"The Downfall Of Final Fantasy XIV" Left Me Confused.. | Alninio Reacts

"The Downfall Of Final Fantasy XIV" Left Me Confused.. | Alninio Reacts


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@darksunDS - 22.10.2023 15:58

Oh look. it's Lynx again. 2 years later, same old tired song. You'd think after 2 years he'd grow and develop new ideas but no. It's the same old same old.

it's called reductionism. Lynx oversimplifies mechanics to the lowest common denominator. That's literally 90%+ of all mechanics in any game.
And in the cases where it's not, it still is.
Not to mention by his own logic. "jumping across platforms" IS just "stand and wait for things to resolve" so is "jumping in a spot to be pushed up'. It's just a spot you need to jump to and wait for the mechanic to resolve.
I'm sure he would say "it's different" because that's what his arguments have boiled down to. If HE likes it, or he sees it for the first time, it's good, ignoring the obvious.

And don't even get me f**ing started on cooldown homogenization. Lynx is ONE OF THE REAONS WE GOT HERE. His and his ilk's obsession with speedruns and numbers got us this stupid problem in the first place. The only reason he's b**ing about it is because others are, and because some of the jobs he likes maybe don't fit the mold anymore.

On the point allotment thing, it never mattered. It was only 30 points which meant individual points didn't matter too much and the only impact was felt or relevant when you dumped all points into one/two stats. In almost every instance people would just dump it all in "insert job main stat here" in almost all cases. Sure the hardcore min-maxers would maybe split points, but really, it was almost always just "MNK put 30 in STR" and move on with your day. You'd be right 99% of the time doing that. Illusion of choice isn't meaningful choice especially whenever you wanted to switch jobs too, since you had to constantly re-stat. That's not fun, that's not meaningful, it's just stupid.

@FessyDKnight - 22.10.2023 15:59

Me and my static now regularly makes fun of Lynx for his statement on "stand and let thing resolve" because it's such a stupid fucking remark. The kid even beat TEA. What about Stillness and Motion, one of those things is definitely not "stand and let thing resolve" because you know what happens when you "stand and let thing resolve"? You die lmao.

I'd also like to see him try to "stand and let thing resolve" with Pantokrator.

@darksunDS - 22.10.2023 16:50

I'm just going to say it. Lynx and people like him are the reason I hate playing multiplayer/competitive games/modes.
The thought of joining a dungeon or a match being yelled at for not being a pro at the game or at a job in a mode/dungeon that doesn't even require it makes me boil.
So if people can't be terrible in a dungeon/non-ranked mode, WHERE THE F***K CAN THEY BE?
How the hell do you want me to get better at the game if there is not place where I can practice and learn? What am I supposed to do? Sit and hit a goddamn target dummy for 5 hours? Is that how you optimize and get better at the game? By not interacting with anyone ever until you have a PHD in "X job at level YY"? And then doing that again for any new job you want to play?
"Oh you want to play Apex/Valorant/Insert shooter here? Go play Aimlabs for 600 hours first. Not in my lobby you scrub." Who exactly thinks this is valuable or productive? A lot of people apparently. SMH

@Namriel - 22.10.2023 21:40

That's the problem when you let someone with no idea about game design get overconfident. Just because he knows the usual maxim about a game being rewarding if it's easy to access and hard to master, it doesn't mean he actually has any idea about the way it should bend the gameplay.

His whole "let things resolve" proves he doesn't even understand the engine is made so there are "breaks" in between actions. Whether it be a spell or an enemy mechanic, the game is BUILT around the idea of a semi turn-by-turn RPG.

Also, the dev cannot add in everything they want not only because of this logic, but also because of the game's limitation which, sure, is archaic indeed, but still lets room for difficulty (we could have some instances with a faster pace than ultimate, yet easier by design... Even the latest 24 alliance could be 4 times faster without still being challenging for most players after a few weeks) .

