If you're interested in buying cards for any of the decks we're showing off check out are online stores.
www.NerdRageGaming.com - For all your Magic needs
nrg.tcgplayerpro.com - For Magic foils, Pokémon, Digimon, and One Piece Singles
Welcome to the NRG Series Chicago Land Pioneer 5K Showdown! It is time for our full coverage of the Event! Let's see who takes the win in this 5K and gets there invite!
Deck List:
Video Contents:
0:00 - Intro
3:13 - Round 1
1:12:13 - Round 2
2:08:11 - Round 3
3:00:03 - Round 4
4:00:06 - Round 5
4:59:09 - Round 6
5:52:03 - Round 7
6:58:38 - Quarterfinals
7:50:32 - Semifinals
8:26:13 - Finals
#NRG_Series #Magic_the_Gathering #Nerd_Rage_Gaming