Kamala's BLACK CHURCH Visit BACKFIRES As WOKE Pastor SHAMES Black Men INTO Voting For Her

Kamala's BLACK CHURCH Visit BACKFIRES As WOKE Pastor SHAMES Black Men INTO Voting For Her

The Officer Tatum

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@tammysmith4054 - 23.10.2024 10:02

I agree with you Officer Tatum! This man should not be pastor! My daddy was a Baptist pastor and he NEVER acted like this!
Who in their right mind would want Stacy Abram’s as dog catcher much less governor!
She don’t even believe herself!
She is not even black! The great Candace Owens has proved it!

@darnellroberts-licciardi1128 - 23.10.2024 10:03

And people wonder why others don’t wanna hear about Christ. Perfect example!!
Just like she doesn’t represent black people with all of her nonsense. That pastor (if u want to call him that) certainly doesn’t represent Christ, or us Christian’s.

@DarylSaunders737 - 23.10.2024 10:03

That's not a pastor, that's a pimp !!!... Standing next to a whore !!!.... Neither believe in God.🤔

@NMEONE1 - 23.10.2024 10:04

This fool got on pink shoes I'm dead that's it tD snakes stuff

@colettesabbagh-vf6zr - 23.10.2024 10:04


@TwinMama-jv3zb - 23.10.2024 10:04

Couldn't help but notice 95% of the people in the "congregation" were women. I've been to church all my 38 years, and I've never seen all women unless it was a women's conference. I think they hired actors for this because it's just not what a church congregation looks like!

@tsalas1264 - 23.10.2024 10:05

False teacher

@barbarabell3116 - 23.10.2024 10:05

There’s a video on you tube showing a lady being removed from this service for shouting out the hypocrisy

@1976chelle - 23.10.2024 10:06

This is a demon. There are every where. We have to stay alert. I get homosexual vibes from this wicked being.

@sheilasmith2394 - 23.10.2024 10:07

Jamal Bryant is the last fake preacher to take seriously. Need I tell you who he replaced and the allegations he was accused of?

@mrffe - 23.10.2024 10:07

I agree OT that there needs to be forgiveness, not just to the 1% of White slave owners, but to African slave traders, African American slave owners and all involved in that horrible world wide Trade; it's participants being from every known people group world wide and since before the US even existed. Then, focus in rescuing today's slaves from traffikers and moving forward.

@brianboe3774 - 23.10.2024 10:08

She said gospel of Luke but couldn’t recite 1 scripture

@rcary - 23.10.2024 10:08

When you see the black pastor roll up to church in his new caddy and expensive suit, you know he's crooked. Same goes for black 'professors' in the uni's. They are fake AF.

@laurenceaguillard370 - 23.10.2024 10:08

She gotta cover her tracks after the Jesus is lord/wrong rally video backfired on her..her campaign watches the same vids we do

@colettesabbagh-vf6zr - 23.10.2024 10:08

Officer Tatum, you are a wonderful person. May God bless you.

@JamesJones-ot1lo - 23.10.2024 10:09

I'm sorry bruh but my black people are sooooooo brainwashed, just by color

@gemmagem257 - 23.10.2024 10:09

Go watch Candace Owen deep dig into Kamala’s genealogy…she’s IRISH/INDIAN/Jewish.
First she laughs and mocks Christianity then tries to “fix it” but going to a BLACK church …she thought she could kill 2 birds with 1 stone

