for ELR, 1Mile/2Mile the variance (accuracy) in powder dispense does matter, the V4 is def worth it, for PRS/Hunting def not.
ОтветитьCut the top off an empty 1lb powder jug, put in in behind the autotrickler and pull the piece of plexiglass. Tilt the machine back and it empties completely. No need to even un plug it. It is that simple.
ОтветитьGreat video. I just need to come into a bunch of money for a new dispenser.
ОтветитьNo chance you have the v4 tuned proper, no way they have similar speed lol
ОтветитьThis guy is a fucking nerd and I love it. Smart people are so important.
ОтветитьSo, you run the CM as fast as possible but run the AT at only 60%. No wonder they take similar time.
The worth I see in the AT V4 is that I can load 3 rounds a minute with minimal overthrows. I also trust the laboratory quality scale.
The CM with all the tweaks I could find averages almost 2 rounds a minute. That does make a difference seeing as I load 600 rounds at a time.
As for emptying the AT, just read the manual. Or just watch Adam's YT video. Also, emptying a AT is so much simpler than the CM. Just can't see a reason for your complaint.
Lastly, as a hunter or a plinker you don't need a AT. Similarly you don't need a CM. A manual powder thrower and trickler works faster for similar acuracy as a CM at a fraction of the cost. If you reload high volume and want precision something similar to the AT is worth it.
Sometimes I think these tools that cost almost 10x what the average of everything else costs are for the folks who judge quality by price exclusively.
ОтветитьHave both. For 85 percent. Rcbs is just fine. I did the same test multiple times. Rcbs was slower, but just as accurate
ОтветитьYou aint measuring to a tenth of a grain it is 100th, it equates to 7 fps and most wont even hold their scope on target perfectly enough to make that lab scale worth it, i use the RCBS and get less than 15 fps spread for F Class and it is good enough to win national shoots
ОтветитьMy Rcbs is terrible. The scale is fine, but the Charge Master is not. Charge weights all over the place. Tried all the tips and tricks. Will never use it for precision ammo.
ОтветитьJust remove the Powder Hopper Pl. underneath rear window, drain into the hopper and then back in to your 1 pound container, just run the tubes to drain them into the powder cup
ОтветитьThat rcbs 1500 back then went for like 230$. Based on its technology back then vs now, its easily holding its own especially when it comes to cost
ОтветитьI can't see upgrading from the V3 to the V4. I mean the V3 just plain out works. Plus, I like having the Trickler separate from the Auto Throw. Just me.😎
ОтветитьI am waiting on my Auto trickler to come in. I have been wanting one for some time now. I don’t like how my RCBS and Hornady will deviate shows 22gr I will weigh it again and it’ll be a tenth off plus or minus there is a video out on how to set up the AT4 it’s a pretty great video.
I bought what at the time was a great scale for that year the A and D has been at the very top for years now when loading and doing powder charge ladder testing I believe this it the scale to use.
I’ll keep my other two for pistol loads so they won’t go to waste.
I had the rcbs cm lite, got frustrated one to many times with overthrows and drifting numbers. Bought the v4 and its sooo much better. You can tune it with varget to throw a 40gr charge in 10 to 12 seconds within .02gr
ОтветитьI'm late to the party, however I've weighed thousands of lab sample to 4 decimal places of a gram.
First off, you failed by not using a pair of lint free cotton gloves. Skin oil transfer increases the weight each time you touch the weight pan. Yo can't blame the RCBS V4 for only having .1 grain accuracy when it was never designed for that resolution.
The auto trickler to be accurate requires the chamber to be completely enclosed. Any breeze with skew the results.
Many years ago, I owned one of the first RCBS auto powder measuring and trickler drop units. Slow wasn't a word I'd use to describe the function, sedimentary is closer to the speed. To drop a charge and trickle, was over a minute.
I ordered a bunch of pans, then weighed each and removed material so they all weighed to within .001 grams of each other. I'd drop charges from a Uni-Flow into 10 pans, then use the hand trickler to hit my 43.5 grains of Reloder powder for my 308 casings. It's fast and easy, and best of all, inexpensive.
So based on your working assumptions (10 FPS per 0.1 gr and a normal distribution) the es would be 20 fps at a 95% confidence interval... That would def start to make a difference past 800 yards. But you have a good point regarding matching precision needed to the application.
ОтветитьIf you get sponsorship money, go for it. Not for Joe reloader. The regular guy. 😮 Way to cost prohibitive.
ОтветитьMidway USA has the rcbs autotrickler on sale right now for I believe $190 I think it might be lower than that I've had my rcbs for around 10 plus years well when it first came out and to this day I'm still impressed with it best bang for the buck I set my up .2 grans under charge weight and normally it will way the exact weight I'm looking for I've also sped up how fast it will dispense the powder that seamed to help out I don't know if you have screwed around with that you have to be careful when doing it if you go to fast it will over throw by a lot
Oh I also spend up how long it takes to do the little trickle and the end of the dispense that saved a lot of time
No! Absolutely not! But if you have the money to waste, fill your boots! For me I’d much rather spend the money on wine ,women and song than waste it on these machines. A good beam scale and a lee deluxe perfect powder measure is all you need! 🇬🇧🏴
ОтветитьThat's not how you pronounce Hodgdon.
ОтветитьSuper trickler will be my choice its future proof - i do have v4 and it works just fine you can really tune it with advanced menue option -. In settings press and hold close button to access advenced option in V 4
ОтветитьYou csn really make v4 fast by going to advanced options and do few adjustments-' v4 resale value will be much better after a while
ОтветитьHelpful. Balanced. Thanks.
ОтветитьRCBS scales work but are not the best. I dealt with drifting for years before throwing it out the window. I now use the A&D FX 120. No regrets.
ОтветитьThank you sir. I was recently looking to need after seeing this
ОтветитьRCBS ChargeMaster is a piece or crap. I’ve had two of them die. Also it take 4x as long if not move to drop a charge and not
Nearly as accurate.
The powder trickler V4 is far more superior and accurate worth the money.
I dont believe the RCBS average .
ОтветитьI love my rcbs 1500, but, its SLOW. (light taps on the powdered chute with a tiny screwdriver, speeds things up a bit).
ОтветитьYou could have 4 or 5 charge masters for that price. I am pretty sure 4 or 5 going at the same time is faster than one auto trickler.
ОтветитьI have a charge master lite and a v4. Sd and es is definitely smaller with the v4. Am I a good enough shooter to need this likely not but I have the means and it's what I enjoy. To each their own.
ОтветитьI try to keep my scales at least 3 feet from any other electronic devices .... Including other measuring tools and fluorescent lights .
ОтветитьI have guns I'll use Lee scoops and a beam for if I'm in the mood, ones I use ball powder and a thrower with, some I'm content with using the Chargemaster, and some I use the V4 for. I do use the Chargemaster less than the V4 now though.
ОтветитьI'm waiting for the dispenser that will load directly into the case in the loading block, then I just have to load a bullet and seat it. Wonder how much better the Matchmaster is compared to the Chargemaster?
Ответитьlove the 30 round drop metrics as well as any drift the RCBS had. Great to see it still landed within 41.06 to 41.08. Great work and exactly what I was looking for