Taurus TH 9 First Shots

Taurus TH 9 First Shots

Honest Outlaw

6 месяцев назад

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@domnicclassi3823 - 17.10.2024 01:54

I'm a 1911 fan, but, I'm skinny and tall. I can't hide a double stack .45 in my belt. My hellcat pro disappears easily. It's finish is wearing off. It's the finish. Who cares?
My first step into 9mm was a Taurus g2c, cuz $200.
It now has a very nice reddish patina, the insides are oily AF. I've worn most of the finish off with belly sweat because she went everywhere with me.
That gun made me buy a hellcat pro.
It just keeps getting better. My 1911 is getting dusty and lonely.

@a.joegevara3519 - 20.10.2024 00:12

IDK if he's even shot it, but bought my son the TH40c for his birthday, his came with 2 mags, but bought him 2 more & a holster.

@billyhaddock5540 - 20.10.2024 14:07

Thanks for showing and shooting ur newest pistol, Taurus TH9, shoots good.
I had a th40 pistol with just one mag and a th9c pistol with just one mag. both in all black.
I had wanted a th9c with the ODG frame, butt couldn't find one used. I had gone to a local pawnshop, there in the counter was a th9c with the ODG frame.
Sold both th40 and th9c pistol even, otd for the TH9C ODG pistol. No money exchanged.. Happy Camper.. Found a 17 round mag with sleeve for $25.00
I took some lavender violet led yellow color and painted the rear and front sights, now i can see the sights better..

@raulguzman5147 - 27.10.2024 04:05

I bought a TH9 about 5 years ago.
It was my first gun. I shoot about maybe 6,000 rounds on it . I use all type of ammo, factory, recharges, 115, 124, 147 grains, never a fail of any kind.

Reliable, precise, very easy to use and very nice ergonomics. Still have it and never gonna sell it !!

@Gmendo97 - 03.11.2024 23:36

Great review, I love to see you guys reviewing firearms on the cheaper end! Any possibility we'll get a Taurus TS9 review? It's their striker fire full size.

I'd like to add that these budget guns were always an interest to me as a young and inexperienced shooter with a very minimal budget. I was always very interested in the th9, I managed to buy other budget firearms. Then later more expensive ones such as a Beretta 92fs. Even so I recently did end up purchasing the th9 and while yes the Beretta is a better quality firearm with a better trigger. I felt that for the price the th9 was an excellent entry level Hammer fired gun for new shooters on a budget and will definitely recommend it to anybody!

@SLF-nw2yc - 05.11.2024 14:28

My taurus G2 has never once malfunctioned.

@SLF-nw2yc - 05.11.2024 14:38

Hmmmm, I wonder if the 17 rnd mags will fit my G2?

@SLF-nw2yc - 05.11.2024 14:44

I love the fact that you advocate for the homeless. When I was younger I went through a bad divorce and ended up being homeless for 2 plus years. Sleeping in shelters, sleeping in bushes, and yes, even sleeping in a dumpster once. My life since then has drastically changed but I still go walk the streets that I used to sleep on as a reminder.

@GidimNaka - 09.11.2024 06:16

I got this in .40S&W. Ok trigger, ok sights, horrible coating surprisingly good ergonomics, adjustable back straps which I changed👍 mine runs like a freight train. No issues with multiple types of .40S&W. Mine is reliable no failures and combat accurate. With practice the Novak sights are pretty doable. Magazines are Mec Gar high quality. Came with nice big polymer case and two 15 rounders. Paid a little over $300 after transfer. I love Da/Sa/DC. Anything comparable in same battery of arms in .40 starts at $550. Actually this is not to heavy pistol fairly streamlined and carry's well. Using as a truck gun. 15+1 of .40SW 1 extra mag I'm good 👍 I use Birchwoid Casey gun grease on the exterior of the slide, seems to preserve it well. Reapply every couple of months if necessary. Shouldn't corrode.
I personally wouldn't get this in 9mm there are too many good affordable 9mm out there. 40S&W is a win especially that it really handles recoil well for caliber and a formidable round no doubt, super good value. I would also consider the .45acp.

@q4life551 - 24.11.2024 19:08

I cannot trust my life to taurus guns

@Kara0910 - 24.11.2024 22:44

Xd9 mags run flawlessly in the th9

@scott7684 - 25.11.2024 16:18

it aint 2 bones son lol

@scott7684 - 25.11.2024 16:20

taurus ts9 which people here sleep on is the tank fellas not the gx4 or the th series clearly. now try n find one got mine for 244 u people missed it

@scott7684 - 25.11.2024 16:21

aall the taurus haters r idiots much like the dem crowd nowadays dumb a s ..es lol

@michaelsaine - 27.11.2024 15:20

I've had mind for a while and it was my step dads before that, never malfunctioned

@antoniofreeman8264 - 05.12.2024 13:27

What about the taurus ts9

@rafaelmendez1193 - 07.12.2024 03:37

Bullet cartridge getting stuck after shot seems more like a tight ammo camber issue or a strong spring issue. If It's possible try doing a video with a taurus ts9 just to see if any thing kind of improved with taurus full size pistols or they just a bit sloppy made

@jdhali27 - 08.12.2024 04:03

Will you do the th10 soon

@streetfight3129 - 09.12.2024 16:30

Am i the only one who searched for th9 as th9 in coc and saw this

@Mark-o2e - 10.12.2024 09:43

It would run better if you used real ammo instead of your geezer loads

@kennethhartline3650 - 11.12.2024 22:19

I own aTH9. I have arthritis and the mag release is so stiff I can’t depress it. I need a lighter release spring. Know where I can obtain one?