@wildflower434 - 23.10.2024 10:09

👍How dare, in the Name of Jesus Christ! 😡 This woman is not only is a Socialist, she is an open Antichrist. Matter the fact, the Antichrist is her campaign manager and staff. She had openly, supporting with a passion. Abortion. She supports extermination the life of a baby, and prison all Christians who come in her way. An African American, Christian woman is now sentenced for 3 years in Prison. For doing a silent protest, near at an Abortion Clinic. There also other Christians, women who was persecuted. And is now in Prison. They never done burning down a Police Station or Court building in Minnesota. A tampon Governor pardoned and taking a blind eye, on the offense. Or rioters and looters, burning down a police car and businesses. They threw the book at them with the worst, harshest sentences. But Kamala, going to run her rear to the nearest corrupt, crooked Church. Not to please for votes from the Christian Community? Not to repent? Nope! She wants star Treatment. I am going to take over the Black Christian Community. By entering into your Church and tell you how to vote. Since the Black males did not understand what Obama, was ordering them to do? This time They are using this Minster to convey the message. Again! To all Black men is not listening to your Black Women? And, The reason why? You, are insecure of your Black masculinity. WHAT! Again! I completely agreed with you, ABL! As a woman I can see why, men are no longer in the Church. And then, I can clearly see why, as a Christian woman. Or many Christian Women is not married or still virgin? Kamala and Obama had completely destroyed the reproduction of African Americans. When Obama had introduced Same Sex Marriage. I was extremely, extremely against that behavior. Even, I knew prophetically, not it is a cursed, abomination against God. It will be a pandora box that you can never closed. Just like abortion. Which, these Democrats. Especially, Kamala wants to only target all Women needs abortion. That’s a demonic lie. And it’s only for Black Women. Another evil lie. It’s bad enough, some our Black homes had absentees Fathers. Now, Same Sex, for Lesbians and Gays. Yeah, I am heterosexual and virgin. And, still to this day. Was ostracized, harassed and bullied for criticizing the First Black President. While everyone, was worshipping him as the new replaced, Jesus Christ. The worst majority was African American Christians. Voted for Gay Marriage. Helped to destroy African American relationship, between men and women. Abortion was horrible, when there is no accountability. And also empowered women into receiving Government benefits. And the Government, also helped by destroying the Male Patriarchy system and Nuclear Family. Now this! Same Sex Marriage. Since Kamala Harris has been Vice President. The only success of the Biden and Harris years, was implementing Transgender Equality. From Chemical Castration for Children. Which Parents has no input, on their children’s decision. Easy access for Transgender surgeries, for all. Men can play and share safe spaces from Women. What is so shocking! This Minster and Church is not extremely outraged! And the nerved to question all Black Males not listening to their women of voting for her. She does not want Jesus Christ to be her Lord. Threw out 2 White Christians males, out of her Rally. Now she is crawling to a Black Church, just to save her Ass! She could not go to Sen. Raphael Warlock’s abortion, same sex marriage, transgender Church. No she went to Minster, that had pregnated a young woman, never wanted to take responsibility, which his marriage ended in a divorce. Kamala, needed to image of African Americans to give her star treatment, to give her the platform when she speak. And many in the audience who can cheer and idolized her. At the same time, having the Minster to reprogrammed the Barack Obama’s message. To all Black Male members, you are not listening to your woman, is because of your manhood. WOW! Socialism at its best. From the days of the Nazi Germany playbook. How Hitler, and Government took over all the Christian Churches? I wondered why Kamala, could not pull that off at a White Christian Church? Why, black? Why Kamala hasn’t done for the Michigan Muslim vote? Since she was so hungry and desperate for their vote and approval. The willing to destroy Israel, and favor Hamas? Why? She did not go entered a Muslim Temple, raced inside to talk to the members of the Muslim community, of vote for her? We know, Kamala is not going to a Synagogue. Or maybe, since his Indian she can visit a Hindu Temple? But, No! A Black Church. We want all your African American Christians. To vote for my Same Sex, Transgender, Gay, Abortion and Children Chemical Castration, etc.. I am surprised Kamala did not sell it to the Muslim first. Because they are Black. If she really, really needed the Black vote? It is so extremely sad, how these Demonic Socialists. Obama, Kamala and others. Nearly destroyed, our Culture. As men and women. Our relationship, family and identity. The next lay of destruction is our Christianity. Who We are in Christ Jesus. Once these people come in through the front door. They will never leave. Destroying our King James Bible, our Free Speech. The LBGXYZ People, The Buttigieg’s Clique. Charging Minsters and Pastors, on hate speech. Because the according to our Secrete God own word. Forced in accepting their Gay, Lesbian, abortion and Transgender Sins. Talking about your open Solomon and Gomorrah? This is where a time a Black Christian was so respected. From Slavery to Civil Rights. The Black Christianity was so highly respected to be the voice, of order. A place to meet at the Church to fight for our freedom. To gather together in the name of Jesus Christ to defend, and march for our dream. Our whole identity and our Freedom came from The Church. Especially, Jesus Christ. We sang hymns on the cotton fields, and years of Prayers, for our emancipation. And celebrated our joys by coming together in our Churches worshipping. Now, Kamala and The Democratic Party. Has contaminated our secrete holy Churches, as an experiment Social Club. Using the power of Kamala and Obama position. Enforcing their entrance through the door. And adopting their ideology. Which it’s way towards Leftist Demonic. By supporting their race, Feminism, DEI, Equality, and identity. Is destroying our Black culture Identity with Jesus Christ. Our Christianity and Church. I am so glad Several people had walked out. Yelling at the Minster, that this was sacrilegious. Being escorted out by the Secret Service. How Dare! I really hope they NEVER Come back. All this for the price of Idolatry of a Candidate. If Kamala wanted to get in the good graces with the Black Voters. Just apologizes, Repent, and ask to pray for me. For I am not perfect, I am just human. Everyone, would understand and love her through it. Just like it was for Trump. But Since, Kamala and Obama is all about self, means pride. It’s all about controlling and manipulation. With zero respect for Jesus Christ and our Christianity Culture. The mission to divide the Black Christians from Whites. But failed to realize we all one of the same. The division is always the tool that Satan often uses. 😡😡😡

