@legacygaming As the user of gimbals on Ships will be universal in the future, and the (-1 Size) thing will be in the past, it will be interesting when that arrives. Players just choose to use gimbals or not, gaining benefits for the latter choice.
ОтветитьThe now: your assessment of the Pisces is correct. The future: armor will help that little guy.
ОтветитьMy second account "Zero to Hero" starter was the Nomad, and I dig what it offers. Sure you can jump up to the Cutty Black or Freelancer (my original account starter) but the small components and other aspects for future gameplay make it ideal in my opinion. And if you knock the Nomad for where it sits in pricepoint because you can jump up, that same jump can be made for that amount from starters below the Nomad. 😉
Ответитьyou overlook many things...
first the aurora is one of the best in combat right now over the mustang or the pisces due to it's size.
and fit in any ship that got a landing bay unlike the mustang.
second the pisces got a tank fuel 10 time bigger and allow to explore a planet without really any bother for refuel...
but doesn't offer any logout bed, which make the cutter better in that regard, tho less effective in combat.
but the pisces ca be upgraded to the rescus variant which offer medical supply and you still have place for a 1scu crate to fit in for bunker run.
third; 100i is a joke in combat; and if you are to go for the 100 series... juste take the 135c.
fourth; if you put the avenger then add the 300 serie in aswell...
as for the 300, again you better go for the 315p which is the same price as the 135c.... and got 12 scu and a tractor bean instead of the 3rd weapon that the avenger has;
also twice more fuel tank than the pisces... and much faster and nimble than the avenger.
fifth; the Reliant Tana is better to get than the Kore if you plan on being 2 players playing together... it's give 2 beds logout allowing to always tag along...
1 Scu for a crate for bunker run... alot of firepower to do PvE combat missile, it's a special one as if you are 2 thinking about joining... one could take the lowest price starter pack and the other a tana and you just always play together, and follow each other with the logout bed.
something that is sad is that CIG doesn't allow to make a team account and buy a package as a team... that would be interesting... as two players could get a team account and a ship and that ship would be shared and whenever any player would log on that ship would be available.
The one you have the most fun with
ОтветитьBest starter ship is not one at all, wait for this project to come out. Dont buy into what it can be... you'll be there for years.
ОтветитьIts really a shame I am to poor to play such a great game
Ответитьlook i dont care who u are. not having a bed, some kind of walkable interior and bathroom/cargo in a starter is stupid. u want a starter to be able to do a lil bit of everything. u want to dogfight or mine or do other stuff? then u go into more specialized ships. u dont even need new ships a bunch of these ships would be better if u just give them the options. everyone would buy the pisces if u just get rid of the stupid jumpseats and give them a bed and shower/toilet combo. just give ppl the interior options. how the hell did u still not fix the reliant ships to not lock u out of the cockpit when u log out via bed??!?!? just put a button to open and close the door.
ОтветитьNomad is a personal favorite. It's weird little quirks like the flatbed and the weird angled bathroom/storage doors, it's speed, durability, maneuvarability - It's just the perfect all-rounder. I have two LTI starters, and one of them I upgraded to the Nomad on a whim. I will literally NEVER upgrade from it - it's the most obscenely balanced solo-starter. The fact that you have access to almost every gameloop from the outset with it (sans salvage and space mining) means it's a perfect base to kick off from, and work towards bigger stuff like a Freelancer/Cutty/C1.
ОтветитьWhat's the music at the start of the c8x section?
ОтветитьThe Reliant Core could be such an excellent starter ship but is really held back by its age and bugs. In almost every other patch the ship gets bugged out and really isn't too useable. Its sad because it has pretty much everything youd need to survive in the verse on top of having really great firepower when you add all the guns. I really hope this ship gets some love from CiG!
ОтветитьThe Pisces is a shuttle ship, it’s not great for much other than fast, agile flying and transport, so I do agree it’s not a great pick for new players.. or rather, they can do better. From me, it’s between the Drake Cutter and the Aegis Avenger Titan - they are clearly the best two, followed by the Nomad. If you remotely value offensive capabilities though, the S4 nose and 2x S3 wing weapon mounts on the Titan mean it’s the clear winner and remains the king of starter ships. It will always have a place in my hangar, and I use it constantly even to this day.
ОтветитьReferral Code if anyone looking STAR-WY6Y-NWGJ
ОтветитьHonestly, with how much triple A games are worth now, 45-60 quid, with extra in-game items seems like a steal.
Ответить*You can purchase any flyable ship in-game BESIDES the Mustang Omega and Sabre Raven.
ОтветитьPisces bottom of the list? Tell me you don't play SC without telling me... C8X4L1F3
Ответить135C foe the win!!
