HUNTING JAVELINA WITH A BOW: Arizona Opportunity Hunt (Ep. 3)

HUNTING JAVELINA WITH A BOW: Arizona Opportunity Hunt (Ep. 3)

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@jrca1406 - 03.02.2020 20:48

Randy... honestly... if you cooked ticks or roaches with that many spices, flavorings and other additives... some unknowing soul would proclaim that it was great too.
I love glassing them and they’re awesome critters... but I’d rather cook German Shepherd.

@stanleyshelby7460 - 03.02.2020 21:05

When cleaning them their diet will make one's nose act up...thank goodness they are that edible.

@unit3edkarnage - 03.02.2020 21:18

What packs were you guys using down there this year

@seananderson7227 - 03.02.2020 22:14

Hey Randy what kind of broadhead were you using

@williamweiss6128 - 04.02.2020 00:37

But will you get one, and cook it in the ground all night like they do in Texas?

@BCVS777 - 04.02.2020 00:59

We used to pit barbecue Javelina. Leave em in the ground for about 48 hours. Good eating! When I was a kid I tried to catch a baby javelina cuz it was so cute...Momma Javelina put me up a mesquite tree real fast. Lesson learned!

@deanhaley9318 - 04.02.2020 05:21

Wreaking havoc on the javelina, nice job guys. Am I hearing things, or do I hear a touch of Canadian in Larisa's voice?

@pedrocabrera137 - 04.02.2020 05:22

Randy what broad heads are you using in this hunt

@timd972 - 04.02.2020 05:31

So when I first moved to Texas I wound up on a lease and the other guys on the lease told me how bad they were. I thought they were full of crap and they sure are fun to stalk. So I ended up taking one. Now I have eaten everything under the sun and liked them. When I was a kid, best friend and I would kill all kinds of small critters and cook them for each other to see what we could get the other to eat. I never found anything I didn't like. So when I killed that javelina, I had high hopes and more than a little confidence. In the end though I just couldn't stomach a javelina. I would be very curious to see what your doing to avoid the gland. I was very careful when I cleaned mine, and it still tasted like a skunk smells. My wife wouldn't even eat it, and she is even less picky than me. In Texas they are everywhere and you can kill them every year so it would be great if I could find a way to appreciate the meat.

@jakef1977 - 04.02.2020 05:35

Great video guys! I would love to have Hank cook for us! Lol. One day I'm going to head to AZ go hunt one day. 👍

@Damon1864 - 04.02.2020 06:19

You nailed ‘em in the peckeries!

@thelogicalsportsman700 - 04.02.2020 15:02

Less talk more shots 👍🏻 jk

@thelogicalsportsman700 - 04.02.2020 15:02


@bendrixbailey1430 - 04.02.2020 16:09

Javelina butchering and cooking... I went to AZ three years ago for a January OTC Javelina hunt and had a blast. With the help of an outfitter I enjoyed a nicely fitted out tent camp. With his off road truck we got back into the desert on roads that appeared impassible, especially in the pre-dawn gloom, but pass we did and when that petered out, we hiked. It was an awesome trip. I got a Javelina with my longbow. As a hunter of 25 years who always butchers his own animals, I undertook the Javelina with my guide looking on. There is no trick to it. The musk glands are located outside the muscle, attached to, or part of, the skin. Just go slow and smart and you won’t cut them, even if you can’t identify them. My guide pointed them out for me.

As for cooking... I used one of Hank’s recipes and found the time required to tenderize, or braise, the Javelina was double what he recommends. Mine was a very old female, and quite large, but still; double? The problem was the recipe called for putting a lot of the other vegetable matter in with the meat. I had to pull the meat out and continue to cook it separately or the veggies would have been mush. So do what Hank did in this video. Cook the meat apart from everything else and don’t stop until its tender. You could even cook it the day prior so you’re not under pressure to produce a meal. The rest of the ingredients are predictable.

I looked everywhere for information on Javelina and Trichinosis. I could find nothing, no connection, no research. I could not find any reference to parasites of any kind in Javelina meat. So... I cooked the back straps rare. Yup, rare. Let me tell you, that meat was delicious. My wife and I both enjoyed it with no ill effects. The texture was superb and the flavor was mild and lovely. You may want to howl and tell me how dangerous that was, and I’d appreciate anyone who can reference a SCIENTIFIC document with EVIDENCE of parasites in Javelina, but if all you’re gonna do is repeat what someone else told you so long ago you can’t remember who, don’t bother.

One bit of information you may find useful: OTC tags are generally for the southern units, closer to the border. Some folks are afeared of hunting near to “the wall”. Could be. Wasn’t a problem for me and I could not find any news stories about hunters being bothered by Cartel gangs moving contraband. The draw units are more central. Two points should do it. Good luck. Thanks Randy and crew for the great entertainment and always, the field to table is the whole story.

