Drinking BEER and WITNESSING CORNISH PATRIOTISM in a random town

Drinking BEER and WITNESSING CORNISH PATRIOTISM in a random town


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@drewand777 - 08.03.2025 21:05

Lots of chem trails!

@yellowbelly5982 - 08.03.2025 21:21

Great content SI 😎 Grab yourself a 🍺

@TheYorkieJourney - 08.03.2025 21:56

Hello Good Evening 👋

@simonrichardson5203 - 08.03.2025 21:58

Wow the Asian bar tender is hot

@simonrichardson5203 - 08.03.2025 22:06

They ain't keen on camper vans down there watch out you don't end up in a wickerman, I never tell anyone I'm in a camper , had a conversation with someone one asked why they didn't like campervans " I just don't " was the reply

@TheYorkieJourney - 08.03.2025 22:13

That was me this is my opinion . go into the local shop with a pack of 4 tins and sat on those benches the beautiful view 😂. Enjoy your beer brother 👍🙏

@tonynorris5151 - 08.03.2025 22:19

Blimey I remember getting pissed on £15 when I was younger 😮 cheers folk.

@samreeve824 - 08.03.2025 22:26

Hey man, enjoying the videos. All I can say is, if you’re not getting a few hate comments, you’re doing something wrong 😅. Keep it up bro

@KTravels1 - 08.03.2025 22:46

I've been watching MashTag since his original Thailand vlogs last year. He is indeed mental. So entertaining though.

@archons909 - 08.03.2025 22:59

you are consciousness sui generis & priceless
we enjoy & admire your inspiring & insightful videos !
your videos deserve far more views !
if sun is the true source of heat and the earth is tilted on it's axis then how come summers in the arctic & antarctic regions are far colder than the tropical regions if the arctic & antarctic regions are facing the sun during their summers ? !
if sun is the true source of heat and it is millions of miles away from the earth then how can heat from the sun travel millions of miles through freezing vacuum of space unaffected while few 1000 meters of altitude on earth can become the difference between 0 & 40 celsius !
if earth rotates on it's axis west to east then how come waves always flow from the oceans towards the lands regardless of the oceans being to the east or west or north or south of the lands instead the waves should flow in the opposite direction of the earth's rotation ? !

@MarkKingscott-b2c - 08.03.2025 23:03

Glad you’re having a good time si see you on he next one

@Weirdwebbie58 - 08.03.2025 23:09

You are hilarious 😆 you crack me up!! Complete nutter,great channel 👍🏻

@deelightfulenergy - 08.03.2025 23:17

It’s nice to see you both enjoying yourselves! 🤗…it can’t be all work and no play right? 🤷‍♀️…we all need to let our hair down once in awhile!😌🍻💃🕺🎶… creating content is time consuming and requires a lot of energy and effort (some people may not realise or appreciate that but many of us do 🙏🏻) …so good on ya and thank you for another uplifting and entertaining video 🙏🏻🥰👍🏼

@LoriKay.90s - 08.03.2025 23:23

I don’t normally comment on videos but I just want to say that I have watched every single video of yours, your girlfriend is an absolute sweetheart and I really hope you guys make it!
Now for the trolls that say donate so he can have a beer, I just want to say that if you can help a brother to escape the matrix then do it, because it doesn’t cost you anything to watch and engage, and if you’re tired with your life and feel resentful because someone else is trying to change theirs then is important to look within and think why you have the need to hate someone for doing absolutely nothing to harm others…
Be upset with the system not with the ones that are trying to escape it!
Much love ❤
Thank you Si for your content

@jonmackay5000 - 08.03.2025 23:26

I think your content is great i watch all your vlogs not sure about the excessive alcohol to be honest content is alot better when your adventuring being yourself rather than getting hammered in a pub

@cloggsy1971 - 08.03.2025 23:33

Peace and love to you and yours too 🙏🏻🫶🏻

@anton__84 - 08.03.2025 23:51


@BarryPearce-m4u - 09.03.2025 00:03

Love videos si , but to be honest 68 this year and a big reggae fan , they should have paid you to go in , £1.80 for a bag of crisps , if the truth was known they were not born and bread in cornwall those people that night.

@Realworldnews247 - 09.03.2025 00:05

Beautiful there

@garykent2237 - 09.03.2025 00:51

Peace love and unity ,well said .

@jackgalloway8314 - 09.03.2025 00:56

A cracked screen. Damn it!!

@Unite_the_Kingdom_Sean - 09.03.2025 01:12


@Violet-jp7cd - 09.03.2025 01:14

I hope you get see your truthful in your views and take of things your up front honest and you got confidence that push’s you too only win in life from a older person your what young ppl should aim to be like well rounded an twenty years in front than I was at your age with knowing how this world holds ppl back if you follow the sheep an you got beautiful lady by your side x

@HandyC - 09.03.2025 01:18

Ahh what a night, that brings back so many memories of hanging around pubs and venues listening to my bro play, just like those guys on a random night of the week for no other reason than we could (although it paid my bro well TBH. Now he lives on a yacht in Greece lol
One thing I try to live by is that travel is the only thing that makes you richer..
Peace and love to you two too, great conclusion

@Unite_the_Kingdom_Sean - 09.03.2025 01:38

Will all the TROLLS moaning about a guy letting loose an having a few beers enjoying himself sod right off you miserable sods

@spectrumEDMforever - 09.03.2025 01:42

Gambling addiction tell me something I don’t t know 😆 it’s all arsenals fault honest guvnor😆

@Renegademindstayfree - 09.03.2025 02:56

Good for you enjoying the local pubs. Best experiences you will have meeting the locals. Seen a few comments of people hating! Absolute weapons! Enjoy the local experience fk jealous helmets

@KayakDreadgirl - 09.03.2025 02:59

Peace ☮️ and love ❤️ brother. 💯

@Lokena1965 - 09.03.2025 06:48

Peace & Love from California

@xrpsurfing9875 - 09.03.2025 11:21

Bro...... the battle is here xx much love xx Cornish, cant beat them xx

@jordanjames1340 - 09.03.2025 11:41

Lovely white culture in that pub at the end them shantys are 🎉

@jordanjames1340 - 09.03.2025 11:45

Despite making up only 13% of London’s total population, black Londoners account for 45% of London’s knife murder victims, 61% of knife murder perpetrators and 53% of knife crime perpetrators.

We are all one though remember

@jamiepitcherconway9988 - 09.03.2025 22:54

Love the content and positivity. ❤

@dro6on - 10.03.2025 01:04

Yo fam 😂 lovin your work..brilliant!! grab a cheeky JD on me 😘 If your still in the area, try locate Nanjizal ‘secret beach 😉🤫 am glad you both had such a memorable night..loves and to all our fellow peacemakers and love to our beautiful earth 🙏🏻😘🤙

@richjackson8349 - 10.03.2025 23:31

Kernow bys vyken - love that you guys enjoyed our perfect homeland x

@Andy-jx8fc - 11.03.2025 14:40

That last sentence from your vlog gained you another sub , and of course a like from a bald like minded inividual. I wish you lots of success for this channel .

@simonrichardson5203 - 11.03.2025 16:14

Donate more so we can see more pints sunk , some cant handle their beer its obsious si is just enjoying life and can handle a few beers and still remain chilled
