Queria saber que pneu é esse. Ficou muito foda!
ОтветитьWhy do indians not get bigger cc bikes?
ОтветитьSlow 😂
ОтветитьPut a heat proof band on exhaust pipe
ОтветитьTop speed?
ОтветитьI would mount the mirror downwards
ОтветитьWhere is this from ?
ОтветитьPrice ?
ОтветитьQué medida son los rines ?
ОтветитьКитайское фуфло!😅
ОтветитьTengo dudas carnal cuanto una
ОтветитьWhich tyres
ОтветитьTendra algun video de como fue el paso a paso para lograr este resultado?
Es una maravilla ❤
Exhaust little too close to ass and leg.
ОтветитьOooooh, an electric version please! Beautiful bike sir!
ОтветитьHey bro where can I get these side mirrors ?
ОтветитьSick bike. Just wish the exhaust came out under the seat
ОтветитьAny of these with mud guards or something so it could be daily driven actually?
ОтветитьSong please 🙏
ОтветитьBro am a fun can you please make bajaj boxer like this
ОтветитьIt's all good until a rock slaps you in the back.
ОтветитьCylencer must modify
ОтветитьBro quiero una
ОтветитьBahaya exzos panas gak gano saloh ko buat kepit gitu....
Ответить"Honda" kkkkkkkkkk
ОтветитьPasaria algo si queres hacer el asiento para que se suban 2 personas a la moto?
ОтветитьI want this bike 👍🙏
ОтветитьШтаны не прожги
ОтветитьI’ll meet you at the border brother or how about you start shipping to America bro
ОтветитьSó mostra essa ? Poem outras caramba
ОтветитьI want one and I never even rode a motorbike before!!!!
ОтветитьBonita se ve pero segura no es imagínate llega un loco y la da en 2 o 3ra
ОтветитьI need this bike
Ответитьya mejor pon el asiento encima del tanque
ОтветитьHow much will you have to pay to buy this bike
Ответитьfun to see❤
ОтветитьCuanto cuesta una de esas?
Ответить❤ 👊🏻💪🏻
Ответитьif cylencer was in centre it's beautiful
ОтветитьBro!! I need one of those
ОтветитьLa misma moto siempre... no entiendo
ОтветитьNo V twins?
ОтветитьCan someone tell me were to buy those wheels please
ОтветитьI like this❤❤❤❤