I might only have an IQ in the mid eighties but I’m smart enough to know that God is the one that makes a person have a high IQ. You’re just designed that way and it’s not done of yourself.
ОтветитьThere’s a girls in Mexico that has an IQ higher than Einstein’s. They just made a movie about here a couple years ago.
ОтветитьLife rewards action, not intelligence.
These comments are HILARIOUS.
My experience of the first day of kindergarten was that of pure shock. I was freaked out by my classmates because they seemed so off to me. I looked around the room and all my peers seemed disoriented, spaced out, and sedated. None off them were talking, none of them were exploring, none of them were making eye contact. It scared the crap out of me!
I wondered what was wrong with them, why did they seem like zombies? I wondered if all of them were sick? I quickly realized that if all of them acted the same and I was the one who was different, that meant something about me.
Why was I the only one observing the other students? Why was I the only one who seemed to know what was going on? Why was my mind moving faster? Why can't they speak properly? Why didn't they learn anything I learned in preschool? Why were they seemingly acting like 3 year olds instead of 5 year olds? Why did they blindly obey the teacher without a second thought? 😱
It felt like a nightmare where everyone around me was totally unreachable. I told my parents I didn't want to live anymore. They took me to the doctor but didn't talk to me about it. They concluded I was too young to know what I was talking about. That hurt because I knew exactly what I said and I meant every word.
Later I was told that not everyone went to preschool and that's why they didn't know what I knew. I was told I was hyperactive so I assumed that meant there was something wrong with me.
Later when I was 12 they were testing me for learning disabilities. I found out I have a high IQ. Looking back on my life, it makes everything make sense.
Finding content like this has been a fucking Godsend.
Life is definitely harder with a fuller comprehension, especially under Capitalism. I envy the cognitively debilitated who fail to recognize their own slavery in a system that deliberately maintains artificial scarcity to keep prices high to make us all work longer and harder for less and less so the rich can extract as much of our labor value as possible. I wish I were so mentally deficient that I didn't recognize there must be something fundamentally malicious about a system that purposely refrains from addressing root causes of problems and instead maintains and exploits those problems for profit. I wish I didn't have a working brain so that I could be forced to submit to corporate servitude in exchange for units of debt used as currency and not realize I was a slave.
ОтветитьIt's very lonely to be gifted. I feel completely normal and that everyone else is dumb. I don't feel smart.
ОтветитьThank you
ОтветитьI’m 67 and highly gifted, but also still severely ADHD. I went through a very difficult educational experience, and life. ADHD hadn’t been defined. The saving grace in school was that I was better than most in sports, and figured out that if I did sports, and got C grades I didn’t get bullied.
Even as a young adult, I couldn’t get meds for the ADHD. The medical community who were acknowledging ADHD existed wouldn’t believe ADHD existed in adults. I was labeled as a drug seeker, for trying to get Adoral for the ADHD.
IQ testing is a racket
ОтветитьAs somebody with an IQ above 180. People in the 130 to 150 range the hardest to deal with because they’ve convinced themselves they know everything and are generally the smartest person in any given room. Until they’re dealing with actual problems of import, then they are just kinda average and really struggle to take direction. Often times this is when some sort of personality issue rises to the surface.
The amount of fights I’ve had with these people that fundamentally end in a haughty exchange of “Well, I guess your way is the best/most efficient/safest …” after much wasted time is beyond count. It’s incredibly annoying. All these people do is bleat on and on about intellectual meritocracy yet when faced with actual intellectual superiority they will not take a knee.
Tells you everything you need to know. 😂
damn this video is gonna give a lot of fools like me a hope that am i high iq is that why? lol
ОтветитьSo somehow every commenter on videos like this has the iq of Albert Einstein? Yeah right. I guarantee the real reason people don’t like most of you is because you’re arrogant and want people to feel bad for you. That’s why you commented “I’m high iq and life is so hard.”
ОтветитьThey hate you if you are clever
And they despise a fool
Whats the lab coat for?
ОтветитьI love you all. Protect and love, you're children, please :)
ОтветитьI have 170 IQ (I dont talk about it with anyone) ! Never really understood how different I was until 2-3 grade because I was so autistic as a child that I didn't even really realize other kids existed. I was walking at six months and reading 1-2 years before kindergarten. I was reading Jules Verne and JRR Tolkien in second grade and Michael Crichton in 3rd grade. People thought something was wrong with me then I was tested and put into gifted at the end of second grade. At this point I started to realize the other kids existed and how they saw me, only because I had interactions with other gifted kids in a smaller setting. I have found to exist in our society I literally have to play dumb.
That is all.
More often than not, high IQ children end up offering nothing to humanity despite their perceived brilliance. It’s almost as if your testing and grandeur of titles harms their thought structure.
ОтветитьSchool is built for people with a 90 IQ to be able to succeed. School is about obedience and memorization with a tiny bit of comprehension. If your comprehension exceeds that your teachers, when your teacher teaches you something that is clearly nonsense, It is going to cause your brain to trigger. You will want to challenge it to understand it to understand why. And in all education, the question of why is not allowed. It just is. Kids who need to understand why are punished by the teachers and by the system in general. If you’re done with school at 14 and you’re ready to go to college the level of punishment the system brings on you is unimaginable.. I started university at 16 and it was horrible to be that young in college. The other students were constantly mean. There is no place for smart people in a society that worships stupidity teamed with credentials.
