They Killed This Game On Purpose...

They Killed This Game On Purpose...


1 год назад

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@dartmoul13 - 24.06.2023 22:33

well the reason this game died it was that the developers didnt realy gave a fuck what was working end what was not working with the maps the game mechaincs end the engine end all started in 2015

@DerGrafLP - 29.06.2023 06:13

Funny enough, I bet they would've even gotten 200k if they would've just asked for funds for the kickstarter to keep the old servers going.

The thing is, it's not like Reto did not have the money, they just had an abysmal financial plan running. They were located in Denmark and had overwhelmingly high cost to have staff. That, mixed with the fact that the game barely ever changed is kind of baffling. But this is an aspect that this video glossed over a bit, though it also isn't that easy to find and needs quite a lot of digging.

I still don't get why TLM bought the game and then tried so little to even make anything out of it in terms of profit.
I bet you the community would've paid for the servers. I think that because while I was not willing to pay a single cent for the super confusing plan to make a sequel out of the blue, but I would've pledged for a fund to keep the server running.
Just can't spend millions on staff that doesn't do anything and in the end and it would've still been here lels.

@BjornTheFearLess - 01.07.2023 23:46

I miss H&G......

@romanmacron2171 - 02.07.2023 01:41

H&G ideas, mechanics, level progression, careers choice, RTS side, faction specific gear...

All of this with a AAA budget would be the perfect WW2 FPS in my opinion.

Even better than Battlefield !

@ImotekhtheStormlord-tx2it - 06.07.2023 17:00

one of the saddest video game story. i loved the game back when it came out. just pure fun and pretty realistic gunplay.

@SuperThunder - 11.07.2023 01:59

Hello ! , Welcome My Friend ! , How Are You? Going Good ? :)

@Kovek1988 - 11.07.2023 21:35

Most stupid developers ever..They killed the best game ever...You must to be an idiot to achieve it...That HG2 looks like a bad joke xD

@9mmfederalrimmed235 - 14.07.2023 06:55

I hope there is an H&G 2 comming out.
Even when the graphics would be a bit better on UE, that would be fine.
Meanwhile I stay with Enlisted.
I do not see H&G 1 hat much expenses since the game never really changed that much.
They could have kept the servers run indefinately.
If H&G 2 shows up, that will have at least 2000 players constantly over years. That is more than most of new games ever have in their lifetime. If it would be as in the trailer it would have been sucessfull.

@metropolicec1787 - 16.07.2023 08:45

i used to like roleplaying a engineer who fixed the teammate tanks, good old times

@metropolicec1787 - 16.07.2023 08:45

its sad that there arent many games that include the t 20 kosmolets

@valentin9650 - 18.07.2023 21:22

the worst thing i've seen in gaming industry

@nickr7622 - 28.07.2023 01:24

What? Devs abused pay to win updates and players started dropping after release because they kept breaking gameplay even more to please pay to win. Like tanks after release where you could run up to a tank on foot and take it out and they never got balance right it just got stupid and original players quit.

@arkadisevyan - 30.07.2023 04:35

its hard not to be toxic too noobs when you got 3 stacks of light tanks in the battle and these noobs have tier 2 tanks without HE rounds or worse just t1 tanks

@hymnos4736 - 30.07.2023 20:27

Yea I love the game but shame its too grindy for me 😢

@WindWanderlust - 04.09.2023 21:01

I remember telling some toxic vets that they were going to kill the game by chasing all the new players away instead of being nice/welcoming and helping them...

@axdde6428 - 06.09.2023 20:54

everyone who wants h&g 2 a 20 year old game is getting ue5 update

name: world war 2 online

@richardofbajon1896 - 11.09.2023 18:50

It could have been the next Battlefield but developers did their best for years to kill the game. At the end they managed.
They made 2 big mistakes. 1, they didnt lisen to the players; 2 they didnt spend money on developement. I watched a video a few years ago about Reto finances and it showed HnG made a good amount of money but management used 95% of it to give themselves even higher salaries than companies like Blizzard/Electronic Art and used the rest 5% to spend on developement.
It was still the best free online FPS shooter, I even prefered it to BF or COD. I miss it dearly, funny story it made me to enroll school again to learn IT so one day I can remake HnG.

@Gaston-de-Lys - 12.09.2023 13:43

Hades is the worst snake in their company. "With 2 million we feel the players have contributed enough and then we will make it happen" meaning : " Give money or you won't have your game"'. Greedy goblin, pathetic CM and was using borderline pedo sentences on Discord.

@marck7978 - 23.09.2023 00:35

Hellborne: This could be the possible game to replace heroes and generals.

