Gamemaker is so easy to use!! I love it
ОтветитьWe love gamemaker
Ответитьis this gamemaker
ОтветитьGamemaker has terrible UI capabilities you can only create Ui And huds via code which is severly outdated.
ОтветитьIt is worth noting that while game maker is a powerful tool for making games, it will not make you a better artist. I learned that one the hard way.
ОтветитьAlot of people say gamemaker is not that good for making games, and I agree but I still use it cause I get distracted alot while making games but in gamemaker I don't because its extremely fun!!!
Ответитьthis is from the juniper dev video titled "Undertale is a horribly made game"!
ОтветитьI love game maker, I feel comfortable just using it, and always have fun. many people say about UI but it was really fun to develop my own UI system, and I like how it turned out, I don't need other UI system. and as I remember there's already an official UI update that's coming
ОтветитьI'm making my first game and it's so fun!
ОтветитьGonna make my first game next year! Can't wait❤️
ОтветитьI’m trying to figure out how to make movement like those games possible but everywhere I look it’s just movement that limits you to up down left and right similar to a 2d side scroller.
ОтветитьHoly shit, Juniper in the official channel!!!
Ответитьhow do you do that drawing thing with that grass
ОтветитьIsn’t scratch esear
ОтветитьI’m actually working on a game in game maker 8.1, hopefully it turns out well
ОтветитьI am so stuck on the "think like a programmer" part. I feel like I've been bashing my head against a wall trying to understand HOW and WHY code does what it does, it's utterly demoralizing. I love to create art, characters, story, music, and everything else, but I can't implement anything so my skills feel useless.
ОтветитьIt's not so straightforward when it comes to lighting 😂 especially for the flashlight I've been stuck on for 2 days already lol