Day 31 of #40DaysOfBEAR 2.0 03/15/24
A big thank you to Nina and her parents, Debbie and Steve for trusting the Victory TEAM with Nina’s care❤️ Thank you so much, Steve, for the kind words, much appreciated! A huge thank you to the whole Victory TEAM for taking such great care of Nina, her family and all of our patients!❤️❤️
Yesterday’s Poll Question:
How are our Super BEAR patients doing?
Great! Stay tuned…
Today’s Poll Question:
When is the average BEAR patient allowed to unlock their brace for ambulation post op?
A. 2 weeks
B. 4 weeks
C. 8 weeks
D. 12 weeks
#BEARimplant #BEAR #BEARsurgery
#ACL #ACLtear #ACLinjury #KneePain #KneeInjury #PhysicalTherapy #Rehab #Rehabilitation #Fitness #VFit #ACLrehab #VictorySportsMedicine #VictoryInMotion #DrMarcPietropaoli
For more information on Bridge Enhanced ACL Restoration/Repair (BEAR🐻) surgery or Knee Repair, NOT Knee Replacement, TM, please call:
315-685-7544 315-707-8891 or e-mail:
[email protected]
[email protected]