Not a beginner and mostly commenting to feed the algorithm, good list and dead on with the grinder being #1 and the tin snips being the most evil tool on the planet. I’m an HVAC tech and I still only use them when absolutely necessary, my home workshop doesn’t even have a single set of snips.
ОтветитьGrinder it is. Ultimate power tool of destruction.
ОтветитьGood vidéo !
I have several angle grinder, but i often use the circular saw ( with the good disc )
Harborfreight has Bauer electric shears for like 54 bucks and they are awesome. I never needed a set cause i always had a 10 ft shear at the shop. but now that im a home gamer......they beat the shit out of a jigsaw or composite wheel.
ОтветитьThe Dantes Inferno tin snips reference is going to give me nightmares! (Brilliant analogy! ) I have only one of the three left and it gets used to cut the tails off of zip ties. I've owned every color iteration of the HF angle grinders with blue to orange to the mighty rust color. Currently have 3 but need one on the shelf too! They have served well and parts were interchangeable. I am surprised at the plasma cutter rating. I have fallen in love with mine as this dual voltage machine on 220V slices through half inch and when I didn't want to wrestle with the heavy 220V volt cord for light stuff, 110V did nicely. I pulled HF and Empire side by side to compare prices. Thanks for the suggestion cause now I don't have to wait on HF sale and items will be deliverd to my door! Really great video!
ОтветитьHey bud I got a shop bagging my 51 merc he 4 linked and bagged it but now it's higher than it was when I took it to him at its lowest point when deflated went to look at it and noticed when it's dropped the rear suspension is hitting the body can you give me some ideas on what he needs to do to lay it on the ground would realy appreciate any help and thank you.
ОтветитьIf you were to go for a portable car lift, what would you buy? I need to do transmission work now, and am about to restore a 57 Dodge Sweptside.
ОтветитьGreat Video! Empire abrasives! Thanks! I just bought a Baldor 1 Hp buffer used. I need all the different buffs and accessories and and and...I have learned So much from you! THANKS!
ОтветитьGreat top 10 list! The devil, too funny! Watched twice. Totally agree, tin snips suck
ОтветитьI have to disagree with the ranking of the saws all. A hate those things. But I respect your choices
Ответитьu forgot the welder. that is the number one tool
ОтветитьNibblers have saved my bacon in the fab shop repletedly. Very worth it/
Ответитьoxy torch !
ОтветитьInteresting. I have -- and love --most of the basics. And I yearn for, but don't really have sufficient use for, the plasma cutter. Small shop and limited job so I can outsource when needed. But the basics are necessary (and a joy to use as the project comes together).
ОтветитьI dig the grinder demonstration! LOL
A few years ago, when I was working at a small manufacturing shop, the boss showed up with a Chicago Electric grinder from Harbor Freight. I killed it in about two days. I told him I needed a Milwaukee. For some sick reason there is something very gratifying from letting the smoke out of a grinder until ALL of the smoke leaves.
Sawzall: The manliest of all manly power tools!
ОтветитьI would add a drill press and hand drill ahead of a plasma cutter, a nibler and tin snips.
ОтветитьHumble hacksaw! It may not be the right tool all the time. But what is.😆
ОтветитьYup. I usually have between 2 and 5 grinders in my shop. Lol
I treat them like disposable consumables.
My new favourite channel.
Ответитьold video I know, so you may or may not see this. I recently was cutting up a 50 gal steel drum and decided to try a carbide tipped jig saw blade. I was blown away. It was easy to control and faster than my reciprocating, and required far less.... lets say safety prep than the plasma.
Ответитьhow would you rate evolution saws in your experience?
I use a big mixture of wood & metal & was thinking about getting thier compound mitre rather than just the chop saw.