@nicgara8781 - 23.10.2023 08:50

I don't think Lynx has ever played Destiny 2, the expansion and content cycle is just as structural as FF14 is. 1 expansion each year, 4 seasons a year, 3 months each season. 1st and 3rd seasons of each expansion introduces a new and a reprised raid from Destiny 1, 2nd and 4th seasons add new dungeons. Each season adds a new set of seasonal weapons (always 5 craftable) and gear for the seasonal content with 2 seasonal activities and a season quest line that usually last 7-8 weeks. Each season gives you a new seasonal artifact that enhances certain subclasses and weapons so each season the meta changes somewhat or at least have new ways of playing the game. The beginning and half way through each expansion has a major sandbox update while in between are usually just tweaks to hopefully bring things in line (though I'd admit for awhile their tweaks usually result in bugs for something else completely). I've played Destiny 2 since release and played Destiny 1 on and off. I love the franchise and play Destiny 2 every week and I know he is full of shit on that point he was trying to make. The only thing you can't predict is the quality of content. Forsaken and Witch Queen were great, Beyond Light was good though the brokenness of stasis in pvp made it unbearable to play pvp, Shadowkeep and Lightfall were trash but thats because the quality of the content didn't meet what the players expect from Bungie, a developer who were known for quality content for the most part in the past.

@seboulol - 23.10.2023 16:32

This guy forgot something with his "stand and let thing resolve". In FFXIV, you have a dps rotation to maintain (and other things to watch if you're tank or healer), you can't keep jumping on plateforms or whatever. You must have room to focus on your skills.

He's also mad about the disappearance of things that were useless or very annoying, what's wrong with him?

I agree the Endwalker 24 men raids are not very challenging, but the 8 men are good and the extremes solid. The only thing this expansion lack is some time consuming PvE content, aka relic grind.

@TimmyTheNerd - 23.10.2023 16:36

What's crazy about this is that he says he hasn't play for the last three years. So he missed the last year of Shadowbringers and then all of Endwalker so far. He stopped playing when I started playing. Hell, I remember when so many people were coming over from WoW that it took forever to get into the game. Even now, I have to queue up to get in game (Crystal - Diabolos). I enjoy the game so much that I've kept my subscription up non-stop for the last three years. I've never done that for subscription-based MMOs before. Normally I'd sup for a month or two and then take a month or two long break. That hasn't happened in FFXIV.

@AnbuShinobi9358 - 23.10.2023 17:12

Just because you're tired/bored with a game doesn't mean the game is dead......just play something else for a while SMH

@MichaelIbsenGuitar - 23.10.2023 18:40

I now know I can stop doing callouts for my static, I can just say "stand and let thing resolve" 🙃

@aren_gee - 23.10.2023 22:13


As someone who also played this game since ARR, I may not have 12k hours of playtime, since I dip out and come back repeatedly...


Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.

@F34RDSoldier805 - 24.10.2023 04:36

I think what people are misunderstanding is that we ARE getting more and more content every expansion. We got way more than last expansion. What people don't understand is that it FEELS like less, because the content went into the systems that you don't engage with. PVP got a shit ton, we got island that has more new systems than any other mode of the game, then there criterion that has some fights on par with some savage fights, as well as tower. Plus quality of all the content is also growing as well. And Dawntrail is also slated to get way more content than EW. The reason why it FEELS like we got little content, is because we are missing that one area where people can go and do group content, like Bozja. A lot of people don't play PVP, Island, tower, and Criterion very much. Criterion because of the reward structure of the mode, which doesn't incentivise people to farm. But that is the problem with the game right now and why it felt so bad in EW. They added no incentive to play/engage with that content outside a few things, so it feels like there nothing to do. THAT is the problem with EW. NOT that we got less or little content, because we just didn't, we got more. Plus again, people are ignoring the fact that the quality of the content we do get is increasing.

There are fair criticisms that we can throw at FF14 right now, but people like to go over the top and their perspective of the issues become blurred, then they just start complaining about more and more, whether the criticism is fair or not, and in a lot of cases, like the video, it's just bitter rage baiting. Just a bunch of bitterness around the game. People also need to understand this. The main problem with the game right now, is that people WANT to play the game MORE, but feel like there's nothing to do. The game is not dying. I have no clue how this idea that the game is dying has blown up so much, when the biggest problem with the game is that PEOPLE WANT TO PLAY MORE......