@clarkansas6590 - 04.02.2020 16:53

Good hunting

@muffintop420 - 04.02.2020 23:08

I liked the interview with the fish and wildlife lady, very informative. Also I was surprised that the javelina's make no sound when you shoot them.

@jeffcummings5688 - 04.02.2020 23:45

That looks like a blast!We like recipes

@timmywinslow - 05.02.2020 01:29

Awesome work Randy!

@haydenabell940 - 05.02.2020 07:10

Can I mount a javilina for y’all

@FFFOutdoor - 05.02.2020 09:32

Very cool critters!

@takurghar1621 - 05.02.2020 20:23

Thanks so much for another get episode. Very well done and I would have really liked to have tasted that Javelina

@davidbonnee4566 - 07.02.2020 06:31

what a fun animal to hunt with a bow

@adeee4766 - 09.02.2020 10:43

I would love to go by and hunt with you guys! I live in California. I used to go hunting but my parents divorced so now my did lives in San Diego and I don’t really go anymore

@nathanmcdonald2074 - 26.06.2020 11:58

Is this around Payson? It's very beautiful.

@woodypapacane - 28.06.2020 05:01

Fantastic video. From stalk to table. As it should be. No high fives and fist pumps. No grotesque behavior. Intelligent conversation and a bountiful meal at the end. Truly awesome approach to hunting. Well done.

@trmcmann82 - 01.07.2020 01:56

When Hank Shaw is around I'm sure its a must for him to get behind the stove! Speaking of, if you're going to have Hank in the kitchen someone needs to donate a larger stove/oven for that hunting camp. Great episode btw!

@roszr - 06.09.2020 06:10


@maxcoatlhunter4322 - 09.12.2020 04:49

What are the ingredients used to cook this javalina? thank you!

@buddavisuals5902 - 19.12.2020 00:46

I just got drawn for this tag I’m 12 and this is my first archery hunt and if anyone has some tips can anyone help

@Kmgarcia2001 - 03.01.2021 17:45

there quite nocturnal and move during lowlight morning hours a lot like deer generally when you’re seeing this is when they are going up to there bedding areas in the mornin afternoon late evening s they will work back down hill generally towards water and food then go back again they are opposite of deer but still can be seen in the day it’s a cool lil creature if you ask me I have a tag burning a hole in my pocket as we speak haha

@easten1828 - 06.02.2021 04:58

you can shot two javelina in arizona

@livinglucky9158 - 25.04.2021 01:04

What part of Arizona is this place? Is it a private ranch? Someone please reply thank

@MountainJohn - 22.05.2021 04:25

I really just wanted to see the guy hunt. Could have gone without hearing her talk the whole episode

@marcofemto9417 - 25.08.2021 04:38

What is the rabies or other diseases risk with these?
My dogs found one and one got wounded by it

@kiat50 - 09.09.2021 12:08

not alot of people dislike but eh these animals are really annoying the only person who would dislike that i can think of is the vegan teacher

@lovelys845 - 08.10.2021 09:35

There's a whole bunch of them behind my job in Scottsdale AZ at a rehab facility they live there.. we learn to work around them. They leave us alone and we leave them alone.....but damn they smell bad😂please come get them 😂😂

@Ranger_k16 - 26.10.2021 07:27

Silly question, but can someone please tell me what camo that is

@BraveHunterSangihe - 13.01.2022 15:46

Salam dari Sulteng 👍👍👍indonesia

@timbow50 - 13.01.2022 20:44

Had no idea Newberg is into bow hunting. I know he has worked his ass off for years hunting a lot in the mountains. And he's getting a little old for that. So this type hunt should be a snap for him. Bow hunting and making the kill is hundreds of times harder than using a rifle.

@chourarachid1689 - 08.02.2022 15:28


@themalhama9129 - 19.05.2022 20:10

"The closest pig like thing in North america" wtf have you ever been to a place called Texas.....

@rubendarioparra6908 - 14.08.2022 00:32


@charlesriley5561 - 24.12.2022 01:47

How many yards was the shot

@trdshortbus8009 - 12.02.2023 21:21

To bad Javelina are a tag only hunt invasive species out here in AZ

@IFHA23 - 05.09.2023 08:29

Egh wtf you ate it???

@V8Deuce - 16.12.2023 09:22

Any chance of posting that recipe ?

@stocktonhaider2272 - 28.12.2024 11:17

What broadhead did you guys use?

@BanthamNobilis - 12.02.2025 21:06

It's a machine, not a Bow. Bow's don't have pullies or cams.

@jtblastncast12 - 25.02.2025 15:34

"This is why you come to AZ." Fast forward to 5 years to his latest video... he says the hunting isn't like it use to be?????
