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@r1sing766 - 02.09.2024 13:00

thanks for the video, helps my understanding on characters as a new player

@mochiboot6502 - 02.09.2024 13:10

thats a bongo in the background there and nobody can convince me otherwise

@ceizhore4498 - 02.09.2024 13:11

Why is Seraphine mid bad? Can’t she just auto clear every wave with QQ letting her freely scale

@YuriNoel7 - 02.09.2024 13:51

I’m either ass at Smolder mid or I’m just not doing something right with him because I see him be S tier in this list but whenever I pick him I feel like I have no impact and team loses before I can even reach 225 stacks.

@Wolf_Master0620 - 02.09.2024 13:55

Hi, I'm very happy that the tier lists are back! What about gragas mid?

@boneless70 - 02.09.2024 14:01

i checked in lolalytics and smolder has a consistant 45% winrate mid and even im chall he only has 46% winrate. he is the second worst winrate mid after lucian and worst wr in chall (his winrate goes up to only like 48% when building grasp). im not as knowledgeable as you in the game so if you could elaborate why you think that even though his stats show otherwise hes that strong in your opinion

@rlnl29 - 02.09.2024 14:01

Graves mid thoughts?

@FlingyFlongyBouncu - 02.09.2024 14:08

Yeaaa as an ekko otp in diamond there is no reason to not take hob. The quick passive proc is so important. You used to go Protobelt for the auto attack reset... but that item sucks. Not enough ap for oneshotting waves and they nerfed the active. (no ms torwards people)

@corbis7765 - 02.09.2024 15:19

I think nasus is borderline S

@thanthan300 - 02.09.2024 15:21

Currently taking a break from league - just the right time so my LP won't get robbed by Shok-san :3

@chiidybang370 - 02.09.2024 15:48

Is smolder really that good? whenever i play vs him its just a free lane and hes kinda afk for 25minutes. If i look up the stats even in master+ mid he has a 44% wr^^

I dislike lb because there is little to no counterplay in lane phase. Either she q+w on you, misses the chain and your halflife or she hits the chain and your dead. Imo its way to easy to hit your dmg as lb for how litte counterplay there is. Her q+w are not dogable without a dash and deal way too much dmg. Yeah shes difficult in teamfights but laning vs her is just annoying.

@Maqya - 02.09.2024 16:29

calling the 45% winrate smolder s tier is a bit wack

@Phantom_madman - 02.09.2024 16:35

How does the fleet nerf affect azir? do you take other runes now? maybe hob again, i even saw someone take pta?

@evanjacob8463 - 02.09.2024 16:55

Shok, is this list for high-elo, D2+? If not and it's a general tier list, you can't put champions like Azir, Jayce in a tier above Malzahar.

@KurzedMetal - 02.09.2024 17:48

I love Kennen and I play him mid, he is a great teamfighter good for deleting multiple enemies when they have a squishy comp.
But he sufers from bad waveclear. His Q helps later but early has kinda high CD and low damage.
But if the opponent is not that good at contesting push, Kennen is solid pick.
Your ulti is great enemies that wants to be on top of you, gives you armor, resis, tons of damage and cc. They can't win.

@Siigrit - 02.09.2024 17:56

Smolder S by kayle D? I have more success with kayle mid than smolder… nasus is better than both combined tho lol (all based on my experience from plat-diamond tho…)

@magentaurous4025 - 02.09.2024 18:04

Shok tier list = popular champs in lck.

@andreiserafim1607 - 02.09.2024 18:07

Zoe is in high B but you skipped her. Do you think that with the sustain nerfs she will get a little better on the meta?

@jcola2296 - 02.09.2024 18:21

Ryze buffs were not sufficient enough?

@sang_from_rushhour3009 - 02.09.2024 18:29

What type of match ups in mid am I looking for with k sante?

@savant4646 - 02.09.2024 18:36

is there something to be said about garen and nasus being good at both mid and top lane

@antitalent2351 - 02.09.2024 19:08

You should try a tank diana with grasp :D especially against full ad team.

@The_Schmizz - 02.09.2024 21:41

Hey shok i find it interesting that smolder is so high. Maybe its just that im playing in lower elo but everytime i see a smolder mid I love it cause i just lock in jayce and bully him hard. I guess he is strong late game if he gets his stacks but i find that unless the game just drags on and we cant end then it gets difficult once hes scaled. Then again ive only seen comet smolder sooo...

@eno1585 - 02.09.2024 21:50

Whats your thoughts on Pantheon?

@esmagajp - 03.09.2024 02:57

why zeri still A and tris is B?

@matthewfiluk2886 - 03.09.2024 05:12

Hey, currently I'm playing yasuo and yone every game with garen into certain matchups like zed, fizz and kassadin. Do you think yone is the best blind of these 3?

@hugocoolerkanalsmal3172 - 03.09.2024 13:36

Thoughts on Swain?

@Kuro_kami - 03.09.2024 21:20

I feel like i never see akshans anymore. can you plz do a little explanation on why hes rated so highly? if you could that would awesome.

@jobliar937 - 04.09.2024 01:46

Where would gangplank mid be on this list

@UrAwsome55 - 04.09.2024 03:58

In my first run of this game back in season 3 I was a Kennen mid main. Is it time for me to bust it out again for round two?

@Boba_Fettchen - 04.09.2024 18:16

What’s with gp mid where would he be?

@FinalHome-xy6ly - 04.09.2024 19:40

Kassadin my beloved😢

@okada1103 - 05.09.2024 23:54

Best champions to pool around galio as the main pick?

@HopeArk - 07.09.2024 21:51

Curious what your opinion is on malz? Im not that mechanically good at like the way he functions, but it feels like even if I play well (good farm, good pressure, rotating, have item leads), there's not much I can do compared to other champs even when they are behind. He does feel completely diff with a duo tho since we can coordinate teamfights a lot better

@itemhunter-pu3jc - 08.09.2024 04:51

Hey Shok, curious to see what you think about Talon and why he isn't ranked higher on this list? I'm fairly new to league and your content and I'm trying to main Talon but from what I gather he gets better the higher elo you get?

@r1sing766 - 11.09.2024 09:47

People have been telling me quinn is really good mid but i don't see her here, is she not a real mid?

@John-xd9no - 13.09.2024 09:45

Im silver 1. What do you recommend to OTP to platinum

@Darrentime - 14.09.2024 01:03

I stopt playing leauge but now im back so back to watching your vids!