@susnasongbird1277 - 23.10.2024 10:09

LOL. Such a joke!!! Didn't she mock that Jesus is Lord?! She is a wicked witch! That is one scuzzy Pastor for sure! False teacher!!! Too many STUPID people!! She is for killing babies, Uh, HELLO!

@ruthcantu4906 - 23.10.2024 10:09

They just let us know they're not serving the real God!

@wolpertmommyx4 - 23.10.2024 10:10

Growing up in very rich upper middle class neighborhood in Canada- she WAS HINDU!!! LITERALLY LIES EVERY WORD OUT HER MOUTH!!

@laurenceaguillard370 - 23.10.2024 10:10

By the way all these black people praying for her sister this and brother that and her husband is white lol

@tedsua6758 - 23.10.2024 10:11

Jamal Bryant is a charlatan false teacher. God help us! Even so Lord Jesus come!

@allenmcmahon8451 - 23.10.2024 10:11

Preach Officer Tatum! All good

@nessj5209 - 23.10.2024 10:11

Have we no shame??!!😢😢

@coneliusalvin4574 - 23.10.2024 10:11

She is trying to offset her comment she made at her rally, rejecting Jesus

@ShaneNeidlinger - 23.10.2024 10:12

didnt she say to a few people that they are at the wrong rally for saying something about Jesus? slept to get to the top.

@workingken4268 - 23.10.2024 10:12

She's a fake

@SUZANNECARPENTER-ou3je - 23.10.2024 10:13

I don't know how a Christian can support a party that wants abortion. Christians need to band together to help the women who need help. They need to know that the life they carry is more than a human who gets crushed and sucked out of the womb. I was once that woman and was earning $6 per hour. I needed a different choice. I carry that sin and plea to God for forgiveness. Later, God blessed me with one child. Now, I understand that she is everything. My one grandchild is everything. Nothing has been more important to me.

