How To Make A Fun One Shot TTRPG Adventure!

How To Make A Fun One Shot TTRPG Adventure!

JP Coovert

2 года назад

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@anotherytcommenter4851 - 14.01.2023 20:22

Awesome. Very timely. I'm using the D23 hype to just make sure I spend a little time every day writing ideas. Might be locations, events arcs, npcs or anything really. One shot advice helps for my one shot focused location based "westmarches" style where I have a job board and anyone can pull together a party of 1-4 players.

@artistpoet5253 - 14.01.2023 22:35

I start with a set of three or four conflicts then just rough out a one page story for each one as well as possible resolutions. Whichever short story catches my imagination , I run with. Then it's just a matter of disassembling the elements and mapping out an escalation flow chart, kind of like a point crawl.

Then there are the one-shots that have been totally improvised without even a BBEG in mind. Just letting the players build their destiny and making sure they have fun. Of course, this works best with rules light systems.

@swider7364 - 14.01.2023 22:35

pls draw ARK SURVIVAL EVOLVED the island map!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@dougdoug2006 - 15.01.2023 00:32

Super useful for convention GMs!

@alexanderdubon6904 - 15.01.2023 03:30

The Slight change from "dnd " to TTRPG

@coreyweaver1129 - 15.01.2023 05:57

I know D&D is your thing but I would love to see you one shot a Hero Kids campaign. Your art style and quirky campaigns would be so much fun for a younger kids setup!! My 6 year old giggles so much at your characters!!!

@metaskullunderworld77 - 15.01.2023 17:25

Sorry I'm a newbie d&d, i wanna ask something about "DS" on Abbadon action (DS#), what it means?

Thanks for the great information❤‍🔥

@kittnorse7675 - 15.01.2023 18:10

Such good advice and as always I love your drawings!

@Raznag - 15.01.2023 22:09

My best trick about designing adventure is to ask yourself what would you like to explore as an adventurer. When you find it, it will be easier to imagine stuff about it and come with a great story.

@CONTINGENCY_sys - 16.01.2023 09:43

I have a fun little zero prep system that allows you to build as you play I've been using over 25yrs that I built. I love prep, no prep, on the fly, side treks, dungeons, massive campaigns, crawls, teach and train sessions, troubleshooting for groups, helping build worlds and mechanics and adventures, build my own adventures, build campaign arcs, build and create monster ecologies, build multiverse and expansive systems. I love creating as much as you for sure. We share the same passion. Creating some ttrpgs. Always a pleasure. Great vid.

@Abiblio - 20.04.2023 00:08

how come the names are warhammer 40k? (chaos demons, abaddon)

@roqueadeleon - 01.05.2023 09:43

This is exactly the type of stuff i want to make, your illustrations and production value really bring your project to life. Thanks for sharing

@MemphiStig - 26.07.2023 10:32

Let me tell you something...

Bustin' makes me feel good! 🎶

@matthewmitchell1538 - 08.11.2023 20:27

As far as prep - I start with the plot. Antagonist wants goal but needs to overcome obstacle using resource. Here, Abadon wants to spread chaos on Earth, but needs his minions to complete the ritual of summoning. If we blend a little Mortuary Assistant here, where you need to uncover the hidden runes of summoning, then there is a very logical, simple explanation for Abadon and his minions, where the minions are hiding the runes and Abadon will be summoned when enough runes are placed. The next step is to give the heros something meaningful to do. The heros start out by saving shoppers, but if they are clever, or lucky, they could find the "runes" and use that to figure out a solution to the story. Where I struggle is the creative part of this. This plot could easily be presented in a crypt, or a cave, or haunted house and be presented as a dark, terrifying race against time. Putting it in a Target, delightful!

@Frederic_S - 21.12.2023 15:37

Cutting the plot is not necessary. Imho my players always are more engaged if there is something else going that they can find out. That’s for them so much fun. I get this as a feedback every other session. So GMS: don’t cut the plot, just don’t make it the main thing.

@bloementuintje9356 - 02.06.2024 07:44

quick visiter, to get some new ways to run DnD! thx for these cool tips! your way of making room descriptions and the cool way to combine it with simple maps, and superb inspiring pictures! superb! I am inspired, GtG its game time!

@nandomax3 - 13.02.2025 18:10

I read the call of Cthulhu one shot "Lightless beacon" and played it once with my closest friends. Now I'm using it to introduce people to RPG, this month I'll play it again with a table of new ttrpg players :) i hope until the end of the year I'll play it many more times