@Carepackage2966 - 24.10.2023 06:51

I can't with Alninio everytime he say the game isn't getting any easier when Yoshi-p himself had said they have been maaking the game easier every expansion. Yoshi-p said the encounters haven dumb down in mechanics and in arena fights to remove variables from the fight and making the fight more apparent for more players.

Ultimate are a fix for the type of content they used to make Alninio, back in the day we used to get 12fights with ultimate difficult mechanics....and they dumb it down...... again again..
Every expansion.

The dev team had said they wish to make the fights more crazier but can't because of players feedback.

@Zilong17 - 24.10.2023 22:49

I 100% think he's just flat-out wrong/ignorant since he hasn't attempted TOP or DSR, but most of his fight design complaints also ring hollow just in the Savage IMO. P3S, 4S, 5S, 8S, 10S and 12S are all stand-outs for various ratios of damage checks and fight creativity/design IMO. I don't feel a player who literally hasn't played in Endwalker is qualified to critique the current state of the game.

Also him taking shots and dismissing people who get invested in the story or prefer to RP rather than raid is just him being a dick.

@adognamedsally - 24.10.2023 23:52

"The game is getting too easy"
Hasn't played DSR or TOP or P8S or P10S

Soooo, he's just wrong. Cool. Moving on.

@guitalex2005 - 25.10.2023 00:54

We all know Dragonsong was amazing and so was TOP, and Criterion's Another/Savage are good challenges. The problem is this guy made the video without doing any of them. He quit before Endwalker, then critizised Endwalker. He skipped the story, then shits on the people who enjoyed the story. This video tells me he quit, and many people asked him to come back, but instead of looking into things and see if they addressed his concerns, he assumed they did not and made a rage video.

@Silvist - 27.10.2023 04:18

This guy is probably one of those people who makes it seems like he played longer than he actually did. Those hours he listed could have been cut in half by sitting afk while logged in, or using the crafting exploit to remain logged in for 24h straight during new content drops or expac launches. I've played since 1.0, and I hard disagree that the "game" has gotten easier. Its just really that the difficulty has shuffled around due to them progressively removing legacy actions and mechanics. I'd say probably by Endwalker we actually have the game at the state as they always intended to have. Aka no TP, no stat distribution, and no cross class skills (since classes are a thing of the past).

He also seemed to be one of those people who loved pulling the entire dungeon aka the OG wall to wall pulling, before they gated it all to 2 packs per wall. This is also back when not every class had good AOE skills, and or even an AOE rotation (aka BLM/BRD ARR dungeon meta). He basically wants it to be that type of game, which he "felt" was difficult. Again difficulty is completely subjective to a person.

He's also probably one of the people who hated when they removed dps skills or stances from jobs that were not dps (aka tanks and healers). HW raids were probably the best half way point between ARR and the direction they were going with raid design. No longer were you fighting with huge long cooldowns that you had several of (see like pld tanking in ARR for example), and instead everything was being centered around the 60 second burst window. Its all about the dance doing your rotation, while you are solving mechanics. If you don't like that, not sure why someone would play an MMO with a gcd lol....

Probably one of the best parts about the current way the FF14 devs balance this game is reverse to how most games balance. They don't balance the jobs and then create the content based on that formula, or nerf to keep in line. They create content "first", then balance the jobs around the "content".

@FutayuriShironeko - 27.10.2023 17:11

Where is the reaction to Xeno's trilogy?

@simply_pet - 28.10.2023 23:44

Burnt-out high playtime players can't admit they're burnt out.

It's cool to have criticisms, but a recurring theme among these people is "Endwalker has no content, we need something like Bozja". Like okay but as much as some people mightn't like them, EW has criterion and variant dungeons, it added island sanctuary.

Not to mention that we still have the standard 12-tier raids and 3 alliance raids. It's okay to critique these things, but that's almost never what they do.

