ممكن الاشتراك في قناتي وهنزل مقلب بكرا😍
ОтветитьKebetulan banget lagi pengen belajar mesh tool
Ответитьomg your tuts are the best! and the new intro is S TU N N I N G!!! A good peformance from a M A S T E R !
ОтветитьNonton 2 video lgsg aku subscribe. Sangat membantu saya yg lg belajar Illustrator. Thanks bgt mastah! 🙏😊
ОтветитьThe best mesh fill tutorial yang pernah saya temukan. Auto subscribe. Ikut belajar
ОтветитьMay i know the title of the background music? heheh
ОтветитьWhen I chnage blending mode to screen the whole thing just becomes white. What should I do
Ответитьi want to learn poster designing for web.
please help me
What screen recorder are you using sir.....could you tell me where can I find it and download it for free lifetime
can you just tell me how can we create intro video clip as same yours
Abis di clip mask msh bs digerak gerakin gmn cara nya mas e?
ОтветитьMantap ngon...
Sukses selalu......
every single fucking illustrator video is just music! Im brand fucking new can some just talk me through a tutorial once! the only tutorials with some audible guidance are the basics! Im trying to progress but every ones using short cuts or techniques I don't understand without saying a single word. I didn't even watch this one I just heard the music and had a fucking aneurysm
Ответитьyou r true designer!!!!!!!!!!
thanks this for sharing with us!!!!