@stefansrl - 29.09.2023 21:11

The only game that gives the sensation that you really participate in WW2.

@jeffreyhoek740 - 06.10.2023 22:58

Played this game for years, the problem was that with the ‘war mode’ you would get extra money and xp and stuff. That is because the resources where controlled by players and thus unbalanced. Noobs messed up expensive resources, only playing war for the perks. And the vets payed the price for it, although i must say most of them got salty very fast. Spewing you out for making 1 simple/minor mistake for example.
But yeah that is why the community was toxic in my opinion.

It wasn’t only mistakes, it was also using very low level soldiers/tanks/planes (because they didn’t have anything better). They we’re destined to lose against well established players with good layouts.

@AlucardPina - 09.10.2023 23:17

It's so sad a good game die like this
Cuz f capitalism
It was not perfect
But it was so good and fun to play
The good thing it's that we have enlisted but it's not the same

@CapitalTeeth - 14.10.2023 13:21

In all honesty, the writing was on the wall as soon as RedBjarne (game's director until around may 2020) left.
Don't expect anything to come from the promised H&G2. That kickstarter was a fucking cash grab that never would have made anything come to fruition even if it succeeded. I say this as someone who spent a good 1700+ hours in this game.

@Suzuki_Hiakura - 15.10.2023 02:58

I see very little issue with them taking basic assets to display a functional game they plan to make. Would people have complained any less if they had white blocks for walls and guns??? Then there is the issue with them moving to UE 5, which when it first came out, looked amazing. The fact they had the groundwork for the game in UE 5 was rather nice to see, as graphics, code, and possibilities would greatly improve with its implementation. The only ridiculous part of the whole ordeal was the BS Kickstarter they tried to do in the first place... even 1 million would seem a ridiculous ask of the players. At that high a price, I would say you should get a share of the company at the minimum, as well as the perk stuff.

I still hope to see a new game, but like many, I don't quite expect it. I suppose the best we can hope for is some player-run servers kinda like the OG Xbox halo servers.

@ghug2864 - 15.10.2023 11:28

played this game for 4k hours loved the RTS side of the game because there isn't any game out there that have this mechanic. It's sad how the game started going down hill during 2019 with bugs, shitty updates that no one want, unbalance events that is one sided and gun changes.

@dertabletierer7802 - 19.10.2023 18:17

There is a fan made project out there, search for Beyond Heroes

@rasoolghanbari540 - 24.10.2023 02:17

I really miss it

@CM-ls6fh - 25.10.2023 13:25

I'm a 9 year vet - started HnG all the way back in 2014 and I'll tell you why HnG died plain simply: Reto never fucking listened to the community. And the fact that a lot of the shit the community complained about went through HADES as feedback to the devs certainly never helped. Hades is a bastard period. They fucked themselves by building their own engine not allowing for optimization and updates. They constantly upped the grind instead of improving the game itself with the limited funds they had. They never ever attempted to address proper issues after fucking over the game, constant dev streams with empty promises blablabla.

Reto went bankrupt because nobody had clue what the fuck they were doing. TLM attempted to generate some profit only to realize instead of marrying the rich 90 something year old with bagillions in the bank, they married some bozo on 1 hp. TLM is poisononous they have no clue what they we're doing either and their dev streams really showed that.

@adminadminov836 - 03.11.2023 19:56

Any news?

@turinmormegil7715 - 27.11.2023 01:47

I'll never forgive them for this. I'm not kidding when I say no shooter EVER has given me as much Fun as this game gave me. It had a daily feeling to me. Whenever I was bored, I'd launch it and update to play again

@NationOfMasturbation - 27.12.2023 03:47

The devs stopped caring, sadly

@Gamertyp-PZ38t - 29.12.2023 05:07

the way they dont even try anything

@qiaonasen3559 - 21.02.2024 21:17

Over the years from 2017 to 2020 Many of the big clans tried to do a Q&A with the devs with No luck as our requests would constantly be declined and later ignored by a certain God of the underworld. No hard feelings. We the clans all held community events on Discord that most of the community participated in. giving a sense of community and friendship. These events were held on the war map on battlefields far away from any significant Key objective or choke points.

We as a community tried to do our best to interact with the devs in a friendly manner. It´s true the H&G community was toxic we all knew it but for most clans there were no toxicity of any kind. and tried our outmost to interact and integrate new players to our game we loved and spent hundreds or even thousands of hours in.

Bigger clans got gold codes for free from the devs. Reason behind it is unknown. Maybe they saw that we tried our best for the game and community with our guides and other interactions with new players or it was bribes for something larger at play.