ОтветитьThe Avenger Titan starter pack is currently on sale and ends today and you just sold me on it 😂🫡
ОтветитьDammit... I want to start with Star Citizen and I can't decide which ship I should take to start. I reeeeeeally like the look of the Syulen and it is my favorite, but the more information I gather, the more is the Avenger Titan in this choice of mine, but just for utility. The look of the Titan is... not my thing really... Is it really that important to transport vehicles early in the Game?
Ответитьnice video. I started with the cutter game package as it was the cheapest do it all. I love all the starters, but if I were to do it again I would do the nomad. Most of all I'd look for the longest insurance LTI preferably since it seems like we are getting a lot closer to release. The nomad at this time overheats and you need to change the engine so, not a good starter. Freelancer and Cutlass are great if you are comfortable spending the money.
ОтветитьCorrection: You can't purchase "EVERY SHIP THAT IS CURRENTLY FLYABLE". Ships do not usually become purchasable in-game until the NEXT patch after their release. IE: if a ship released in 3.20, you won't be able to buy it until 3.21 releases. Sometimes it happens in a smaller patch like 3.20.1 but its not common.
Ответитьthe nomad had two weapons rack u forgot to mention and most ships when first released where alot cheaper, i got my nomad with the two skins for 70 usd on launch the fact its 95 is funny
Ответитьwhy is none talking about the hornet f7c ?
ОтветитьYou should add a part about the secret storefronts they have once you spend $1k and $10k on a perpetually unfinished game
Ответитьcan we test all of these in free fly? might look at each of them tomorrow to decide if so
Ответитьi was thinking of getting the game and this helped deciding on what ship to choose and the ship im going to get is on sale rn too so this was great timing
Ответитьsmall correction: you cannot fly any ship that is currently flyable ingame. a lot of ships are gated for a lot of patches until they get purchasable ingame, whereas you can access them with real money directly without waiting half a year or longer.
ОтветитьI know I'm a bit late to this video, but when talking about the Nomad, you said gear has an impact on your flight capabilities. what do you mean? Aside from the obvious. Does your armor actually affect the way a ship flies?
Ответитьcoming back to this game after awhile and this is a good refresher
ОтветитьI LOVE this video! Earned a sub!
Ответитьwow. i wanted to start. watching the video.... prices are 15-20% higher now...
ОтветитьWell, the Avenger Titan looks like my favorite 🤩
ОтветитьWhat is your opinion on the 300i series?
Ответитьgasp!! how dare you lol :D the Pisces is THE BEST starter ship. :D
ОтветитьHeads up, not all flyable ships are purchasable ingame. For example, special promotional deals keep the Intel themed Sabre Raven, and the AMD themed Mustang Omega, both of which are not just reskins but unique variants of ships with their own unique gameplay features and hulls, locked only to accounts of people who redeemed the code that came with specific hardware. Tbere are still others such as the Sythe, available only to subscribers or buyers of the original "Captured Sythe", the F8C which is locked to accounts that either submitted a golden ticket from its flyable release event or citizens who pledge $10,000 dollars or more. Some of these, such as the F8C will change in time to be available to earn in game, but others such as the brand-deal ones will never be available to buy in game barring a new or changed brand deal with Intel and AMD.
Ответить1 titan
2 100i
3 cutter
4 cutter rambler
5 pisces x or r all else not worth it
bought the game a few days ago and went with the mustang I DIDNT EVEN KNOW THERE WAS A CARGO RACK, I gave the ship a once over when in-game and I guess I never saw the cargo bay prompt, i have been jank-ily putting small cargo in the cockpit with me. this guide has already helped
ОтветитьIs the 325a a good starter?
ОтветитьThere is a new jackal starter pack right now with a ton of extras for a much lower price so you guys should really look into buying that package!!
Ответитьyou SHOULD own a 100series even if you don't start with it. The fuel efficiency is so overwhelmingly good that it hard to beat for travel.
Ответитьthe aurora is the garbage can of star citizen lol i hated that i chose this ship as my starter and finally switched it out for the medical pisces and now own that and a cutless black the BEST starter ship
Ответитьi picked the one i could afford lol
ОтветитьI want to start playing and there is a sale rn, should I get the Syulen, The Cutter or The Nomad?
Ответитьnever thought id see the day that legacy gaming does content on star citizen! been playing the game for 5 years now and love to see others getting into it!
ОтветитьIn my opinion i respect how big this game was and how all it was in real-time (didnt pley ever game just watched videos) but those ships are too expensive. Can something explain me if you buy 100$ ship or any other cheaper or more expensive, if someone attack you and destroy your ship did you lost ship for always or what happened?! 🤔
ОтветитьThe Idris isn't a starter ship? shoot.
ОтветитьDon’t need to watch your video. The best starter ship is the Reliant Kore, period!
Ответитьi am thinking about getting the syulen starter pack bc life long insurace
ОтветитьHopefully you all enjoy the video! All footage was captured by us in-game and took a hot minute to produce this. If you liked it, consider subscribing, checking out our other content, and sticking around for future videos :)