and over top of the foot that way? And if so, Pro laces doesnt sell that kind, at least nothing in a pic shows that sample. Thanks!

@JoeMommaBoi - 23.01.2023 20:34


@contactsaturn7866 - 02.12.2022 04:18

Do you only have 2 straps on your pads

@sheldonquinn4711 - 29.11.2022 01:46

Hi Trav, when are giving away free stuff?

@wilmerfranberg9139 - 17.11.2022 13:48

Don’t you guys drill the goals

@nolanfowler1583 - 28.10.2022 05:20

I used to watch Ross play juniors in OKC. This is a fun series to watch

@dabbadoo2226 - 22.10.2022 15:04

It’s named big boy after a restaurant which is a popular diner in the Detroit area pretty sure there is an actual big boy restaurant in the arena it is the second biggest arena in America with 5 rinks over 200,000 square foot very cool your here in Detroit wish you the best I live bout a half hour away will definitely come see you play

@ryanu.4953 - 20.10.2022 17:42

Fed feels slower than junior a (Canada) or d1 college in us. Care to share your opinion on this? Imo I would rank fed at like d3 college (US) with a little more depth and a few more standouts.

@nyracer07 - 19.10.2022 22:38

I have been following your journey off and on for awhile now. I know Detroit may not be your ultimate goal but I thought it was pretty cool. I live in Binghamton, NY, where we have had an AHL team for much of the last 40 years or so. Unfortunately, had was the key word in that last sentence. The Devils did us dirty and pulled their AHL team out last season which was a big blow to a hockey loving city. Efforts were made to bring another AHL or ECHL team in to replace the Devils but there was not enough time to work out a deal. What we did get was an FPHL team, the Binghamton Black Bears. A lot of the purists moaned and complained about “beer league” hockey. The team came in with a great owner and embraced the city. They gave all the youth hockey players in town a free season ticket which was great. My son and I went to almost every home game and really enjoyed it. It was exciting hockey! Games with over 100 combined shots on goals and some old school fights! Seeing the league grow by 3 teams this year was a welcome sight. I see that Detroit will be coming to town in early November for two games back-to-back. Hopefully you will be in goal for one of those games. Good luck this season and on your journey up through the ranks. Sorry for the long comment…

@Jakmeov - 19.10.2022 07:42

Why haven’t they started you?

@driftwood42 - 19.10.2022 06:25

Man the locker rooms for the pro team look a lot nice than the ones for beer league at this rink lol. It’s a cool rink. They have a roller rink there too which I’ve played goalie at quite a bit.

@innerpeace5223 - 19.10.2022 01:15

You played really well the first clip I think you got a little too over confident, I thought the 2nd clip was your worst play it was when you realized oh I’m not as good as I thought, but you battled through a tough 3rd clip which shows you don’t quit and the regained you’re confidence on the 4 th clip amazing positioning the shooters had nothing to shoot at, being a goalie is such a tough mental battle it was great to see you overcome it

@goalie2998 - 18.10.2022 23:26

You look solid. Way more in control of your body movements .
I'm pulling for you

@bobo3530 - 18.10.2022 21:22

Good luck trav. New subscriber. Much luck from one goalie to another.

@nev6502 - 18.10.2022 20:07

I've ordered my 33 Ridgen jersey, and I'm keeping an eye on the schedule to catch some games. Good luck this year Trav!

@11zalewski - 18.10.2022 09:37

you need more content with timmy perks in the video !! underrated funny guy , played with tim in BR was quiet but when he piped up the boys were always having a good laugh

@paco1008 - 18.10.2022 07:41

Been watch'n you for a while. Nice positive outlook. Best of luck to you.

@larscederberg8564 - 18.10.2022 06:25

Travis you were only released for the day after the ice sessions and back tomorrow again 😀

@matttilley8620 - 18.10.2022 05:58

"This is what it's like to be a pro: Sometimes you have it and sometimes you don't." Unlike being an amateur when that never ever happens.

@PeteNice29 - 18.10.2022 03:21

Watched you for a few years on the Tubes and gotta say, whatever Pedro is doing it's working

@nickbruce5658 - 18.10.2022 01:46

Staying by St. Clair trav? If so excellent lake to be by.

@scuffstang2114 - 17.10.2022 23:23

Have you skated in the sht rinks in Fraser

@zachbixby3276 - 17.10.2022 22:42

Definitely need some piranha pegs keep that net from moving on you

@gradyhachey6786 - 17.10.2022 18:23

Are you wheeling the social media girl or no?

@Etine192 - 17.10.2022 16:32

Do they not drill the pegs for the net? Makes practicing way harder.

@MstrMayo - 17.10.2022 16:14

Played high school hockey with one of your teammates on this team. Pretty cool

@MrKirkD - 17.10.2022 15:59

Looked solid but the clickbait is not needed.

@DustyToyz - 17.10.2022 10:38

So when can we get a Trav Rockers jersey? Keep up the good form, mate!

@rileykazama3145 - 17.10.2022 08:59

Good luck in Michigan trav

@blackhawksfan7668 - 17.10.2022 06:50

You honestly look amazing, i can see the improvements of your stance and how technically sound you look

@bryanesbaugh9071 - 17.10.2022 06:35

Looking forward to a video about the skates mid season. Good luck this Year!

@amineaiffa - 17.10.2022 06:06

Next time include clips of the other goalies so we have a means of comparison. It would be nice to see what your competition is doing. You've come a long way and look excellent. Keep up the great efforts!

@IrfanKhan-ur6wi - 17.10.2022 05:33

Keep battling Trav! Your hard with will pay off

@CrazyCat229 - 17.10.2022 05:12

You look good but your movement looks clunky. Also, keep your stick between that 5-hole. Best of luck! Glad you are chasing it. I gave up too quick! Still wonder what could have been. Been following you for awhile. Love to watch the journey!

@Lets_Talk_About_Hockey - 17.10.2022 04:53

Welcome to the Detroit area, my friend! Good luck this season! Hoping to catch a game or two this year. Haven’t seen minor league hockey in the area since around 2006.

@wrekh - 17.10.2022 04:53

Good luck buddy. Cant wait to see you rip it up this year

@bigz3611 - 17.10.2022 04:10

So what do u think about the Fraser ice arena lol

@waynesandy171 - 17.10.2022 04:01

Hard Work, it shows,you deserve it..Trav..keep it up..

@ashtonsmith5586 - 17.10.2022 03:43

Fuck trav looks like the confidence is flowing man, keep the dream alive

@3mjay577 - 17.10.2022 02:22

Well done gent
May the flexibility be with you

@Zanriic - 17.10.2022 02:08

Good luck Trav, still a couple hours from me even being in the same state but I’m definitely going to try to make a game this season

@weatherwatchTX - 17.10.2022 01:54

Good camp big guy

@ItsHunsy - 17.10.2022 01:45

Wish you would be coming to Elmira (they are awful) but I am going to try and see you in Binghamton!

@bmc7919 - 17.10.2022 01:04

Congrats on the first week Trav. Is there anything you were being coached to do in Sweden that you've had to abandon/change now that you're back in NA? BTW hands are looking good. Look like they're always in front of you

@cwherity1 - 17.10.2022 01:02

Congrats Trav, we’re routing for you!

@jasonfox6924 - 17.10.2022 00:24

where'd you get the song playing in the background while you had the day 4 montage??

@sethpowers1923 - 17.10.2022 00:22

Dude you look great out there, those first few days you made some unbelievable saves. Stoked for you.

@place_desjardins - 17.10.2022 00:08

Nice video. Hope you can keep up with putting out videos as soon as possible.
