Ответить100 % true and helpful
ОтветитьMay Allah accept your struggles for him.
Very good advise
Best video, thank you so much
ОтветитьAllahumma baarik
ОтветитьSubhan beautiful wish I had seen this earlier and may we all remember to follow this ...whenever tempted
ОтветитьWonderful advices
Jazakallahu khair
Ya Allah protect us against sins.
ОтветитьThis is Amazing MashaAllah
ОтветитьAssalamualaikum. Have you ever heard of Muhammad Qasim's dream? That Allah SWT and Prophet Muhammad SAW appeared hundreds of times in his dreams giving information about the end of time.
For the past 30 years, Allah SWT and Muhammad SAW have always come into his dreams. He is now 47 years old. The first time Allah SWT and Muhammad SAW came into his dreams was when he was 12 years old and when he was 17 years old, Allah SWT and Muhammad SAW continued to appear in his dreams. Since then Allah SWT has come into his dreams at least 500 times and Muhammad SAW has come into his dreams at least 300 times. In 2007, Allah SWT and Muhammad SAW taught him what to do and what not to do. Mostly to avoid all things about shirk. He have seen many dreams in which Islam and Muslims will rise again to the whole world. The first time in April 2014, Allah SWT told him, "Qasim, I want you to tell the whole world about your dream and I want everyone to know who you are".
In his dreams, he saw that when the true Islam of Prophet Muhammad SAW spread throughout the whole world, Muslims would unite again regardless of race and tribe and skin color. Muslims also eradicate racism and discrimination. When Pakistan removed shirk and its forms then Allah SWT helped Pakistan and Pakistan began to grow. After that Pakistan became a peaceful country and many Muslims around the world migrated to Pakistan and helped spread the true Islam of Prophet Muhammad SAW and all Muslims will live as one body. Allah Swt also said in his dream "Qasim! Your dream is not only for Pakistan, your dream is for all mankind and the whole world".
Allah SWT told him in many dreams that: "Qasim, one day I will help you and give you success and I will fulfill all My promises even if there is only one day left before the Day of Judgment."
On April 10, 2015, Prophet Muhammad SAW said to him in a dream: "My son Qasim, before the day of judgment, 4 major signs of the end will appear. The first major sign is the appearance of you my son Qasim!"
In another dream, Prophet Muhammad SAW said to him that the second big sign will be shown in the coming years, which is the appearance of Dajjal. He SAW also showed him that the last 2 big signs include the descent of Isa 'Alaihissalam and the destruction done by Gog and Magog.
Allah SWT and Prophet Muhammad SAW told Muhammad Qasim in a dream: "One day you will bring all Muslims out of darkness and the whole world will be filled with light and peace. All this will start from Pakistan.”
Allah knows best.
Ya Shaykh the white days will fall on Friday this month. Is it OK to fast this Friday?
ОтветитьJazak Allahu Khairan shaykh ❤
ОтветитьJazakAllahu Khair ya Sheikh 🙂 May Allah reward you 🤲🏻 amin
ОтветитьBaarakallaahu fiikum
ОтветитьSubhanAllah! JazakAllah Khair Shaykh for the needed reminder. May Allah grant us all the tawfiq against that which leads us away from Him and brings us closer to Him.
ОтветитьJazakhaAllahu kheirun Sheikh for another enlightening khatira❤!
ОтветитьJazaka Allahu khayran for sharing this crucial reminder! May Allah protect us from approaching sins and forgive our shortcomings 🤲
ОтветитьI wish l could be near such a wonderful scholar but I can't so I beg Allah to be the neighbour of him in Jannah God bless you sheikh
ОтветитьBarakalllahu feekoom ya Shaikh Alhamdulillah
ОтветитьI'm afraid to do any sin I know Allah is watching over me. If I do any sin that I don't mean it I ask forgiveness to Allah with tears 😢😢😢 may Allah forgive me my pass sin ya Rabb I'm in the way of tawbah forgive my sin ya Rabb
ОтветитьThank you Sir
ОтветитьAgree Allah is watching
ОтветитьAlhamdulilah for this video I really needed this 🙂
ОтветитьSubhanAllah! Ya الله please forgive us of our past, present and future sins, have mercy on us and protect us from a soul that's never satisfied. اللهم امين💙🥺💛
Ответить... Assalamu alaikum wa rahmat'Allah hi wabarakatu... greetings from Singapore ..I will pray on time.. insha'Allah
ОтветитьJazakAllah Khair (may Allah reward you with good)
ОтветитьJazakAllahu khairan