Jamaica And Trinidadian Is STILL Black Btw.. Those Are Just Ethnic Backgrounds..
ОтветитьTruth be told. There's no way in hell i would waste my time trying to have a serious conversation, trying to explain things with women that look like that.
ОтветитьNo disrespect but with all due respect bro worth the dreads was a mamas boy. They was talking about toys for boys and girls bro yelled out Nintendo like a girl 😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьMajah Hype and them 2 guys talking the truth & they just don’t understand/listen to real talk 💯 💪🏽
ОтветитьGreen never listen
ОтветитьWell some men are wearing bootie shorts and purses now. I’m confused too.
ОтветитьMajah hype eat pum pum 😅😂
ОтветитьBuddy in the red shows his age he sounds and acts young he gotta chill
ОтветитьMen just get your passports 😂. I'm a passport unc and I married a feminine, agreeable and friendly South American Latina 🔥💞. A peaceful home 🏡 is a beautiful thing gentlemen.
ОтветитьWhat respectful female wears shades on a podcast. Masculine energy!!!
ОтветитьI love this round table. Pretty cool , attentic and no fake apology. The only thing I would ask them to do is to have a little bit more diversity to it and it might get alot more attention. But real and the guy in the hat sorry don’t know his name did an awesome job educating all the women out there.
ОтветитьWhat does masculine energy look like from a female?
It's using vocal tone, volume, and physical posture in a way that attempts to threaten a male.
Her sitting there with her hand on her face shows lack of professionalism.
ОтветитьShe has a full set of a make up on but says “who?” 🤨
ОтветитьShe wants them to tell her what a masculine woman is because she has a rebuttal ready 😂 and justify why she is a wack ass person.
ОтветитьGreen shirt-BOOOOOOOOOOOO👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾
Ответитьi’m glade that i was partly raised by my grandma
ОтветитьThese are very confused men, talking about women are planners, like where ? Lol, men plan and project the family finances, he is the pillar of the home and the woman follows... if you dont know or live it you'll doom to to be a confused man...
ОтветитьIf you want to level up you need a partner, you don't need no one but you will never level up the way you want to by yourself
ОтветитьHaving sex too early slows down the learning process. Sex is Satan's secret weapon.
ОтветитьImma just be out this here only certain communities have such large amounts of single mothers that it’s become a thing
Ответитьyou just cant tell me they deserve a vote
ОтветитьTwisting to avoid acknowledging what he's saying.
ОтветитьAs a man, why would you stay with a woman who doesn't listen to you?
ОтветитьWhat wrong with the lady in green? She looks aggravated and/or annoyed.
ОтветитьOur mothers are the only women worth respecting nowadays.
ОтветитьHe lost me at women are more responsible.
ОтветитьWomen don’t like the woman position, they take the woman position as an insult, they look at the men’s position and say to themselves “I can do that too! Can’t nobody tell me nothing!”….. and it’s like what’s wrong with woman’s position, why don’t you like your position…. I never see female lions getting upset because they can’t grow a mane like mufasa 🦁
ОтветитьOnly black women wanna be strong and masculine smh
ОтветитьAlways let a woman pay. Save your money and delete O.F. Accounts.
ОтветитьI remember a woman I was working with at Amazon warehouse told me she can change a tire fix appliances around the house use tools lay down tile & repair her car & she can do everything a man can do because she was raising 4 kids by herself due to her baby daddy being deceased & while I did have sympathy for her because of her situation nobody deserves to lose their partner they created a family with I found it very unattractive that she was so comfortable telling me she could do anything a man could do & it turned me off
ОтветитьWOmen want The Privileges of "Masculine" Traits And Then Complain As Being WOmen But when a Man Complain He Being Sassy That's why it's Confusing And he should nOt Listen TO WOmen
ОтветитьI need advice.. I wanna b a guest
ОтветитьWomen are not good money managers
ОтветитьAccording to Capital One Shopping Research, women spend nearly $35 trillion globally on consumer goods, equivalent to 50% of worldwide consumer spending
ОтветитьMen don’t have anything for themselves anymore. In the past cigar lounges were comfortable chairs with dim lights and private conversations. Now that women have found them they are bright lights table seating and loud music and loud talking women. They have become a type of nightclub on the weekends and the traditional male patron avoids them from Friday to Monday.
ОтветитьThis guy is a mom's baby boy & simp.
ОтветитьAin’t no way mum in the green is married or in a successful relationship because she gives entitlement, aggressive and masculine energy.
ОтветитьHe’s Absolutely Correct. Women nowadays are too Masculine. YUCK
ОтветитьIm crying at the Jamaican accent
ОтветитьFemale in the green gave a good point 🎉
ОтветитьThe biggest problem is women not following a man’s leadership. There will be constant fighting. So men need to embody as much masculinity and success for most women to just STFU. And women like those in the panel need to find soft beta men and more importantly be happy with it.
ОтветитьDidnt even start watching the video...and already.....I will tell you.....ERIN HAS STRONG MASCULINE TRAITS. super duper turn off