Before the introduction of the Soviet Union The community thrived especially on the Generals side of the game. Most players really fought their hardest to achieve victory.

With the arrival of the soviets we the veteran players who have played the longest and players who had spent a certain about of money into the game, We thought that the devs would reward us with free soviet Generals so that war faction could have some kind of foundation. Sadly we were told 3 days before it´s release that it would not be the case. Many felt forced to buy Soviet Generals if we wanted to play them actively on the war map and about a week later there was a discount of like 50 or 75% for generals and other minor war units. That was pretty much the only sale on generals until the end of the game.

The Soviets would become my main faction trough the years and i had so much fun i will never forget it. The introduction of the PTRD for the first time was insanely fun yet really annoying of the opposite factions until they themselves got an Anti-tank Rifles. PTRD one shot planes and pretty much all other vehicles except for tanks.
Later the nerf of Anti tank rifles and introduction of vehicle components made things different.

The introduction of the soviets broke the entire balance off the game in the long term of all the Wars.
Most players played Axis and Allies with the third of the player base or even less than that on the Soviets. The early soviet wars were pretty much Defeat after defeat until we the hardcore fans were able to build a foundation on the war map.

Later with time Many clans started rotating their factions as it started to get boring wining or losing every war they had for their main factions.

Throughout the years i think soviets had an exp boost when playing war that was on 50% as lowest and up too 85% experience gained due to the lack of players and too help players to rank up their soldiers.

Something the community craved was new maps we rarely had anything new from the release of H&G in 2016 to its final rest (RIP)
Some of the older maps were reworked etc. But Reto-moto had the assets and resources to make new maps we just did not get any.

We the players of the H&G community only wanted one thing from the devs regarding updates, roadmap, news etc. Was transparency.
Many myself included felt abandoned. We truly loved the game. Otherwise why did we play it ?

An article came up back in 2018 - 2019 that reto-moto was bankrupt or something regarding a scandal of some kind. the community at the time asked a lot of questions regarding it on the forums but posts were deleted and discussions regarding it was closed and locked. All we got was silence. Weeks later the article was gone. The news article was from a gaming news site. were it was based i do not recall but i could guess it was in Denmark.

This is my story and experience, I had played actively pretty much every day since 2015 until 2021- 2022. I have over 2000 hours into the game and probably 1000-1500 US Dollars invested.

Feel free to call me out for any bullshit or other issue i stated in this comment.
But this is the truth for me and many others of my friends who played this wonderful game.

@filipdudok1093 - 09.03.2024 12:42

even now in 2024 i miss the game so much

@rascal3042 - 17.03.2024 20:54

No big loss. Reto ran the game into the ground by being garbage.

@GILLISH - 23.03.2024 17:19

sad i loved this game

@seeyainvalhalla8702 - 01.04.2024 11:04

the game was doomed from the start, from the very start game was pay2win, very, very pay2win

@bruce4130 - 06.04.2024 14:34

It made video game history for One bungle after another!

@bruce4130 - 06.04.2024 14:36

New players need to have their own games, it needed levels of exp! Tanks should have been limited and equal with the opposing side!

@bruce4130 - 06.04.2024 14:38

Adding too much, the original game was cool! Way too many changes that players didn’t request 90% of the time!

@TKDragon75 - 24.04.2024 08:03

Nobody fought every change to make it better, half the changes the devs made were so dense and never listened to the community except for 1 side of it. The German sides was so biased it was unbelievable with far superior early game weapons, more machine guns, better anti-tank weapons, and better tanks and planes. The Soviets just got mega screwed tbh, at least US was playable. There was like an entire 2 year span towards the end where nobody would even touch the soviet factions and they'd lose every war in a few hours.

@Nathan-jh1ho - 11.05.2024 22:33

Remember playing this like 6 7 years ago, was preety good at it

@levelovixor - 25.07.2024 17:42

I might be wrong but from my knowledge denmark (The country where reto moto had it's HQ) demanded that programmers were paid a lot of money, Reto Moto were printing millions of dollars with h&g but millions of dollars were being lost to paying the programmers

@TomAcker88 - 09.08.2024 03:48

this game was STOLEN from us

@boogie5 - 15.08.2024 06:02

Do we think they bought it just for the IP... Maybe a H&G 2 down the line??
Or better yet, World War II Online! The team is working on bringing it to the UE5!
Its like Heroes but on crack! 2/1 scale map of Western Europe, no load screens, persistent...

And for now, PLAY SQUAD 44!!! Thank me later 😉🪖

@Perkeletricksterservantofrher - 06.09.2024 05:47

