"Когда я слушаю музыку", автор и исполнитель песни - Екатерина Ковская
"When I listen to the music", a song by Ekaterina Kovskaya, perfomed by herself.
The following English version is very close to the original but not strict.
This is the music I listen to.
It plants inside me some power.
And as a million of lotuses
my soul blooms like a flower.
All these pauses are meaningful.
This one pulsation is wonderful!
And it's connecting myself to me!
With all my heart astonded
I will call for me and find myself
like wandering sounds.
I'd rather feed this band
of blackened whitened keyboard birds,
feed from my hand.
The music is inside, it goes along with me.
And I have just understood that
for me and this striped brood
there is one path, side by side.
When listening to the melody
I think abouth the power
of intimating with silence which
holds very truth undercovered.
We buy the love in discounter,
we often throw it too loudly -
and raw chords are just passing by...
Let's keep it silent for just one time!
With all my heart astonded
I will call for me and find myself
like wandering sounds.
This is the music you listen to.
You get something new inside.
When listening to the melody
we get everything new inside...
English lyrics by Kukarism (at) Youtube (albert.kiselev (at) gmail)
#Ковская #Kovskaya #Music_(TV_Genre) #Lyrics_(Website_Category)