My 10 Best Recipes from 2023 | Marion Wrapped!

My 10 Best Recipes from 2023 | Marion Wrapped!

Marion's Kitchen

1 год назад

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@ВикторияН-ъ5м - 31.12.2023 09:12

Happy New Year, Marion, and thank you for everything, i have learnt from you!
Greetings from Moscow, Russia!🎉❤

@nickyeverydaymeal - 31.12.2023 09:24

Thank you for nice recipe, Happy New year, Marion, 🥰and Happy New Year to all!!🤗💕🎉

@sophiaisabelle027 - 31.12.2023 09:27

We appreciate your recipes. Wishing you all the best no matter what.

@natashafrance717 - 31.12.2023 11:18

Lamb is my favourite, I actually cooked it for Christmas dinner 😋 …Happy New year to you and your family, sending love from the UK 🇬🇧 (love your fish and chips btw lol) 💕

@dasj307 - 31.12.2023 12:57

Love your recipes Marion, happy new year

@sharmishthabanerjee6852 - 31.12.2023 13:06

awesome recipes chef , please show New Zealand lamb chops and Xinjiang Lamb recipe please

@dawnwilson9036 - 31.12.2023 13:20

I just got 3 of your books for christmas for myself and hubby then treated me to your wok, waiting for it to arrive and ive shopped all the ingredients i needed for all the recipes i want to try first, excited for my wok to arrive so i can get started, ive tried lots of your recipes and they always taste fabulous, but i am sure they will be so much better now with the right tools:) thanks for inspiring us all to cook great food, happy new year to you and all your team :)

@Wklsto - 31.12.2023 14:42

Personally I do not like the taste of lamb.

@dee_dee_place - 31.12.2023 19:38

Marion- Thank you so much for all of your recipes.
I'm on a strict no-salt to low-salt diet (for my kidneys), & eating in restaurants has become problematic for me. I love Asian cuisine & thanks to you, I can make it at home regularly.
I'm most grateful to you for the one & only turkey recipe I have made & actually ate with gusto. All the others wound up in the garbage.
I wish you, your family, & your crew a happy, healthy,, & peaceful New Year. See you in 2024. (West Coast, USA)

@bkm2797 - 31.12.2023 21:48

Marion, your recipes are the best, so I know it must have been hard to choose a top 10. I want to thank you for all the fun ways you share how to cook these tasty dishes, it's obvious what a genuine foodie you are. Wishing you the very best in 2024, can't wait to see you then.
Happy New Year to you and yours!🎆🎉❤️👍

@yenhoang2640 - 01.01.2024 05:59

Your food cook so good 👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

@CarmeneDecayette-nv6bt - 01.01.2024 06:41

Yummy 🎉🎉❤

@MarcMcCormic.26x4Fatbike - 01.01.2024 20:03

Happy New year Marion and teammates 🎉 Pretty good job for those recipes ❤ Just 2 things to tell : Don't cook the chips in water 😅 it's a "crime" my friends,,, just do the 2 cooking in hot oil 140 and 180 °C, choose hard potatoes as like Bindje" or those you mentioned. Secondly: perhaps your Sambal needs more oil, if l compare to others videos that I have saw... Cheers, keep doing 😃

@michaelanderson3771 - 02.01.2024 23:48

Happy New Year Marion and Noi
I cooked your Thai Satay chicken for New Years Eve for Friends and a massive success. (Of course after a few practice runs for myself and my wife.)
Your peanut sauce was Sooooo Gooood - I shall never buy Satay Sauce again.
A winner and you toip of buying High end Red curry paste and Quality coconut milk makes it. I however used 1 tin of the Milk and 1 tin of the cream for a slightly thicker sauce as I wanted my sauce with more body.
All the best for 2024.
Regards Michael.

@alisonseagar8977 - 04.01.2024 01:21

Hello, and thank you for your delicious recipes. British fish and chips. Traditionally, they cannot be British if they are cooked in (asian) oil. Besides not being healthy when cooked 8 out of ten oils, tallow, beef fat, so healthy for the body, is what they should be cooked in. Look up Weston A Price Foundation to verify this. Tallow also gives a delicious taste, and you will never go back to anything else after that. THAT is British fish and chips. Full stop, though I expect that most fish and chip shops have had to become PC on this one, foolishly.

@ftsecat - 04.01.2024 16:35

I get really hungry and excited to try out your recipies Marion but I find it frustrating when you don't tell the quantities used. I expect they are in your cookery books but here in the UK your books are extrodinarily expensive, way out of my league. I am going to guess the quatities and fingers crossed it works. In the mean time keep those recipes coming, Happy New Year to you.

@cmtv1570 - 05.01.2024 10:17

Lahat niluluto niya masasarap hangang matapus pang sosyal lahat ng niluto ni ma'am

@Mashariki_0 - 07.01.2024 20:54


@ChiliPepperMadness - 09.01.2024 08:14

These all sound good!

