What did you like more?
👇🏼The Belt 👇🏼The Blade
Amen brother I carry mine and I’ve been through some tough times with mine.
ОтветитьJust went to Mr. Raso's website after seeing this video this morning. Evan the website is incredible!!!!! I ordered what I could afford and am grateful to God for leading me here.
ОтветитьWhat an Incredible man that just changed my life. Thank you so much for that!
ОтветитьBrother you can't reach it, but the kids will reach it like nothing. Do not underestimate kids. They will even crack the safe codes, kids are amazing. So be careful..
ОтветитьI start my kids on a youth compound bows. When they get that down, aim, breathe, and release, everything else is fish in water.
ОтветитьI'm a PB nerd....glad someone mentioned it.....that's Paintball for whoever didn't know! 😂 FSR's all DAY! 🫡
ОтветитьI hope The Ryan show will invite former San Francisco Police Detective Paul Lozada, who assisted Hollywood with the legendary movie “Training Day with Denzel Washington”
ОтветитьThe Rosary is in fact a very powerful tool against satan and the demonic spirits. What a beautiful thing to see REAL MEN not ashamed to show such a beautiful testament of FAITH THRU FEARS ✝️
ОтветитьGoing to buy some gear. Liking the belt & tourniquet
ОтветитьUnderstanding spiritual focus is something that I have come across in my time in Vietnam 68 to 69 . I believe it is a factor. I was a crew chief UH-1 . Was in a AHC.
ОтветитьMost exciting about the sub zero PC.
ОтветитьWhere can I buy those jeans?
ОтветитьCan you let us know who makes the mini TQ? That would be really handi for us all. Thanks!
ОтветитьDango wallets are the best, carried mine for 6 years and it almost looks new
ОтветитьJesus Christ is where our hope and faith need to be. Remember that.
ОтветитьI carry a Milwaukee fast back razor knife, a leather man rebar, and a flashlight (small). Submarines make you realize dark is the enemy. I have carried a knife since, oh I can’t not remember not having a knife. No I can’t fight with a knife, but for me it just a tool the Rebar lets me choose what I need for the situation. The best part of the leatherman is the pliers.
ОтветитьI love that belt! That thing is awesome! I must have. I love been rocking my 'we the people' tactical belt. And while I like it, it takes some time to put on. I like the buckle less design, being an auto tech having a buckle less belt working in the shop is important as not to scratch cars.
I fricken lived this episode! This guys friggin neat! I'm gunna guage to watch it again just to commit some of the things he said to memory! I want one of the blades, and one of the belts, and I'm gunna have to look into that sig 365, I like the conceal be size. I dig it all! Have him back on I wanna see everything that's in his bags to!
$600 for the blades he sells is insane.
ОтветитьWhy he passes the knife like that? Im curious
ОтветитьLove Dom and his stuff, I own a few of his items. My only issues are the blades are very expensive for regular guy EDC and most items aren't in stock. I LOVE my belt and the Rosary and Case TOP quality without a doubt.
ОтветитьTactical rosary beads. Very important.
ОтветитьAs a father of three kids...all of my kids were different. They all started pew pew at different times. I'm my humble opinion I started them when I knew they were responsible enough, knowledgeable enough and would listen to my guidance without fail. Gun use and safety is one of those things that we cant afford to make mistakes at...period.
ОтветитьLove your show. Amazing guests!!!
ОтветитьMeu Jesus continue to bless you! Amen
ОтветитьThank you for sharing this !!