It always comes back to this "EW has no content" argument when it arguably has MORE content than some previous expansions. You mightn't like the content that EW added, and that's okay, but let's not kid ourselves into pretending it has no content! xD

@ishirutaekakura308 - 31.10.2023 15:24

I've almost got 15000 hours into FFXIV I love this game and it's the only mmorpg that has kept me playing it, the longest mmorpg I've played besides FFXIV was probably a year, I originally started in 2014, but had to quit because my laptop couldn't handle it, then I returned in 2017, I know that's a long of not playing, I ended up making a new account because I forgot my old one, but yeah my new account has almost 15000 hours in, I still love this game.
Yes I will admit I wish there was a Eureka or Bozja style content this time round! That would've been awesome, but the thing with Lynx is, I think it's more than just his issues with FFXIV, I think something happened and he's angry.

@LostWallet - 02.11.2023 05:45

people are more interested in the prestige of clearing a hard game than actually enjoying the game. they claim that the game is "easy" now and that take away their prestige of being able to clear a hard game. take away the only thing that make them feel special, being good at a "video game". which basically mean nothing in the real world

@ZanesZygot - 02.11.2023 20:22

I play this game since the beta and I go the other way, I don't think the game has changed much at all. Yeah it might be missing some content here and there, and not always it was about the top tier endgame. But they do cater to these players a lot and I see that they are almost always the most entitled players that always want something.
Look, it's not a bad thing to ask for content and they are paying customers as much as anyone else is, so they have the rights to want something from the game. That said Yoship always made it clear how difficult it is to make and test difficult content, that it's not something they will always keep adding and so on.

In particular I don't even play as much anymore also, I think the game does have a great sense of community and I love a lot of the game aspects, but I agree with some of the points he made about how saying the game "respects your time" but it's actually a chore to come back everytime and having to look for gear... not even talking about alt jobs. People makes most comparisons to WoW, even more to how it was difficult to get the right gear but there are other mmos out there like GW2 that I think respects your time much more. And tbh while they do add other kinds of content like some said in the comments (Criterion, Island, etc) it almost always is something instanced or that could be so much more. I do wish I had more reasons to come back to play.

@Chibibushi - 02.11.2023 23:46

Nah dawg i didnt see your video with you doing the Kuji In and droppin that epic one liner the trick is in... go back and do it again. 😂

@Zathurious - 06.11.2023 11:36

Of course, they follow a formula. You know what happens when developers don't follow a formula? A disastrous launch is what happens.
As someone who doesn't raid, it took me 12 attempts to beat the Mother Crystal msq as a trust the first time I encountered that. It was very challenging for me. Especially as a console player with a limited, unadjustable field of vision.

@Zantetsudex - 06.11.2023 13:47

Lynx: "Stand and let thing resolve!"
Pandaemonium: "WEBS LIKE UNTO CHAINS!"

@HezrouDhiaga - 12.11.2023 02:17

that downfall video aged like spoiled milk the day it was posted 🤣I'll see everyone at Dawntrail!

@honeydarlinggaming9156 - 12.11.2023 07:06

I also wanna note he showed his STEAM playtime. Not his actual in game /playtime time.

@bronxshogun7089 - 12.11.2023 20:02

What makes this guy’s video even funnier is the fact that , despite deleting and quitting for years, he only made it after other people started complaining as if fan backlash was powerless now.

Like dog, if you actually felt this would of made the video sooner regardless of said backlash.

@Extorion - 13.11.2023 00:49

the thing i hate with this guy is that hes a msq skipper that hates on all players that arent only doing savages and ultimates and also he has never played endwalker so he is talking alot about stuff he hasnt even played witch makes all the things he says about endwalker and the game as it is null and void, even if some of the things he said has some truth to it it sounds alot like a giant baby crying that the world doesnt cater especially to him, he talks as if he wants inclusivity in one part of the video only to directly after shit on every other type of player so his "they used to cater to every playstyle" rant is destroyed by him calling out all other forms of playing the game as silly or idiotic.