@linnlindner7628 - 18.01.2024 19:20

Being allergic to coconut and pineapple does anyone have any advice what would bring the most to recipes and i could substitute for coconut milk?

@Enjoy42ye - 29.01.2024 17:28

Amazing menu chef ❤❤❤

@WendyHannan-pt7ez - 03.02.2024 03:06

Thanks Marion, I love all your recipes, you never fail to deliver. You do everything with such ease, your recipes look delicious. 😊

@celythompson7957 - 03.02.2024 09:07

I just started watching you this January. I watch your videos daily. Tried few of your recipes and not disappointed. Love your Tacos.❤

@dr.farehasaleem5061 - 05.02.2024 21:18

Nice lamb biryani

@dr.farehasaleem5061 - 05.02.2024 21:19


@dr.farehasaleem5061 - 05.02.2024 21:19

Kindly share mango rice recipie i love thai foods

@hmgcrawler - 08.02.2024 08:29

Quik way to make sweet rice is to soak your the rice in boiling hot water for 15 min and steam it just like how you regularly would steam it. You'll have sweet rice in and hour or less.

@knarf146 - 08.02.2024 21:17

Will try to make it this weekend

@ratsamyluangrath3368 - 10.02.2024 11:27

Your videos cooking is excellent 👍

@ifiknewthen13 - 17.02.2024 22:59

Can the texture be substituted for 🍯mustard . Looks sim.

@krystleboss8573 - 20.02.2024 16:38

That fish, chips, mushy peas & curry sauce looks perfect! (I’m British btw)

@ceemartin5624 - 12.03.2024 04:36

I'm an Aussie living in England and I've never seen curry sauce with Fish & Chips. That isn't 'traditional'. More traditional would be tartare sauce. The malt vinegar is for the fish, not just the chips. Also the batter is usually made with very cold beer. Once the batter is made, it should rest in the fridge for at least half an hour, that will make the fish batter crispy when frying.

@TamaraRoth-ij4rc - 13.03.2024 06:08

Wow this is very useful, thank you marion's

@husaier - 16.03.2024 11:01

Hey I love your videos. Just a small correction - Chongqing is not a province but a city in China.

@CanalDaGleice - 24.03.2024 00:56

amazing video my friend .- yummy food

@CanalDaGleice - 24.03.2024 01:09

New friend - stay connected forever!!

@caroldoll - 27.03.2024 17:43

Looks so delicious, now I am hungry

@leonielorian8361 - 06.06.2024 15:28

Could I use coconut milk instead of soy? I really don’t like soy

@marijkeschellenbach2680 - 18.06.2024 01:50

Thank you Marion for one of your BEST compilations of the most delicious recipes. My mouth was watering with every bite you took.....I love food as much as you do! I am going to make the laksa paste this week so I can make that delicious soup!!!!!!!

@deped-cebucityrolandoarane5913 - 16.07.2024 04:59

I really love how casual Marion makes conversations with the prod team. I am watching this video alone and funny as it sounds, I laugh with her.

@Herreratali - 31.07.2024 23:53


@thecuttingsark5094 - 10.08.2024 20:11

That Fish and Chips is much crunchier than a British Fish Supper. Which is Normally much better. Unless You’re eating it on a cold, wet British day, then you will appreciate the mushy chips.

@gypsywolf2061 - 20.08.2024 11:35

Marion, I tried your tip with using baking soda for the first time last night and it made the biggest difference! i'll never skip that step again!

@Redhanded26 - 30.08.2024 13:31

Classic fish and chips is not served with curry sauce! Mushy peas, bread and butter and a pot of tea! Also Tartare sauce and salt and vinegar are the condiments, and a touch of baking powder in your flour to make the batter more crispy and light!

@ZenaidaRoxas-yk8pp - 28.10.2024 01:46

Love your recipes! Always perfect! Thanks, Marion! Much Love, From your viewer in the Philippines.

@marides9226 - 15.11.2024 05:51

Is your sauces available in amazon for US consumers and where?

@Denamber-69 - 28.12.2024 20:41

Fish and chips look good but I don't think half of the day is worth it :)

@christinemalaka8636 - 17.02.2025 05:49

Ten 1000 thumbs up. so many brilliant recipes can't wait to do fish and chips like you showed. you have nailed it. a hint for you. the best chips I've had anywhere, ever, were at a fish and chip shop in canada, and i complimented the owner when he came to our table. he said the secret is Kennibeck potatoes. He said they are best for fries. You rock, marion. I watched your meatball video, recently, too, and will be making probably all of those, at some point, as well as mama Noi's noodle wrapped treats. I'll be making those for my son in law, too, and grandkids. For SURE I will be making some meatballs with char sui sauce.

@SuAnne-lc5rw - 26.02.2025 05:15

You are making my mouth 👄 water yummy yummy 😋
