Dramatic moment fairground goers rush to free revellers stuck on collapsed ride in Birmingham

Dramatic moment fairground goers rush to free revellers stuck on collapsed ride in Birmingham

The Sun

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@dles921khp - 13.12.2024 11:54

No english people was reported to be hurt.

@StevetheWeave. - 13.12.2024 12:10

As a maintenance welder by trade, I can't help inspecting these sort of structures beforehand and now I rarely go on rides!

@rbee3936 - 13.12.2024 12:11

Probably more people taken to hospital from hyperthermia than from the damaged ride itself...lol

@carlstuttard1517 - 13.12.2024 12:15

First rule don’t get on fair ground rides normally dodgy standards

@swiftnevisonbushwrangler6905 - 13.12.2024 12:16

They’re playing the wrong tune 🤪 they should be playing
“Where’s your
head at” 😂

@Anson-g5w - 13.12.2024 12:22


@EVG_Channel - 13.12.2024 12:43

just a slight understanding of GPE makes me think its not a good idea to get on one of these.

@TS-1267 - 13.12.2024 12:50

.... " Plastic Gaff-Lad's " 😮

@oddities-whatnot - 13.12.2024 12:52

Travelling funfairs, nope. Health and safety ? Make your own mind up.

@creativeamerican8811 - 13.12.2024 13:03

I’ve painted boats in yards where these rides are stored and they’re literally just left out in the elements when not used… then rattle away up motorways to their destinations… then erected..

They are death traps.

@scottyj9150 - 13.12.2024 13:10

Owned by such a well known family as Danters, you would have thought this ride would have been well looked after!

@Alex-cw3rz - 13.12.2024 13:25

I can only presume the oddballs in the comments saw Birmingham started going red with rage and then claimed it looks nothing like Britain. Even though the only group scene we see is of about 15 people one is asian, with the history in the area he will have been born in Britiain. This just shows how out of touch with reality, everything has to be about race, perpetually angry ecen when a video doesn't prove their warped viewpoint they are still there.

@dannydee2668 - 13.12.2024 13:25

I'm in my 50s and I've never been on a fairground ride. I prefer to watch them than be on them.

@SirReginaldBlomfield1234 - 13.12.2024 14:30

The only warning we need from The Sun is that there is nothing to see. Just like their red top rag for the educated.

@dans3626 - 13.12.2024 14:41

And the music kept on playing on and on...

@sydsaturn3337 - 13.12.2024 14:57

So much for the local councils health and safety inspection before allowing this to operatee

@Thegoodwithin - 13.12.2024 15:52

These rides at fairgrounds should be health and safety checked every day ??

@245thegreat - 13.12.2024 16:06

For those saying "death trap" bleating unsafe, this was souly and entirely down to the operator and lack of knowledge. The ride can be manually over ridden to speed up during it's decent, but instead of being sped up, it should of been slowed down before it reached near to platform level. The chairs have wrapped themselves around the uprights, bad operation, not a malfunction. Someone will be getting their arse kicked for certain!!

@MissRoseLily - 13.12.2024 16:20

😮 Can't believe I used to be so carefree taking chances on poorly put together old junk. Never again.

@Pete86111 - 13.12.2024 16:33

That's UK lmfao

@deborahwright759 - 13.12.2024 16:52

Who in there right mind would go to a fair ground in this weather 😊

@MotorhomeBeasts - 13.12.2024 17:19

Wow..I was on the big wheel ride next to this one the other day ,i had recorded it,, It had made a noise when went around..hard to explain but I had uploaded it on utube on Wednesday

@TaqveemKhalid - 13.12.2024 17:31

somebody must have filmed it, I don't believe for a second that someone doesn't have video evidence of the incident.

@xsuzannex - 13.12.2024 17:53

How frightening! I only trust the proper theme parks

@mel_arky - 13.12.2024 17:56

I went to Birmingham on the 3rd Dec on my day off mainly because I hadn't been before and wanted to check out the Christmas Market. Think it's like £8 to go on this ride and despite my minor concerns about the seats the crew do check people are properly secured into their seats. I did enjoy the ride, I was properly covered and even if the sights we're... well Birmingham, it was a fun rest from a day of walking. I think during the time I was on they were running low capacity (~5pm) and only like 4/5 people were on the ride inc myself. You really have to put a bunch of trust in the ride ops to think it felt "safe". I'm one to at least let loose and try and enjoy things at least once, lucky it wasn't yesterday during all this.