It's marketed to be able to handle the smaller metal that I use. More of an unknown brand over here though
Fab 10
Fab 5 (any university of Michigan B-Ball fan would know)
Hey a regular cordless skilsaw and a steel cutting blade from Diablo works amazing I use a Dewalt 20v and a 6.25 inch blade makes perfectly straight cuts through .25 Wall 2by2 in about 15 seconds
Ответитьcandy bar lmao
Ответитьim not really a fabricator but i have two angle grinders. great tool. i would recommend a portable bandsaw, with a DIY stand and a foot pedal! ive used mine to cut so much metal, and it was all about $100. great for knife making.
ОтветитьThe Oxy Acetylene cutting torch, ranks high on my list, first because it is just damn fun to use and some even consider cutting steel with fire a rite of passage into manhood, also in some cases I can put back together what I cut not to mention all the other uses.
ОтветитьI buy them for 10 bucks on sale at Harbor Freight and keep three of them loaded with different discs. They last quite a while
ОтветитьWow you think like me! But maybe even smarter, could that be possible?
ОтветитьI picked up an electric TRUMPF throatless hand held shear at the swap meet in Atlanta last summer for $80 in the case with the manuals, OMG what a freaking dream. It retails in the mid $300 range I believe. I cannot tell you how nice it is when doing any sheet metal work. The other is my portaband which is great for cutting pipe, tube etc.
I love my Hobart 220v mig and my 220v plasma cutter.
For welding the best thing I can think of is the best helmet and gloves you can buy, you will never be sorry for having either one of those.
I thought I was the only one who used my grinder to cut candy bar 😊
ОтветитьI love your videos man great job
ОтветитьAwesome video thank you
ОтветитьThis was hilarious qnd informative, ive been wanting to get a plasma cutter and chopsaw. But by R.saw and HF angle cutter have been improving nicely.
ОтветитьYou left one out ! I often see you drilling with a bit I am unfamiliar with. It is very wide at the business end. I can't afford a plasma cutter. I'm still spend gazillions on parts. So what kind of drill bit is that ? When I have to cut tight corners in thick metal, I drill the entire piece. I could send you a photo but don't know how . Drilling takes forever in thick metal but it's a hobby, right ? So forever is acceptable. I enjoy the hobby. But I'm eating bits fast. As always, anxious for your next vid. I am hoping to do a cantilever rear suspension in a 29 Tudor utilizing my coilovers. Cutting the cantilevers will be especially fun. If I start yesterday, I should be done in 2033 !
ОтветитьOh I already know what I think. I'm buying a set. If I can't make a good tool, I buy it. Good tools are a wise investment. Thank you for responding so soon and being so helpful once again. Every time I saw your drill in action, I thought, maybe someday. Man you are such a help. Thank you once again.
ОтветитьTin snips do suck, but they're way more useful if you're doing sheet aluminum work, and particularly thin sheet aluminum work, such as on an airplane. I'm a big meaty dude, and I have used them on steel... but I'd strongly prefer not to. ;)
But if I need to make a precise shape out of .030 aluminum, I'm probably reaching for the snips.
Candy bar! 😂
ОтветитьIm sort of surprised you don't have a small metal lathe....i always seem to be fabricating something on mine
ОтветитьI actually use my 3 inch air grinder with a bad dog cut off wheel. It’s got a lifetime warranty no matter how much abuse you give it. I’m kinda partial to my air tools.
ОтветитьHow about a guide for cut off wheels and abrasives? Thanks!
ОтветитьBestArc plasma cutters work pretty good, and they’re only $350.
ОтветитьDoes angel grinder make clean cuts?
And why circular saw isn't in the list
I am new to this haven't bought any tool yet
I don't like angel grinder as i don't think it make clear cuts
I was thinking about buying a circular saw with variable speed to be able to cut wood and steel and it will be attached to the table to the guide rail to be more safe and don't kick back to me also will be more safe than a grinder
But you are the expert what doe you think?
Thanks for the information
Ответить😂😂was fun at the same time, Whit Hellboy 👍
ОтветитьCandy bar you can cut must of everything!!😂
ОтветитьThe name 'Sawzall ' is from a company with name the Sawzall company.