Ultimate Sinking Fly Line Comparison | Floating + Sink Tips, Intermediate & Fast Sinking Line

Ultimate Sinking Fly Line Comparison | Floating + Sink Tips, Intermediate & Fast Sinking Line

Tom's Outdoors Fly Fishing

1 год назад

9,392 Просмотров

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@rosslomas9874 - 02.11.2024 02:09

what is the rod you are using Mickey

@3runjosh - 16.09.2024 05:14

i just ordered an intermediate and full sinking line (cheap versions) to go with my expensive floating line. thank you! I will seek to purchase from your store from now on especially flies as a big thank you for this content.

@420LMP - 15.07.2024 12:07

Great explanation of all the different methods. Thanks guys

@themidlandsflyfisherman - 10.04.2024 15:20

Great video mate, explains everything any beginner needs to know 👌👌

@outdoorsman9384 - 06.04.2024 23:52

Whats your recommendation on getting a fly pattern down from 15 to 20 feet and current in a boat

@thejollyflyfisher - 15.03.2024 09:13

What was your leader on the triple density? I have the 6wt in that line already for salt, but never tried for fish in lakes. You also said you used mono with the intermediate, why not fluoro? Thanks!!!

@indanuts - 29.01.2024 14:05

This video is top notch, well done and keep them up!

@aaronbowie7368 - 10.12.2023 05:01

Great video, very informative, lots of great information on how to use and fish the different lines. Thank you!!

@ealzy13 - 25.11.2023 00:55

Great vid😊

@jus041186 - 24.11.2023 14:20

I learnt so much from this. Thanks for giving away your secrets Mickey! PS please tell Pat to check his fax machine

@sldrose - 23.11.2023 21:45

Nice video.
Keep up the series.

@erickemp8286 - 23.11.2023 10:50

Great tutorial.
