Skyrim Mods: Wyrmstooth - EP. 01 | “A New Adventure”

Skyrim Mods: Wyrmstooth - EP. 01 | “A New Adventure”

Zaymonte Scrolls

6 месяцев назад

786 Просмотров

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@eliashjalmarsson.youtube3784 - 06.07.2024 00:42

I just found you channel, love your type of videos!

@szykowny6017 - 15.06.2024 23:25

Gotta love a peaceful tavern cinematic after you call the dragon a b-word. Only thing I'd change going forward is quest log sound. It's so loud and since I like to watch this type of videos before sleep it startles me a bit every time. Keep up the good work man!

@silu785 - 15.06.2024 19:25

My men is back! And i really wanted to rewatch Wyrmstooth and now i can do it with your chill and pleasant voice.
