Solo Grandmaster Nightfall - Battleground Behemoth (Hunter) [Destiny 2 Episode Revenant]

Solo Grandmaster Nightfall - Battleground Behemoth (Hunter) [Destiny 2 Episode Revenant]


55 лет назад

105 Просмотров

Destiny 2 The final Shape, Episode 2 Revenant - Solo Grandmaster Nightfall Battleground Behemoth Platinum Score. A quick completion of the solo Grandmaster Nightfall using the selector which is Battleground Behemoth.

I first got into solo Grandmaster Nightfalls in season of the wish but do not have any gameplay footage as I was on xbox. I took the upgrade just prior to final shape and now use PC so can more easily record footage.

I am not a massive fan of the battleground type activities in general but I really enjoy them as GMs. This GM had no instance where you really had to push so I decided to spec into range and use an old meta for a change hence the use of Polaris. I believe nighthawk is still bugged and giving the extra bonus for being a 'roaming super' so I decided to use that too.

This build was super fun back in season of the wish and is nowhere near as good now but still fun to use. I wanted to try and do something different for this strike as it wasn't too hard. Initially I was going to use Wicked implement and try a stasis shatter build but that thing is garbage- not sure where all the hype came from honestly.

This GM only took me a couple of tries- mostly because that thresher at the start nuked me once or twice, but even so it is one of the easier ones requiring no mechanical skill, just straight ad clear.

On a side note I will be running this GM back on a very different build that I'd like to show off when this strike appears in the rotator in Act 3.

Hope you all enjoy!
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