@Jimmy_one67 - 13.12.2024 18:31

I was building up the courage to go on one of these sky rides . I still might but not one of the travelling ones

@TROJANP - 13.12.2024 20:13

Wow , couldn’t even turn off the music , that speaks mountains on how this situation could have been avoided.

@DigitalFunfair - 13.12.2024 20:30

I hope everyone is okay and everyone makes a recovery to anyone injured, i just want to say something as well as i feel as if some people have a lack of education when it comes to these things. These rides are check multiple times a year by professionals which have to go through years to training to reach a qualifaction. These rides are put through insurance compainies as well which make sure everything is in check. Rides have to have regular maintaince to keep things in check. They all so have to be check daily and have to be check multiple times before opening/ running the ride and they even have to do test runs. This issues is rare and the media likes to make it sound worse by adding on these more advance words to create more suspence and for the less educated people you will see these words which makes you believes these stupid things. Never just assume the worst because there is more to the story then they like to make out and is having a impact on familys business.

@GymEddz - 13.12.2024 20:49

Comments, the place where all cowards can express their racism.

@mikec32001 - 13.12.2024 20:49

Held together with rusty nuts and operated by pykies. What can go wrong?

@lynntracy6085 - 13.12.2024 20:54

That's bad, they should test them every day. Safety first then profit can't take chances on people's lives.

@karenclemens3985 - 13.12.2024 21:01

Travelling fairground rides have always been the pinnacle of health and safety standards, operated by the most scrupulous people on the fringes of society! Get well soon to all those injured.

@barcodebattler2587 - 13.12.2024 21:47

3rd world corrupt city Council in 3rd world city for 3rd world people. Totally predictable.

@KieranJefferies - 13.12.2024 21:55

This ride is closed for safety

@capri4682 - 13.12.2024 23:11

I don’t trust portable setup rides they seem sketchy

@snlpes86 - 13.12.2024 23:29

when i record on my phone its always really clear and loads of wide angle to it but when everyone else records on the internet its always 400x zoom.......

@Richie92191 - 13.12.2024 23:57

Two fairground workers arrested

@heatherhigson342 - 14.12.2024 00:52

This is happening to often now … the workers armed getting like the council workers ( incompetent).. it was only days ago the fair lads didn’t check the seats were locked

@omztelriz1226 - 14.12.2024 01:58

I can't say im surprised they put this ride up within a day or two and you expect to believe its safe. When we have theme park rides which still have issues

@techtinkerin - 14.12.2024 02:40

Yaaaay to carnie maintenance standards

@xix94 - 14.12.2024 03:34

this is one reason why I stay away from fairgrounds

@leaveourstatuesalone.3378 - 14.12.2024 15:53

Good luck catching the owner, they travel around a lot….

@965088 - 14.12.2024 17:15

These rides that get moved around from place to place are not safe in my opinion. The fixings must wear with time and they build and take down so quickly, I can guess how safety measures are overlooked.

@pharaohjoshua - 14.12.2024 19:19

I'd avoid UK fairground rides.

@Goozo612 - 14.12.2024 21:53

Lmmfao 🤣🤣😹😹😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣😹😹😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

@PaigeKehel-i6x - 15.12.2024 13:51

Not the person who is working on here faults rides have there own mind like anything else and can suddly break

@Life_as_an_ant - 17.12.2024 14:32

I was standing there about an hour earlier hearing the screams and wondering why people do it to themselves. Now this. If you want to risk your life, join the fire brigade. They need volunteers.

@kirktongue6544 - 17.12.2024 15:24

Weeeeeeeeeeeeey, swinger rooney

@walkerpantera - 08.02.2025 14:08

what was sooooo disturbing about this footage? I didn't see jack! I thought I wanna gonna see blood and guts!

@nunzioification - 09.02.2025 08:19

The women who went to the hospital hopefully got paid and anyone who seemed ok at the time could’ve died the next day of internal injuries, always get the insurance company before they get you, just in case