@DBL72 - 14.12.2024 06:15

Will there be a thousand round review ? Also, try out the Taurus PT917C.

@Dave-tx7qh - 19.12.2024 00:02

I have one and after 1000 rds I notice a failure to chamber a rd happened, then I cleaned it and it ran flawlessly! Once you get used to the trigger and get the sites dialed its pretty damn fun!

@SmartPerspective - 24.12.2024 01:55

I have the TH9c - few hundred rounds - no failures.

@wilfredfernandez4440 - 26.12.2024 02:40

Gangland style. ❤

@wilfredfernandez4440 - 26.12.2024 02:40

All they carry is oxes man in Singapore.

@timbango2090 - 26.12.2024 04:21

Oh no he called a magazine a clip. No one listen to these people.

@coltwinchester6124 - 30.12.2024 05:27

I would like to know where you got that gun for $200
Same gun as the Taurus PT809

@andrews_lego_tanks_and_more - 01.01.2025 01:43

This was actually the first handgun I ever bought. I was in college and working a fast-food job, naturally I was broke as shit most of the time. I saw this in my gun store for about $180 and new I had to get it. I've now had it for about 3-4 years and put probably 2k rounds through it, including steel, aluminum and reloaded ammo through it. I have never had a single failure on it and I even still keep this gun in my car as a "truck gun". I would genuinely trust my life to this handgun.

@malcolmluff6273 - 03.01.2025 19:21

TH9 Thousand Round torture test with more types of varied ammo

@richmetz2541 - 05.01.2025 04:05

The TH9 is 300 where I live. I just bought a TH45 for Christmas. Price was 430. Works great.

@DaquanFarrington - 07.01.2025 20:07

Can you do the ts9

@SiyabongaMaseko-j5l - 11.01.2025 18:57

Somthing is wrong with pauls hands why it doesn't do stove pipe on the hands guys

@JustifiedJackass - 14.01.2025 08:24

I think they meant THC. rips a bowl but I'll take it.

@JustifiedJackass - 14.01.2025 08:26

OH GOD I JUST LOOKED IT UP, The th9c has the c on the slide and I'd totally color that in with green crayons except the 9 so it just pops out as THC 😂 love it now.

@someguy2153 - 15.01.2025 21:06

Kinda odd also that every failure was with the same shooter .

@gunslinger3515 - 16.01.2025 06:09

My TH9 came with 2 magazines. Plus 3 back straps for easy customization! One of my EDC favorites! Also a fairly nice case . Trouble is adequate holster selection

@lucidtickle8347 - 16.01.2025 21:30

Looks a lot like the Taurus pt809 lol I assumed they discontinued it and started making this possibly... I've had a pt809 for a couple years but haven't shot it that much

@clnhrad2108 - 20.01.2025 04:18

Damn $200 I got gypped

@michaelgolden8440 - 20.01.2025 09:02

Hey Honest Outlaw. I'm thinking about buying one. In your opinion. Do you think that it would be a good carry/self defense or home defense gun?

@ipodmcipod3491 - 21.01.2025 01:13

I bought a th9 probably 6 years ago? 7? Havent had a problem with it n other than teething ejector problems in the first 300, getting it refinished things never bothered me.
For a off the shelf "i need a weapon" i love it. My summer guns are a bit more customized n bigger money but you can still find this in my jacket in the winter. Or my vest on the bike

@williamlewis5688 - 25.01.2025 02:22

These pistols are selling were I live for 300

@ArmedAndDadly333 - 28.01.2025 18:54

Bro bought a used gun and tried to review it as new smh.

@T.Hilburn57 - 29.01.2025 07:35

I can't find this gun anywhere for 2 hundred dollars. The cheapest I found was $279.00. Taurus guns are very good.

@Maldoror200 - 31.01.2025 01:55

Damn, You guys are Good Shots. Just bought a Taurus 9..I'll get back 2 Ya..Btw, LOVE Your Vids..!!!& I am Sub-d !!, Thx 4 them..!! ~Peace , K🥀

@rogerfoust4983 - 12.02.2025 20:34

The TH9 is a copy of the original Taurus 809. I have carried the 809C for 15 years and put 1000 rounds without a hiccup of any kind. The only visible difference is that the TH9 has an add safety for left handers. I keep hearing people run down Taurus guns but I will put mine up against any gun that cost twice as much money.

@Shoot_and_Scoot - 15.02.2025 23:12

Gotta fingertip these triggers.

@3six.reaper - 17.02.2025 17:41

Taurus don’t like hallows if u own a Taurus u best bet for reliability is ball ammo we in a budget anyways lol

@keaunteadams1620 - 04.03.2025 17:05

Bro compared a th9 with a HIGH POINT BRO u lost all my respect

@russcharlton8262 - 11.03.2025 11:03

I love the double single action and manual safety of the th9. Would you recommend a different not too expensive but possibly more reliable pistol instead of the Taurus? Also preferably comes in compact?