ОтветитьIm not military at all but come from a long military family dad was in army 28years special forces just communications......but i started shooting around 3 years old with bb a 22lr bolt action for Christmas at 4 years old and a single shot 410 for Christmas at 7....but this was in the late 80s and early 90s my ....i believe they need to learn young son also learned young ....but growing up as a country boy in the woods of oklahoma its a normal thing or town folks my find it more difficult to learn about guns or having places to even shoot
ОтветитьI know a guy that EDC is #1 Wallet #2 Smartphone #3 Strong infanit adjustable pants belt #4 auto & house keys #5 .380 7rd pocket pistol thats literally a very handful. ------ He actually works a physical construction & service Job where he may need to regularly crawl under a vehicle at a moments notice quickly / he served his Country & continus to do so by habitually removing hazardous road debris and properly disposing them. So his fellow Americans won't get hurt or killed keeping them safe his a nonpaid True Patriot. -------- Since he is also climbing ladders all day bending & twisting because of being so extremely active he explained to me that the Five EDC items he has are a Real Handful as IS . -----I asked him .What about a kinife ? he said " Why the H.ll would I carry a knife anywhere besides my toolbelt & or work vehicle", (all his vehicles are high utility work vehicles ) Even though the Guy was never officially in the Army USA Military, he did from age 2 - age 18 . 16 years of basic training. His step father was US Army drill sergeant veteran and when everyone else was just getting in basic training, he had just completed 16 years of it at age 18. He's one of the most toughest & coolest humans that I have known of because he is so humble and no one even knows he carries a.380 except we got pulled over one time and he told a cop before getting patted down against his wishes that he had a .380 in his pocket.----- I have had the privilege of working thousands of hours next to him so I ask questions and know him better than anyone else ----- He's normally a extremely private person when it comes to certain things. And more open and honest about things most people lie about . ---- I'll generally consider his EDC advice before anyone elses because he has more everyday real experience versus More noneveryday experiences . You see being in the middle of Iraq/Afghanistan combat Zone is far different than my personal Everyday environment !!! Avoid / deescalate / Leave if applicable/ lastly scare a would be attacker into leaving you alone if above fails use everything thing in your power to fix the problem !!! Hopefully we have the courage to make the right choices in the right order & it saves us posible court trouble & time. I thank the guy i work with often for his service to humanity. Keep the roads clear , for your fellow brothers to have successful Journey. More people die on our USA highways every two years than all USA Wars combined !!! So to all truckers " thank you for your service risking your lives on a daily"
Always remember your ABC’s. Always be carrying
ОтветитьI love the age groups, and I love the education when I was nine years old I fired my first weapon. My best friend dad was a hunter. He is very responsible and had gun safes.
But if you wanted to be at their house without parents or stay overnight, you had to go shooting with them and you had to learn gun safety and that is stuck with me for the rest of my life I’m 41 and I still remember I was nine years old and I fired my first gun which was a 38 revolver with his family and I thank God every day for it
ОтветитьBeen there
ОтветитьLove the belt!
ОтветитьThe belt... Pooty Tang, the women love him.
ОтветитьOne of heroes of Brazil, a cop who pretended to be a journalist to get closer and actually disarm a criminal who was pointing a revolver to a hostage head (it's on film, check it out, his neme is Cláudio Manoel Falcão Figueiredo). His son died shooting himself with Falcao's service pistol. If you have knives at home, your kids should know what is it and how to handle them even before they touch one. And definitely, with guns, it's paramount. Either your kids know better than doing something stupid or hide and lock them out of reach. But, in that case, it is a really big question if there is a reason to keep guns at home if you can't reach them fast...
ОтветитьSRS 118
ОтветитьWould love the Guys to create a UK legal Carry Blade Kit. For the guys in Britain who need something like the blades that these guys carry in the US 🇺🇸
Ответитьso he didn't know he was even doing a EDC video but he brought a coin to show you how the belt works...LMFAO...yeah OK
ОтветитьDom, consumptie gent.
ОтветитьYa! Tom Brown Jr. 👍🏻
The Tracker.
My wife and I both have the same Sig Sauer P365x macro that he was gifted at the end of the show.
We are long time Sig and Glock shooters. The P365 guns are awesome weapons and shoot very well.
Can someone give me some information on the Passing a Blade thing he talked about. Im a knife maker and Ive never heard of this.
ОтветитьDango is amazing. I am a big James Bond fan so they have a 007 M series it's awesome thank you both for this entire segment I look up to you. Also crusheverything I am psyched I geek out as well and I am so psyched I found all this your website it so good again God Bless
ОтветитьCan you link the wallet note pad he had? Can't find the thing
ОтветитьWhy do they pass the knife like that?
ОтветитьWe taught our kids to shoot with BB guns first, followed by .22's, shotguns, handguns, and finally high-powered rifles. My wife and I taught our kids from an early age, to come get us if the see a gun.
ОтветитьImma be honest the belt sounded so cool when ur first thinking about it. But in reality he took a belt buckle off whith essentially would of already acted as the added in coins in his buckle less belt