ОтветитьI would argue that when you are intellectually gifted.. It becomes so court identity that you don’t acknowledge that intelligence doesn’t spread across your entire brain... this doctor has speech impediment. He has clear social issues.. he no doubt struggles in the department of attracting mates.. He’s over compensating for a huge amount of emotional issues and limitations by fixing on intelligence.. this is probably one of the biggest challenges for intelligent people. is understanding we can be smart in one area and completely under performing in 15. Usually, we need to feel smart to have value in our own eyes. This is especially true if you have a low physical attractiveness and a under functioning sense of social awareness and interactive humor.. school is death to smart kids as his government.. but university is equally under qualified. Truly smart people have to make their own path and it’s hard.
ОтветитьI feel especially bad for gifted children stuck in Democrat Stronghold schools, ie. Boston.
To be honest I feel especially bad for anyone stuck in a Democrat Stronghold
Being high IQ isn’t fun or good at all. I envy the happy dumb dumbs. How nice for them to not see as I see all the ignorance and stupidity all around. They drink themselves into oblivion and cry about their health problems. Then they spend themselves into debt and cry how unaffordable everything is.
The hypocrisy is disgraceful.
How are you measuring intellect?
I see far less intellect than your silly tests predict.
I cannot tell you how many absolutely incapable idiots I have met who are supposed to be high IQ 🙄 Drop me on the desert and in 2 weeks, I’ll have water, a luxury shelter, and an entire city at my command all from nothing but my whim. Manipulating others is very easy.
I find it impossible to tolerate ignorance and about 80% ignorance is all I find in this world. Supposedly, when I was 14 years old I registered a 133 IQ but I was in a terribly abusive environment with severe PTSD and extremely combative at the time. I am over 40 now and I put on a friendly face but I cannot stand people at all. They’re just so simple minded and ignorant it’s impossible to relate to them.
They bore me to tears and I fascinate them to no end. Not an even trade.😒
Many of us have autism too. I have done well but given my abilities, I should be much further ahead than I am. I can read things and people but it took a long time to understand how my sensory needs were not compatible with the modern workplace.
ОтветитьMy daughter was gifted and the top student in every class she's ever attended with some teachers saying she was the most gifted student they had ever taught but, she seldom studied or did homework (because she did everything in class). She was so bored in class that she started taking her netting to class and would work on it while the teacher was talking not paying 1 bit of attention to what the teacher was trying to explain. The teacher would try to catch her off guard by giving her a question out of the blue, but my daughter always knew what was going on like she absorbed the information through her subconscious. My father had a genius level IQ I don't know my daughter's IQ but I'm sure she's genius level. She was on an island by herself intelligently in school and that isolation really hurt her mentally in jr high and high school. Parents of the gifted be warned, make sure these kids have a socially stimulating environment as well as an intelligently stimulating environment if you want a happy productive child.
ОтветитьAs a mom of a gifted son I feel lucky. What an increíble experience. I can write a book on that. Parents of gifted kids need some guide!
ОтветитьYeah, I dont know if more sertralin was the right move, today has been super weird and its only been like a week, its hard balancing, not bouncing into things and I feel all weird sometimes. I don't remember it being like this before, but its not all bad. They said hang in there for two week and then talk evaluate the new med. Everything was like hurting before and I was super tense and I was very mean on purpose, without breaking any rule. Which I don't normally do, I didn't even care, didn't feel guilty at all. So that's not a good sign. And I kinda have felt unusually loving and happy and emotional at times, since starting that. But like, I couldn't even cum.. everything works and all, I just can't climax for some reason. Am I going to be super horny and never be able to release it? what's that like, doesn't that hurt, and wouldn't I like go around and my dick would hurt and get hard when it's not supposed to :/ I seem to remember it being like that. What if I start bothering some poor young lady? they should have given me anxiety meds, instead. :/
ОтветитьMy niece had an IQ test due to behavior and safety issues. Setting fires, exploring with knives, calling help lines, etc. It was all very scary. She was on meds for a variety of mental disorders. However, she had her IQ test while on meds and scored a 142. She said that she wanted to know how fast fires spread and whether certain materials would burn quicker than others. The knives were used to measure sharpness and which was best to cut which objects. She called help lines to get ideas as to what type of help they offer and how effective they are. It all made sense, but it's scary how her intelligence manifests itself.
ОтветитьI was born with ASPERGERS
(Totally glad I didnt go with CHICKEN FINGERS)
The Lord made me Gifted. I was one of the Third that struggled. I had no support. My Anxiety began in preschool. I fostered myself. People do not realize how significant a difference that made in my personality development.
ОтветитьI was born gifted,
from the waist down.
High IQ doesn't always mean success, I have friends who were high IQ but no social skills.
ОтветитьI'm a 98 IQ AUTISTIC...NOT FUN..