@workingken4268 - 23.10.2024 10:14

A fake Satan's soldiers

@cruchlingful - 23.10.2024 10:14

I honestly can't believe Christian people let alone any person, that has any kind of faith in any religion are this f**** stupid and blind to the lord or their lord. My grandfather held church in his basement when i was a kid, southern Baptist by the way. Lost contact after parents divorced, so i dont know if he went to a actual church. But gospel isn't a big fancy building and taking money from people. Its home, park, field ANY WHERE. And its DEFINITELY not political. At least shouldnt be. Oh, im a skinny white man by the way and completely found this disrespectful. Jesus is my savior.

@tedsua6758 - 23.10.2024 10:14

She mentioned the Gospel of Luke and never quoted from the Gospel of Luke. Kamala is a communist. Jezebel reincarnated!!

@nadiablack4797 - 23.10.2024 10:15

Its heartbreaking listening to you, i can hear the desperation and sadness in your voice for the plight of people. I just pray the Lord comes soon

@gemmagem257 - 23.10.2024 10:15

Go watch Candace Owen deep dig into Kamala’s genealogy…she’s IRISH/INDIAN/Jewish.
First she laughs and mocks Christianity then tries to “fix it” but going to a BLACK church …she thought she could kill 2 birds with 1 stone

@JamesJones-ot1lo - 23.10.2024 10:16

Support a woman by smashing another woman while married ✊🏾✊🏾 right

@Who.is.Clinton - 23.10.2024 10:16

Dude can't breath

@johnbruce4003 - 23.10.2024 10:17

Look at Obama’s Pastor. Did that hurt his campaign?

@FFCbystania - 23.10.2024 10:17

This church is reminding me of the church of THYATIRA in the book of Revelation Chapter 2

@chrisclark6981 - 23.10.2024 10:17

I as a black guy will not support a dei joke and hire like kamala

@AdamAintWright - 23.10.2024 10:19

These People Are Sick! It Blows Me Away How Anyone Could Vote For Her!

@angiest76 - 23.10.2024 10:19


@antoinettevilla5678 - 23.10.2024 10:19

Jamal Bryant has always been a snake. A social gospel pastor who. is not a true follower of Jesus Christ. He perverts the gospel of Jesus Christ. Jeremiah 23:1 "Woe to the shepherds who are causing the sheep of my pasture to perish and are scattering them!" saith the LORD!!

@Stuart-qj1ld - 23.10.2024 10:20

Mr tatum ur spot on they worship Satan and they don't even know 💯 well most of they don't know some do

@SuperSilence23 - 23.10.2024 10:20

This guy has pink shoes and you have all kinds of tattoes

@corinne7126 - 23.10.2024 10:20

How insulting to black men that he thinks black men can not think for themselves. And that they must vote the way they are told not by the policies they believe.

@GankablePlayer - 23.10.2024 10:20

Cant believe were living in a country where shes actually being considered and supported.

@workingken4268 - 23.10.2024 10:20

I will never support a woman to lead a nation because that is a judgement against a nation God does not want a woman to lead men cousin man becomes so weak and family night The avengers little kids run leader Nation to destroy the nation Harris is nothing but a Hindu that's her religion she's not a Christian she is a fake get that through your minds those who voted for her or will vote for another idiots God's plan is not with her

@StrangeTimesIndeed - 23.10.2024 10:20

I CAN'T BELIEVE SHE'S STILL moving forward with this con. She's been OUTED. SHE LIED ABOUT HER RACE.
KAMALA IS NOT BLACK!!!!!! She put out a photo claiming her grandmother was a black woman. BUT IT'S A CON. HER GRANDMOTHER IS A WHITE IRISH WOMAN.
100% confirmed to be a LIE.

@cwilson3145 - 23.10.2024 10:21

And for those who need to hear it from the back of the church, God has nothing to do with this man! I have known of this man for 15+ years and it’s been trash!

@bruceboyer8187 - 23.10.2024 10:21

Speaking from the pulpit w out saying the name of Jesus...
