South Africans Reacts To BTS (방탄소년단) 'I NEED U' Official MV (Original ver.) (Exploring BU Part.1 )

South Africans Reacts To BTS (방탄소년단) 'I NEED U' Official MV (Original ver.) (Exploring BU Part.1 )


2 года назад

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@cycology3 - 11.05.2022 03:48

I freaking ADORE you two!!!!!!!!!!!!! More please more!!!

@sofiaromero2140 - 11.05.2022 04:26

This is a great song! The "girl" represents all kinds of struggles: violence, loneliness, depression, suicidal thoughts, poverty, addictions, etc. The "girl" that they want to leave but can't...thank you guys!!! You're amazing!!! 💜💜💜💜

@AJ_Rants - 11.05.2022 05:47

The song that made me a fan of Bts. 🙃

@BleachBrownie - 11.05.2022 05:51

why do i feel like RM would be absolutely terrible in a fight tho? ARMY who's in street fight line for you?

@HinataUchihaInuzuka9 - 11.05.2022 06:59

When RM wrote the lyrics he wrote "I need u friend", but if you sing it like that it doesn't sound good, so he changed it to "I need u girl", but the real meaning is that I need u friend, so it's a breakup song and at the same time it fits into the story they're doing where their friendship is what's most important. The BU is almost like a puzzle but lemme tell you it will blow your mind. The storyline itself is very deep.

So, all the members in the BU come from troubled or abusive households, which is also why they are family to each other. They are each other's strength and happiness, which is reflected how they are happy when they are together but when separated you can see just how much they actually suffer. At this point in the story, there's no girl present hahaha so the imagery is what's more important here. Still, it is a song about needing each other.

RM - works in a gas station, the clients treat him like shit (throwing money on the ground instead of giving it to him) and imagery of him smoking (the lollipop is basically him smoking, since Korea doesn't allow on-screen smoking or something like that).
Jin - in a room alone, the flower petals start burning, he is a very important character in the storyline and he is conflicted.
Suga - in a motel, missing someone (scene in the bed), buys gasoline and burns the room with himself inside (suicide). *RM did not burn his room
J-Hope - is sick and needs meds but abuses the drugs and passes out in the sidewalk of a road from an overdose
Jimin - in the bathtub burning a photo, he seems in distress and scared, tries to drown himself.
V - catches his dad (the dad is the alcoholic one, not V) abusing his sister, in anger and adrenaline attacks his dad and accidentally kills him
Jungkook - gets into street fights, seems to not care about anything (depression), ends up being hit by a car at the end

You actually connected Fake Love with I NEED U quite well! The fire that Suga looks at in Fake Love represents him committing suicide, same with Jimin as the water represents him trying to dorwn himself. Hobi's candy mountain is also related to the BU. So is Jin protecting the sand lamp. The timeline is a mess, there are a TON of things to consider ahaha notes and books, lyrics, webtoons, a game, MVs, etc etc. So I do suggest you check out Bookish Theories' and xCeleste's videos on the BU because they compile it best.

@Lola-193 - 11.05.2022 09:24

This video is a tearful gut wrenching piece of cinematic art! It’s so many feelings in one. I cry every time I see it. Such an iconic song that changed their lives, and made ARMY so proud. Thank you for reacting and understanding the message. Borahae 💜🙏

@eterna2139 - 11.05.2022 13:06

WOW great job guys you actually got most of the storyline and the theories correct in this reaction, and it's okay about you guys messing up the timeline because tbh with you watching bst first you could relate the things from that music video to this.

Let me try to give you some ideas on what's going on here lmao, so 'I need u girl' is a lyric which was actually meant to be 'I need you friend' since in this storyline it correlates more on bangtan's friendship and problems which revolve around depression, drug addiction, heartbreak, abuse, accidents, mental illnesses, and parental neglect and etcetera. Which ties in with what you said about them being happy together while dealing with their own problems on their own.

Then, you guys talked about the fire and the water that was Suga and Jimin's problem, and I think you should hold on to that while you guys go into the BU storyline.

After, you realized that Namjoon was actually smoking this whole time because he always had a "lollipop" in his mouth that turned into a cig once it dropped on the ground.

Let's now talk about Tae, he has the most, um let's just say shocking storyline here. And you are 40-50% right about his story. According to the theories, that girl was his sister, and that guy he stabbed was actually his abusive father, you will get more information about him in the next BU video which is On stage: Prologue. (and i recommend you watch the ones with english subs on it because its pretty important)

Now if you are going into the deep beautiful dark road of BTS Universe ahead of you I reccomend remembering the pairings that are inside this storyline;

- Jimin & Jhope
- Suga & Jungkook
- Tae & RM

And ofc Jin as the main character plays a whole different role, with no partner. In this storyline he is the "time traveler" or "savior" or whatever you want to call him anyways. His role in this storyline is to keep all of his friends Alive and together. In this music video he is trapped in a room with 6 petals (which probably represent the members) and he was holding them right?? Armys believe that he takes care of these "petals" and if you do realize in the music video the petals lit up, once all the sadness, drama and whatnot comes in.

Now i might need to continue this after I take a quick bath, but I hope this helps!! GOOD LUCK!!

@anoushkas6766 - 11.05.2022 13:18

Bts songs u need to check out
Make it right.

@이루미-m3m - 13.05.2022 05:02


@tino92vk - 14.05.2022 00:11

Please do the BU

@dilanurfadila8009 - 14.05.2022 17:51

Thanks for the reaction about the BTS mv I like it.