ОтветитьThen there's the dysfunctional tv media..
ОтветитьU dont hav to bee Autistic to know mormonism is seagull droppings.
ОтветитьITT: "iM aLsO gIfTeD mY iQ is 150. I ReLatE tO tHis VidEo.... mY lIfE iS sO haRD"
ОтветитьPeople and kids should be educated on their own level of understanding with the possibility to flexibly move across groups of higher and also lower abilities. Today's educational system is focusing on profitability and conformism, down regulating the above average for stability of the whole system we raised and conditioned to depend on.
ОтветитьI didn't do shit. My daughter is the gift one
Ответить"I had never had to study in my life until college calculus"...
I was the same way. I went to college, went to orientation and started signing up for classes...someone came over to help me to select a thing or two, and I was looking to add a math class in there. They go "oh, with that SAT score on the math section, you can just go straight to calculus". I thought, "ok, that seems fine" wasn't fine. Never took calculus in high school, but I really excelled in geometry, algebra, etc...things I consider to be more "real" or practical. Calculus just eluded my brain, for whatever reason. And I had no idea how to tackle my inability to learn something.
I ended up dropping that class, and I also never got a degree of any kind.
I would rather be in the median IQ and be so productive in life, than simply brag about it as an excuse to make an escape in life of why one is unsuccessful and living meaningless life. EQ makes more sense in life.
ОтветитьI find being highly gifted stressful.
ОтветитьThe child’s depression and sadness come from the lack of acceptance that comes with standing out. Them just being them makes them stand out and if you give a reward for this distinction then you isolate the child from the rest which plays out over time in two directions. An acceptance and attempt of conformity or the rejection of that conformity after finding the sense of oneself, aka knowing that fitting IN doesn’t matter.
ОтветитьI have a 26 month old boy who speech is off the charts get a lot of trouble never stop moving never stop talking already. He knows his letters and is starting to read. Who can I reach out to for some assistance for early intervention?
ОтветитьMy issue is 2e ADHD. Wasn't diagnosed with ADHD till I was 47. I am figuring out ADHD is not my biggest issue, it is the 2E part. I don't believe I am on the autism scale, but I am not for sure. People are easy and once you realize society is just variations of people and know mental health is the true reason for societies ills then it is easy to see the solutions, it is enacting those solutions that are the issue. Since we are all flawed either by nature or nurture or in both ways. Or by trauma unrelated. Then that is multiplied by population, it is easy to see why enacting solutions are difficult. So many agendas and then me and mine first dichotomy vs the we mentality needed. I could go on and on, but it is hard to just accept people are people, and it is what it is.
ОтветитьExcellent. Out of curiosity, have you studied Québec's history?
ОтветитьFreemasons wear a baby apron because they manage the high iq kids and ppl. Some are sterilized , lead poisoning and damage their hearing. I tested at 187 to 220. And, at this level your a danger to a economy
ОтветитьI was born in 91. I remember a program called "talented and gifted," but claimed to my mom that was "speech class." I knew that part didn't make sense, bc I was a great reader, never had issues with speech. I even had a vocabulary of over 150 words by the time I was only one. I have a 3.9 graduation gpa (from college) always being in high honor roll throughout High School.
This reminds me of the "gates program conspiracy" I will never forget the old-looking brown headphones with the male voice & those weird cards. As a child, I guess I didn't think too much of it but that I thought it was kind of cool & remember thinking maybe I was special bc there were only a few other students in the room with me & the testers. I mainly remember the cards, but I don't remember what the results were & why we never got to work packet to take with us or tell our I just repressed the memory, until it was just recently unlocked over the last month.
I feel like there's some reason I can't remember more than the basics, so I would like to know if they explain that in this.
This is the part to me that bugs me the most.
I've been telling people close to me (for many years & call me crazy) that I've experienced "Grays" on multiple occasions since I was a kid. They always hit me (where I could not see them at 1st) to wake me up, or I'd already be awake & could always tell they were around, via some sort of frequency they admitted& they always spoke to me telepathically. The dream part was wild to me. Yes, I have had countless premonition dreams that came usually the very next day! Over the years I've had a ton of experiences with SP, that I could later control into lucid dreams. & I have always had an ability since I was a kid to pick up on other people's thoughts & unless controlled, it was so random.
Children are gifted alright! But, why were we used by the CIA? I feel violated
I had aphasia as a kid, took me ten years to get through college, but in my forties I memorized the lyrics to four hours worth of music. I have 210+ UDIO tunes, a third representing popular musicians. If Oculus sold 3 million headsets, why is there never more than a hundred people in the bigscreen app. Such things should cause one to question reality. You know how weed killer works, you make the weeds grow faster, imagine doing the same thing to a child.
ОтветитьI was born in los alamos,nm.. Our neighbro ms bronitz said tge prodigy children never can develop into adults as expected, she had many in her classes.. Used to grown about it. Her husband created the nuclear power source for the voyager satelite..
ОтветитьDumbing down is a strategy for the gifted to fit in. Then the suffering begins. I wish this guy would stop making it about him and let the Dr. talk.
Ответить"I have high IQ" high IQ know when to be humble my god.