Squiggly Miggly carried the show, I quit watching after his death
Ответитьthis is the most australian alan has ever sounded
ОтветитьSo hes speaking Spamish??
ОтветитьThe Bernie Sanders of the Smiling Friends world.
ОтветитьFun fact : Squiggly Miggly is speaking Spammish
ОтветитьPresident Jimble has no chance.
ОтветитьI know I’m probably reading into this too much but Squiggly Miggly’s hand movements are very similar to Trump’s which leads me to believe Squiggly Miggly is the Smiling Friends’ equivalent of Trump if he doesn’t exist already.
ОтветитьSquiggly Miggly spoke more sense than Joe Biden yesterday
ОтветитьHe is from spamtopia
ОтветитьBoeing is at it again I see
ОтветитьI was gonna vote for him in hopes he'd like to hang out and smoke weed while filling our bellies with DIET soda and play Burnout Revenge for the PS2
ОтветитьAm I the one who loves his gestures? It's so chaotic to see his giant hands switching positions real fast and I love it so much.
Ответитьgone way too soon. RIP
ОтветитьCan't believe Squiggly Miggly stabbed himself 37 times in the chest, shot himself in the back of the head, and cut his own head off. The poor guy must've had some serious demons. Rip.
ОтветитьWatching squiggly miggly at 0.25x speed is a great experience
ОтветитьWendy looks and sounds like pilot Katie Killjoy.
ОтветитьBernie Sanders that you?
ОтветитьLook I get why we have the theories but lets face it, Squiggly Miggly had his demons. He should've never ran for president with those charges coming for him. We'll likely never know until President Frog declassifies the Miggly autopsy report.
Ответить'When a leader speaks, that leader dies'
- Cult of Personality
Squiggly Miggly was a kennedy.
ОтветитьKinda funny how squiggly miggley doesn’t own a 3d printer?
Ответитьmust’ve been a bad shrimp
ОтветитьIs spamish by any chance related to pingunese from pingu?
ОтветитьWhy do shows keep predicting the future?! There was literally an assassination attempt on Trump!
ОтветитьR.I.P. Squiggly R.J Leopald Remington Oxfordshire Bravo “The Squiggler” Miggly III. Gone too soon from a tragedy that was TOTALLY of his own doing.
ОтветитьReally love his expressive hands
ОтветитьI am the 400th comment comprendes
ОтветитьIs that supposed to be a parody of Robert F Kennedy Jr😂
ОтветитьImagine trying to talj to somebody who talks like Squiggly
ОтветитьI love how fast everyone moves in this show lol it’s only the human based characters that dont
ОтветитьSo Squiggly Miggly is a parody of RFK Jr so that means Alan is an Independent
Ответитьit's referencing how Bernie Sanders was super close to getting the nomination before the entire DNC plotted against him to make sure it didn't happen
ОтветитьRip squiggly miggly
ОтветитьJust realized he does Trump accordion hand gesture 😂
ОтветитьI only just realised the joke about Squiggly Miggly unaliving himself with a 3D Printed shotgun and now I feel dumb lol.
3D Printed guns are untraceable which would make no sense to use as a self-deleting device, meaning Squiggly Miggly was likely assassinated.
Mr Frog entered the race in response to Squiggly Miggly's Death
ОтветитьNoooooo, le hicieron un colosio( colosio era candidato presidencial mexicano que fue asesinado y después remplazado en campaña por el que termino siendo electo presidente)
ОтветитьWhen I first saw the sneak peak clip, I thought that Squiggly was going to be the patient of the episode instead of Jimble strangely enough
Ответить666k views
ОтветитьI think the worms are behind Squiggly and Pinhead's death.
ОтветитьProbably one of the riskiest jokes in the show
ОтветитьI was thinking about Gwimbly and then started thinking about Squiggly Miggly, this read my mind
ОтветитьI'm wondering if Squiggly Miggly is supposed to be a parody of Bernie Sanders.
ОтветитьTo Squiggly Miggly: don’t murder yourself cause it’s dangerous