ALL ABOARD - Nancy Drew: Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon - PART 1

ALL ABOARD - Nancy Drew: Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon - PART 1


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@SplitKegan - 27.04.2021 19:52

I love Nancy Drew mystery Mondays :')

@kukit5720 - 27.04.2021 20:25

Now I'm thinking about getting a carmalatti hold the Bugatti

@joeynorton434 - 27.04.2021 22:18

Paige is the conductor confirmed

@samt-ng5un - 27.04.2021 23:30

now i'm not 100% sure. but i think you just might have been playing this game with your left hand.

@fairsuns - 28.04.2021 00:12

oh no joe i havent played and finished this so im gonna have to skip watching this to avoid spoilers bestie 😭

@kikikara123 - 28.04.2021 00:20

My brain was always smooth when trying to play these games as a kid 🥴 my eight year old self could NEVER

@emdingeldein - 28.04.2021 01:44

tino baldouchebag

@simplysavyyy - 28.04.2021 02:22

I’m late af but I’m here for it

@cometTells - 28.04.2021 06:48

Found you on one of my Nancy drew Facebook groups! You’re so fun to watch😂😂 SUBSCRIBED! 👏🏻👏🏻

@RoboticYeti - 28.04.2021 07:07

Oh yeah Nancy’s friends in the earlier games are for sure psychic. Calling them is the main way to get hints in those earlier games and they’re always weirdly over specific and know things that Nancy has never told them lmao. It’s so wild

@bailily - 28.04.2021 07:27

These Nancy Drew games give me the biggest serotonin boost, thank you so much!

@ohitshilary - 28.04.2021 07:47

The two-part word was motherfuc*ker! Hahaha. Hence "I'm not your mother". This is hilarious, can't wait for more episodes!

@RoboticYeti - 28.04.2021 07:52

So the guy who voices Frank in this game actually voices Nancy’s boss in an earlier game. It’s weird they picked a guy who sounded older but he’s eventually recast in later games. Joe is the only one of Nancy’s friends to have the same voice actor in all the games he appears in. Nancy is played by Lani Minella in all games except the last one - a game most of the fandom pretends doesn’t exist

@RoboticYeti - 28.04.2021 08:21

I’m so happy to be caught up on the Nancy Drew videos!! I work when you stream but I work from home so I’m definitely going to try to catch next week live :D

@ryusgirl - 28.04.2021 09:10

It's the ghost vibes for me

@kayhaven4710 - 28.04.2021 19:22

Found you through the Nancy Drew game FB group, and I’m so glad!! You’re hilarious!

@kayhaven4710 - 28.04.2021 20:47

I’m looking forward to you hopefully playing more Nancy Drew games!!

@kayhaven4710 - 28.04.2021 20:49

“I’m gonna call Bess. I don’t know who Marvin is.”

Uhhhhhhhhh.....her last name? 😂😂😂

@emmamoose3171 - 28.04.2021 21:40


@SarJ7Kat - 28.04.2021 23:52

omg i never got that they were two left shoes, i always thought the L meant large hahahahahah no wonder that clue didn't help me out later

@SarJ7Kat - 28.04.2021 23:53

Also the way that the perspective changes when you talk to Joe and Frank makes it look like Nancy is laying on her belly on the dining table lol

@bethanylawrence3181 - 29.04.2021 03:09

I think my dad's disappointment in me stemmed from my inability to solve Nancy Drew games.

@macweenie3780 - 30.04.2021 05:30

Thornton Hall! Deception Island! Alibi in Ashes!

@dreamielynn1264 - 30.04.2021 12:32

Just followed you on twitch ♥️

@CryslaSchlehuber - 01.05.2021 09:18

I love these games so much I’m glad they’re being picked up

@patricknott - 01.05.2021 16:09

The voice acting :O This is Oscar worthy. Thank-you always Joe for this great content

@demigothneka - 01.05.2021 22:58

"they don't look like brothers," Joe said despite them having the exact same face model.

@stefanya8040 - 02.05.2021 22:03

Your energy is what we all need. Love your videos

@jenna2jz814 - 03.05.2021 00:47

“Hold your shit”

@DreamyWorld19 - 23.05.2021 05:25

Not Tino Fettuccine 😩🤚🏻

@JordanStar7 - 11.06.2021 04:44

Why does Tino Balducci sound like Manadnach from Skyrim

@hannahcurry8074 - 06.08.2021 03:08

I am Hannah 👁👄👁

@theatrefreak1995 - 10.01.2022 06:14

Joe Hardy is a himbo queen and I love him

@jungtothehuimang - 04.02.2022 07:36

Lori sounds like Jennifer Coolidge lol

@squeezewax_ct - 06.04.2022 12:56

“Hurley Burley by the hit jpop group Perfume” You just tapped into a memory that I forgot existed omg I used to love Perform! The nostalgia!

@theatrefreak1995 - 17.05.2022 00:49

I LOVE the voice actor for Joe Hardy

@tensugarcubes - 24.05.2022 08:52

naur bc i didnt read nancy drew or the hardy boys growing up but these games kinda have me shipping them

@firebladetenn6633 - 14.06.2022 01:03

This was the very first video I ever saw of you. This is one of my favorite games so I was looking for players. Found you and love your reactions to the story and the puzzles.

@quinnzykir - 23.12.2022 05:48

It’s weird how Her interactive remastered one game then gave up

@knizacj8462 - 17.03.2023 05:00

Can't wait to watch this, this one is one of my favorites. Just a really solid game

@svobodarna - 13.04.2023 20:31

you don't even know how much ur videos help me while I'm working. I don't watch any other game streamers. greetings from Ukraine!!! love love love

@maciaaa5859 - 06.03.2024 05:54

Who let Lori dress like that

@Emotori7 - 17.03.2024 05:28

I know this is late but they kept changing everyone voice actor over the years except Nancy's they didn't change her's until the 33rd game: Midnight In Salam I don't know why they did I just know they did

@firebladetenn6633 - 20.11.2024 06:09

I know I already commented but..
Did any of you know that Nancy was originally a blond with blue eyes?
A 16 year old high school graduate and detective.
She was later turned to a Titian haired And blue eyed 18 years old. (A dark red/brown)
The same man that wrote the Hardy Boys wrote Nancy as a female counterpart of the Hardy Boys.
She was originally more unruly and violent than she has become.

Her dad, Carson Drew, is a fantastic lawyer that is so good he gets taken away to different places for days if not weeks. In fact, some of Nancy’s cases is for her dad or her dad’s clients or friends.

In the original versions she lost her mom at the age of 10. It was later changed to 3. Her dad traveling everywhere has Nancy taking care of herself and the house ever since, letting her dad know he can trust her to take care of herself.

Bess and George are cousins.
Elizabeth/ Bess Marvin and George Fayne. These characters showed up in the 5th book replacing a friend called Helen Corning. A flighty but fun loving , loyal friend. But Bess and George have always helped Nancy a lot more than Helen did. She does show up in the books every once in a while though.

Nancy’s boyfriend Ned Nickerson, showed up in book 7. He is a student at Emerson College and sometimes joins Nancy on her cases.

Wooh that was a lot of typing and research.
Worth it.
