Learn Physical Modeling Synthesis with Objekt from Reason Studios

Learn Physical Modeling Synthesis with Objekt from Reason Studios

Reason Studios

1 год назад

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@dragonflythemusician - 26.06.2023 23:44

Thank you for very good explanation 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

@thelightofficial666 - 28.06.2023 00:25

Amazing. I've been watching Ryan for years and if he made a video about stamp collecting or knitting I'd watch it. He makes everything so simple.

@sone. - 28.06.2023 08:22

What's the name of the song at the end of the video?

@MrMusicbyMartin - 28.06.2023 09:14

I’m a long time Reason user, since v5. I’ve just purchased Reason 12 and can’t wait to get stuck into Objekt.

@nikolafeve - 28.06.2023 21:27

you are so good to explain and demystified complicated things

@joinery11 - 28.06.2023 22:02

Well, i dunno what to say, i wasn't very hopeful to be honest but my god what a synth, spend a short time playing with some controls and this thing kicks ass. Performs at another level when you input your voice through it. love it, def worth buying

@RocknRollkat - 02.07.2023 14:59

Excellent presentation, thank you !
As a historical note, Fairlight tried this in the beginning of synthesis, decided that the computing power didn't exist yet, and it was easier to just 'sample' real instruments.
Hence the start of sampling, etc.
Bill P.

@roman2374 - 05.07.2023 19:16


@cybclinic - 10.07.2023 18:14

Lovely instrument, however 'Collision' is not quite unique, Sculpture in Logic has had this for years, they are called 'Disturbers'. That said, the nomenclature and layout is much better in this instrument.

@nicknick65 - 12.07.2023 15:38

Ive seen enough, Im buying it!!! btw great presentation

@malikmartin - 13.07.2023 10:20

Holy crap, that jazz clip....

@marceltorres4337 - 16.07.2023 20:04

Excellent tutorial !!... Thank you very very much !... easy to understand explanations... excellent !!... a lot of thanks !

@pbrninja19 - 17.07.2023 15:30

For the love of God, make a VST.

@brionreid7316 - 17.07.2023 20:41

Beardyman vid inspired me to watch this. This inspired me 2 mark my calendar for the BlackFriday sale
Nice work Ryan

@retron2738 - 19.07.2023 15:12

Wonderful Synth . But why not give it a physical interface. Without your Explainations there is at least for me no understanding (Iam German). Even if i translate all of the interface lables - There is no "Ahaaaa" Effect about what is going on.

Instead of having a tutorial which is cool, but not specific, give the interface a specific Look about what is going on.
Physical Modeling Synthesis must come with physical interface adapted to a digital interface.

@alfonsoleon3805 - 28.07.2023 17:30

The Objekt synth sounds absolutely stunning. i cannot believe my ears at the purity of the sound and amount of different tones that this thing can make. I have passed through many kontakt instruments and this sounds better than a lot of them. Its a synth that trully sounds real. It will help me a lot with my live set, very appreciated and also great tutorial. I am happy to be supporting Reason again after many years.

@ZooDinghy - 29.07.2023 15:23

Is there a VST Plugin version for other DAWs?

@noodlessoul8356 - 01.08.2023 19:37

How much does Reason cost nowadays you say?

@Pyroific - 07.08.2023 23:20


@Thunderkiss655 - 09.08.2023 02:22

That sounds truly amazing and what a great video with great explanations!

@teti_teti - 30.08.2023 16:54

I hope Giant Claw get this tool

@prohine7060 - 07.09.2023 12:48

Sad to hear my work with reason comes to an end, after i started with reason 1, Record and invested a lot in it up to Reason 11, but now i can only use it online 😪. You could have done at least a video to explain it.

@Military23446 - 10.09.2023 03:45

From subtractor back in 2000 to malstrom, Thor , parsec, Europa and now this beast, for me the best upgrades was Reason 6.5 and Reason 10 for me

@ThePowermountain - 14.09.2023 17:32

Very useful info and explanation!

@phaedrus3000 - 16.09.2023 01:21

hey! i noticed something was sounding weird with that bodhrán at the start. it must be cos im irish haha

@Choccka - 18.09.2023 12:28

Gotta love the bow :D Thanks for the great introduction to object!

@SoulSingerJTait - 27.09.2023 02:21

Great video.

@Hemigoblin - 11.10.2023 02:25

This excited my resonator bodies.

@i_never_asked_for_an_alias - 15.10.2023 15:59


@ArgumentShow - 21.10.2023 22:09

A months work there

@tyj_DV - 29.10.2023 01:18

do we ever get a less way-to-excited boomer that actually knows something about music production or at least the new thing he's demoing or is it just these ultra cringe vids with this guy and then an even more forced and cringey podcast with the swedish viking boomer who clearly hates being here and hates this guy too...

@DjSkyattack - 01.11.2023 14:56

cheating to emulate real acoustic strings -
gives me a chance to explore n master this synth

@alexez4848 - 20.11.2023 02:19

This doesnt work for me at all. I cant even route thor to Objekt...vocals dont work. NOTHING. Its just another instrument. Nothing special. False advertising. No help from them at all either

@erikreuterskiold5996 - 01.12.2023 01:57

It sounds absolutely amazing but even more so it looks very playable, huge fun.

@mygoogle1525 - 30.12.2023 00:45

Would be awesome ,if that was a stand alone plugin.

@k_o_r_a_y - 06.01.2024 21:30

How did i find this out just now? And not when it was there 😂

@thetylersherman - 31.01.2024 23:21

Just want to say, this is an incredible demo from Ryan. I think to properly demo a physical modeler you really need to translate the digital controls to the "in-real-life" concepts of resonance and you really nailed it.

@meranomusic7084 - 14.02.2024 15:54

REASON Studios I love you guys! This is the best virtual instrument in the Universe!

@sub-jec-tiv - 27.02.2024 07:50

It sounds so amazing. WHY DO THEY NOT RELEASE IT AS A VST on its own!?! I am not buying or renting Reason for one instrument…

@HazyJ28 - 08.04.2024 05:47

Does anybody know, was that a Taiko drum used in the example at the beginning?

@Dangerousdaze - 02.06.2024 12:20

Another awesome tutorial! The structure is especially noteworthy because it switches between dry(-ish!) technical details and cool examples to keep you interested. And, of course, another cool musical powerhouse in Reason. Oh, those prepared pianos are a crime against nature, btw. Just saying. ;)

@otrie - 12.06.2024 20:38

Wowzers!!! This is REASON University, thank you so much, Professor Ryan. "There is deeper to dive than this deep dive dove" MarVeLoUS!!!

@hermancharlesserrano1489 - 10.09.2024 00:32

This is great! Can I use objekt in cubase 13, without the entirety of Reason?

@mastersquinch - 04.12.2024 15:27

this video is lowkey helping me to build an intuitive understanding of resonance and physical acoustic sound

@thegiordan099 - 22.12.2024 11:14



@TeaLeafThief - 29.12.2024 08:03

I love that you used a bodhrán and damn your pronunciation was near perfect.
The á sound is like... An aw
So its like.. BauwRawn.

@1Austereone - 03.01.2025 17:23

Can anyone at reason show me how to make a piano tuned in 432hz with objekt

@RobertClark11 - 20.01.2025 17:13

You are on another level as a presenter. I'd be shocked if other companies aren't asking you to make demo videos of their products. Masterfully done every time :)