@88Plamen - 16.11.2023 09:42

Wow that guy is such an ass. Most toxic kind of player in the game. The people he's shitting on are the people who are keeping the game alive. In my opinion the game is made for the normal player who likes basically everything but in a casual way. If you're really into one thing then yeah go for it. But I think the main player base enjoys doing a lot of different content in the game. The challenge in designing a great game for me is in doing so that everything is approachable. High end hardcore stuff is hard when you prog week one and even after, but it's still approachable by casual players who want to get into that kind of content. That is the golden middle of game design - you make it hard enough for hardcore players to optimize, but not "super hard never gonna do that thing" for normal players who want to get into that content and do it casually like once or twice a week half a yeah after the content was released. I might be biased because I'm that kind of player. I don't have all the time in the world because I have a job and other irl responsibilities but I still log in every day and play for a while. I enjoy msq, extremes, gold saucer, savages, Bozja, roulettes, hunts, glamour, making housing designs, ultimates, island sanctuary, variant dungeons... I enjoy a ton of different casual and high end content. And I think they're making the game for these kinds of people who are logging in everyday, just do a lot of different stuff and enjoy it. And I really like that high end content is made in an approachable way even for someone like me who considers themselves a casual player, yet I can still go and do an ultimate in a "not super hardcore optimized" way. Of course there are things that I don't like about the game, things that I don't do like Eureka, fates or deep dungeons but I recognize that other people like that content and I'm ok with that. Of course I wish some things were better but so does every player, like I wished island sanctuary had a multiplayer aspect to it so having a friend over you could do something together, I wish the housing system was better since it's by far the worst system in the game in my opinion. But I can still enjoy myself doing all kinds of stuff in the game and not rushing to do any of them. Like Alninio said: It doesn't need to be ultra hard for it to be enjoyable. There have been such games that presented themselves as super hard just because, or mmos made just for the hardcore crowd and I don't know a single one of those games that succeeded. I would say to that guy: Learn to enjoy what there is and if you can't then it's time for something else, and learn to respect what others enjoy and stop talking down to them.

@Link-kr2bc - 17.11.2023 16:20

he is complaining about "moments of glory" my brother in christ you play warrior you can sustain a whole group on your own for very long thats a moment of glory no?

@grygaming5519 - 20.11.2023 15:00

Omega had a fight, no they had multiple fights where you were given an action you had to use. This action meant drifting a gcd. You had a gravity mechanic in Catastrophe in O2S, you had the paint mechanic in Chadarnook. Not to mention other of these mechanics like Vrill and the gimble in Omega normal. Its was a hit or miss...and most often people just want to solve the puzzle, dps and not have to take their hands off their combos to hit executable button.

At this point Lynx is just a lolcow, easy means of milking content and thats fine. Even Zepla's arguments dont really solve anything either.

I'm reminded of a DM friend of mine when we were talking D&D and I was running my first campaign, "Players will always complain about something, the reality is they are complaining about something that doesnt allow them to break the game for themselves. You have to balance what is good for the whole table vs what the individual wants. You have to be perfectly fine with that player quitting because they cannot bend the rules in their favor as well."

@Astorhorns - 04.12.2023 13:12

This man is so freaking funny. "They took away bozja and eureka!!!" Which was literally. Reskins and reutilization of mechanics up to the wazoo. But, no. Repetition bad!!!!

@user-Korpan - 05.12.2023 06:49

Funny that i recently took a break from ff14 to try wow classic hardcore and season of discovery and damn wow rotations are very basic.
I also had retain installed and went on my higher level characters and they were still not very complicated, (perhaps its because i have a level 90 black mage and monk on ff14)
so idk whats hes talking about when he says the ff14 jobs are easy as if thats a bad thing, when wow jobs are also easy.

Easier jobs means the devs can focus more on making the mechanics harder.

@davidrivera433 - 11.12.2023 21:34

It feels like he’s talking about normal/casual content and it’s ease. However criterion dungeons, ultimates, savage and extremes still have its challenges or are very challenging.

