Catch more chub on flooded rivers with these fishing tips!

Catch more chub on flooded rivers with these fishing tips!


1 год назад

16,956 Просмотров

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@robertcotton9091 - 24.02.2024 12:01

Big thanks for sharing, very informative and enjoyable to watch :)
Much appreciated.

@neilmason158 - 26.02.2024 20:22

Cracking video great insight into chubbing on the river, proving that you can use your commercial tackle on running water.

@GeorgeBrown-m1b - 18.09.2024 20:26

How about some subtitles

@marvinturniptop - 16.10.2024 19:51

Good video but would have been even better if we'd seen it working 🐟

@spencerdodds2207 - 23.10.2024 03:31

Old methods are quite often the best. My grandad taught me this style back in the early eighties, I’ve never felt the need to change it.

@felgate11 - 26.10.2024 18:50

You should try Kraft cheese slices rolled into a big ball, not the cheap slices as they are too soft & gooey. Break a piece off and mould it round a size 6 or 8 hook in the shape of an Arlsey bomb. It keeps for ages just wrapped in clingfilm & the smell improves with age.

@peterjohnson8935 - 04.12.2024 19:15

A nice 12ft quivertip rod with through avon action. I wouldn't use a method feeder rod as probably locks up at the butt.
10ft too short especially when a big Chub tries to snag you under the nearside margin.
I used a Twin Tip Duo but there's plenty of other Avon type rods that are excellent.
