Flash Photography For Portraits With An ND Filter | Complete Tutorial

Flash Photography For Portraits With An ND Filter | Complete Tutorial

Miguel Quiles

1 год назад

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@vinodp195 - 30.05.2023 17:33

Your photography learning contents are really great !!!!!!
Thank you very much.

@criticalshotstudios - 30.05.2023 18:07

I almost always do this anyways because of the way flash works in harsh light. The filter does a great job in diffusing residual light that I would have to otherwise edit and creates a more saturation rich image you can then make better by playing with exposure and vibrance

@looseshoulderssumali7311 - 30.05.2023 19:39

What white balance did you set your camera at? A specific color temperature? or something else?

@RobertMagnussen - 30.05.2023 21:44

what filter did you use before you got the Nisi Filters?

@strippedlist - 30.05.2023 23:09

Nice video as usual "DAD" :)) I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU

@haytijr5823 - 31.05.2023 03:29

Great video

@RyoHazuki224 - 31.05.2023 15:40

Love the results for sure. But man, I can never ever justify spending that much on a filter. I mean you can get a cheap prime lens for the cost of one of those ND's!
I'd love to see a true comparison between using cheap filters vs using these expensive ones, and compare to ones in-between too. Like how much a difference could there be? Sure I don't wanna go with a dirt cheap one, they can end up looking soft or casting unwanted color tones in your image. But a good mid-range filter should produce results just as good as a $300 filter.

@bigmojones - 31.05.2023 18:15


@Bob4golf1 - 31.05.2023 18:47

This is why I use Medium Format cameras (Hasselblad) - no need to restrict shutter speeds (they don't have a focal plane shutter - in fact my X1D2 doesn't have a shutter at all) so you can take you shutter speed anywhere you want with or without flash.

@datflixx5869 - 31.05.2023 19:50

Great vid!! Did you have to change any settings on your cam to allow the FJ trigger to work with your sony A7IV?

@dionportraits - 01.06.2023 01:27

I got one ND filter for my sigma arts 85mm but gotten a blurry images

@DocMatthews0311 - 02.06.2023 02:12

Learned so much in such a short concise video. Thk you much

@Mclovingclownz - 03.06.2023 23:40

Is there a cheaper option? For the lens

@vvassall28 - 05.06.2023 00:41

Great video. Have you tried the Kase Clip ND filter. It goes directly over the Sony sensor?

@NCPhotography - 06.06.2023 04:09

Thank you so much! I lost my old Polar Pro ND and needed a new one to replace it!

@KenOja - 07.06.2023 21:55

With R5 and Godox flash I can do crazy sync speeds, but the power of the flash unit goes down in high sync modes. Using NDs can be helpful with high sync capable systems too :)

@Z_EOS - 09.06.2023 08:50

I am using an adapter with variable nd filter for canon R6. Best thing ever. No artifacts, no glare or reflection as it is between body and lens. Still using old canon EF lenses on mirrorless.

@auomi8762 - 12.06.2023 03:11

I was about 10 minutes in and realized how fire your shirt is!

Great video as always!

@PeteySmoothJazz5059 - 12.06.2023 20:21


@thumpertorque_ - 13.06.2023 10:52

I only have a Sony A6500, is the FJ400 compatible with it?

@thesupport4963 - 14.06.2023 21:49

great vid! But I definitely use high speed and so far my pic game is crazy! Sony A7r4\ Tamron 35-150mm f2-2.8\ Godox AD300 \ GLOW 36 inch beauty dish.

@SalCincotta1 - 18.06.2023 04:08

well done!!

@llamarvasquez1803 - 27.06.2023 19:47

Awesome photos and video! Question can I stack a NISI cpl true color filter on this system?? Thank you

@Ignacio28013 - 05.07.2023 02:34


@hankypanky4u - 14.07.2023 05:54

The whole point of the ND filter is so you don’t use your flash at high power so why did you need to have your power so high?

@beverlybasden2648 - 28.07.2023 13:22

Thank you!

@MetaTrixx - 02.08.2023 03:52

this video and demonstration is actually amazing and very well done. I love the fact that this was a true process and almost a science experiment. It shows new photographers like myself that its going to take time to get the perfect settings and not not get frustrated when it isnt perfect right away. great stuff!

@UnderratedJatt - 09.08.2023 11:47

great job ❤ very informative thank you

@MartinV. - 28.08.2023 11:39

Great video

@hudsoncaceres6820 - 30.08.2023 01:00

Can I ask what the reason you want to avoid High Speed Sync is?

@edwardhartman2408 - 01.09.2023 03:13

Do you have trouble with autofocus when the ND filter is on, especially that high?

@isoawe1888 - 06.09.2023 04:45

I’ve had my Singh Ray for about 30 years. Love the neutral color and the 2-8 stop range.

@dmamplifier2509 - 18.09.2023 01:42

video show, does the filter influence the sharpness?

@ladmanstudiosphotography - 19.09.2023 06:24

Great video. Been looking at trying to use ND filters with OCF. I have seen that there are now also Sensor ND filters. have you ever tried those?

@ankioomustapha7838 - 13.11.2023 03:23

You are a wonderful professional who knows how to choose true beauty to polish your photos. Yes, I love this information. Thank you

@spiscione - 16.11.2023 20:44

very clever trick!

@JeffreyJDavis - 14.01.2024 23:14

Great explanation and I actually ended up buying the NiSi a few months back after first watching this video. I just wanna make a minor correction. When you push on the 4stop ND on top of the VND I'm pretty sure you now have a 5 - 9 stop ND, not a 1-9 stop as you said a couple of times. Still a very useful kit and I agree that NiSi quality is worth it if you are earning from your shoots.

@iLLSinceProductions - 08.02.2024 12:13

That shirt gives me life

@Amatorlucis - 13.02.2024 16:34

Just thinking, it may not be an issue considering the kind of photo, but the vignette stacking two ND's here could turn out being very noticeable, even with good quality filters.
Couldn't it be a viable idea closing up to 2.8 or 3.2 even if this would reduce blur by a bit?
You're close enough for a good bokeh anyway.

@razerone49 - 20.02.2024 07:05

At 9.0 she looks like she was pasted into that background. At some point there is TOO much exposure difference between the model and the background. The 9.0 shot is a prime example of this

@loveiam4us - 25.03.2024 23:45

This was great! Thank you so much!

@616universe3 - 16.04.2024 20:34

Expose for the ambient light first.

@arminbaldon5347 - 27.05.2024 14:11

Great video! Would you recommend getting the FJ-X3 M or the FJ-X3 S for the Sony, since the universal trigger specifies that the Sony only works in manual mode?

@andersonboy620 - 17.06.2024 13:51

What about closing more the aperture in the camera? Isnt it easier? On top, the aperture wide open like you are shooting will never be the sharpest picture anyway.

@deangelogardner1 - 08.08.2024 11:59

mannnn thank you so much

@faizhernando9185 - 15.08.2024 11:04

9.0 is same with 1/ how power ?

@errole - 11.09.2024 22:45

Thank you for showing your power levels. Everyone talk about the camera but flash power is also important

@vidademikey9790 - 11.03.2025 19:33

That background with 9.0 looks terrible.