@weasel4201 - 14.12.2023 08:16

I don't understand, I have never seen a development and company as engaged with the game and Intune with its player base then Square Enix, thirteen years and they always give their best and always seem so happy. They don't hide behind corporates PR teams but actually live stream and even get into cosplay to link up and engage with their audience.

Content, I understand a little bit with the post content for end walker was a little boring, and they added a bunch of solo aspects to the game recently, but didn't force it on anyone. its an option for people so they don't have to sit in queue for hours, or if they don't like social interaction. He also admits to skipping story... ya know the main feature of the game. The thing that every single player who actually plays admits is its selling point the in-depth and concise story telling. Also can explain a lot of in game things as well.

He as well belittles other players, like it just seems like a brat crying. Stating that other player bases on the game, Glamour, housing, RP, and casual players should not be catered too is insane, and childish. And shows how very little he has actually played the game thousands of hours and has barely experienced the game. And for him being upset with the fact casuals want classes to be simpler. Summoner is a little simple rn, but before it was almost a 20 button rotation just to get decent damage.

@lohrorda7230 - 21.12.2023 13:58

12k hours in 6years = 6h EVERY DAY + story skipper; which development team can keep up with that? answer: none!

@teddibear1153 - 27.12.2023 12:53

another "the end of ff14" video from a story skipper and non savage/ultimate raider..... the douche just caps tomes and moans like a bitch all f**king day long... pfft bye!

@WayneHSmithJr - 24.01.2024 07:54

Dancer has so many procs. Ninja is so complex some people can't even play it. Also, what does it matter if your combo is one button? You have tons of OGCDs to weave. Not to mention all the button bloat. There are things in the game I don't play, but thats fine. There's so many things to do in this game if you don't like any of it then maybe the game isn't for you. And thats fine also.

@Alix_Farin - 29.01.2024 11:10

Any points Lynx may have had go out the window with such petulant presentation. Being mad doesn't make you right, ya know?

@Nman222223 - 01.02.2024 16:31

The fact this this joker admits he skipped the story and is missing so much context to what you are doing while you are doing it. Also this game is for everyone, there will always be new ultimates and “impossible” content, but most content is for “mid core” players who like all the aspects of the game and don’t want to grind like a second job. Glad he is gone, his takes are bad and some are flat wrong, also if he wanted challenge do PvP, sometimes tougher then other content lol

@thrillhouse4151 - 06.02.2024 15:57

No wonder he’s burnt out, he sounds like he’s 15 so must’ve been playing since he was 10.

@evdomos - 07.02.2024 22:48

Hands down the worst part of this video is that he presents no examples of his complaints, just says "it's bad" and continues.

@Silvershadowfire - 12.02.2024 11:44

I honestly think that the complaints about content being 'dumbed down' doesn't take into account that the game itself teaches you how to do more and more complicated fights as you progress through it. You start with 'avoid the AOE', then you have to learn to start watching the monsters, then they start doing towers, and then timed AOE's where you have to stand in the danger puddles in the right order or you get squished, ect ect. Unprepared groups still get squished in Orbonne Monastary if they don't know how the mechanics work.

So of course when you run Sastasha after you've learned how to do level 90 content, it's going to feel super easy.

Also, if you want a moment of glory, go into a group of newbies as a Red Mage, and save the entire run because you got the healers up/helped when they were too busy to get other people up.

@cinnamonmink3736 - 07.03.2024 00:20

"there's no moments of glory on other jobs"

Sir. have you? played a healer?
or hell even a tank. Have you not popped an invuln when you would have died otherwise?
I think I'd call any of that a "moment of glory"

@DrakeRazgriz - 08.06.2024 11:18

"This game is only let it resolve" You mean like every MMO right ?

@Kidame17 - 12.06.2024 10:25

Its literally the first video I’ve seen a video from him and I already hate him so much lol. How fucking arrogant that guy is wtf… I don’t want shit talking rpers or in general casuals but I’m doing it anyway bruh

@The_tatertotty - 10.12.2024 00:36

500 days on a game….