@Ve_pio - 15.05.2022 00:51

after this mv,
u should react to their song "Run"
it's how the story continues
Anyways, I loved your reaction, keep doing more!!!!!!! <3

@wisskook8957 - 15.05.2022 00:52

React to run and Butterfly

@miriamaguas5881 - 15.05.2022 06:39

You need to react to Run

@lumilily4897 - 16.05.2022 12:57

Since you mentioned "Fake Love", I would like to mention that "Fake Love" is part of the storyline and does reference "I Need U" in that scene. Some playlists arrange the music videos, short films, and reels according to the storyline so check It out!

@Im_rarara - 17.05.2022 01:29

I really like this song... This story was moving to me.

@bandilekhumalo346 - 18.05.2022 11:23

It's time for the rabbit hole.

@lightefilit - 19.05.2022 05:44

"Jimin the assassin" is strange to hear but... surprisingly accurate. The man do be secretly a ninja 😅

@kormadiiikub3641 - 24.05.2022 00:31

One of my favorite BTS MV. Thanks for your reaction. I like it.👍🙏

@lottaalmark8144 - 24.05.2022 15:19

If you did not know jungkook is actually the strongest

@Cat_with_ears_1801 - 31.05.2022 08:05

The way you guys said jungkook you need my number man 😂✋

@noemysilvatumaztumaz6876 - 03.06.2022 03:47

React ateez hala hala

@michell3718 - 13.06.2022 05:02

I’m from the future, but hearing you guys finally /get/ it at the end 🥰 welcome to the rest of your life 💜

@qazaq.. - 22.06.2022 13:33

U r cute

@blarmy827 - 07.07.2022 11:32

Jungkook is taller than jimin, Jhope and yoongi lol him Tae and jin are around the same height… jin may be a little bit taller than them and rm is the tallest… jimin sometimes uses lifts in his shoes or does things to appear taller.. but he’s average height for dudes… not short.. they just tease him like brothers do lol all love

@blarmy827 - 07.07.2022 11:45

I’m not sure why people are telling you guys that “blood sweat and tears” is part of the BU lol it really isn’t… there are a few Easter eggs on there that if you know the storyline then you’ll clock it… but that video is actually about the boom “demian,” and the psychology about fate, life and death and reality … it’s got nothing really to do with the bu. I believe the Japan version has some symbolism but the original doesn’t

@svnxgguk - 20.08.2022 12:57

This was their disbanding song, after releasing this song if they haven't won the award show they would've disbanded 😔

@amalamin1845 - 26.08.2022 03:56


@kikichanel7249 - 27.08.2022 09:42

Pls reaction " Save me" of BTS<3

@queenqueen3755 - 14.09.2022 01:48

Love your reaction👌

@taekook509 - 22.09.2022 15:43

how about my Taekook idol 😭😭😭😭

@susieangelo6410 - 24.09.2022 03:52

"Young" JK unintentionally bumped into the "older" guy and didn't apologize which is regarded in Korea as being very rude, therefore, they beat him to teach him a lesson.

@jessicgon - 04.10.2022 00:07

essa mv acaba comigo. é uma das minhas músicas favoritas

@axelialee9117 - 04.11.2022 17:54

Work hard worth it 🥰🥰♥️

@blbalfmz - 11.12.2022 19:50

Lmao I love u guys so much 😂😂💗💗💗

@johnnlaurenss - 17.12.2022 06:19

damn its been too long since ive last seen this mv, still brings me to tears-

@Popypop04 - 29.12.2022 18:01

You should react an explanation of BTS storyline .. then you will understand everything 😊💜

@Upasana58850 - 29.12.2022 19:29

This songs gives me "Lovesick Girls" vibes. Uh.. lovesick girls by BLACKPINK, cuz if you look closely the video is kind of same vibes gives.

@rurohroh9501 - 01.02.2023 07:49

Kelanjutan mv ini adalah Baterflay 👍👍👍

@curioppyty - 04.03.2023 07:17

you guys are very observant it's nice to see how much attention you pay to the small details, like the lollipop becoming a cigarette. and you even understood right away that rm's struggle was with poverty, most people don't at this point

@C.H.L.O.EEE17 - 14.05.2023 23:54

Even when they had their own troubles. Jhope was the one who ended up dead.

@AISHA-js3gk - 17.05.2023 14:46

Aisha Aisha as army of BTS I finally got my first ever army bomb and but not yet for my txt light stick my txt light stick when we go to Philippines 🇵🇭 ❤🇶🇦😭🐻💍😘🔥☺️🇰🇷🥰🐯❤️😍🐰👂🙏♥️😀💣🇵🇭

@tiyapatel6619 - 14.08.2023 18:01

BTS STORYLINE SUMMARY if you don't see this story then you have not seen anything

@juliettedemaso7588 - 01.12.2023 04:40

I just found you guys, and all I got to say is your BTS reactions are going be helping me get through till 2025. Borahae from Chicago!

@nemoarmy7188 - 30.01.2024 01:37

creasing at how you both pause to discuss how you'd fight with bts for jungkook 🤣🤣🤣🤣

@ГульзифаДаутова - 08.03.2024 13:38

Мне нравяться ваши реакции на бтс
Надеюсь они реальны.

@Meloncholi - 13.04.2024 12:42

After reading the( save me ) webtoon everything makes sense ❤

@MsBlackAlice - 13.08.2024 22:31


@hadilrid2603 - 02.09.2024 19:15

Jimin tried to commit suicide in the amphibian

@dxwxt - 09.05.2022 15:00

I can't WAIIIIIIIT to explore the BU more 😤😤
