Azerbaijan E190 Crash | It was shot down over Russia and Crash landed in Aktau Kazahstan

Azerbaijan E190 Crash | It was shot down over Russia and Crash landed in Aktau Kazahstan

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@PilotBlogDenys - 25.12.2024 23:10

My deepest condolences to the families and loved ones of those who tragically lost their lives in this heartbreaking incident. My thoughts and prayers are with the survivors, those who are injured, and everyone affected by this devastating event. May they find strength during this incredibly difficult time.

@DedaPrcoje-i6o - 26.12.2024 11:40

Avion se prepolivio, zbog neravnog terena, otpao je desni kotac, pri potonucu u meko i neravno tlo,,,onda je tu polomio cvrstu konstrukciju,,, udario krilom u tlo,,, i jednostavno ga prekinuo na pola,,, Da su ovi heroji od pilota, imali aerodrom za sletanje,99% do tragedije nebi doslo...

@sharonraffanti3632 - 26.12.2024 11:38

I have been thinking that that airplane was purposely and unnecessarily diverted.

@videshx818 - 26.12.2024 11:38

how russia shot plane in khazakstan ??

@SasoZorman - 26.12.2024 11:37

Mos tragic event. Do you need to use it for propaganda war? What exactly is your evidence? Pictures of the tail you are shoving were certainly not taken after the accident or were they?

@markg3650 - 26.12.2024 11:35

Could the shrapnel holes have been caused by an un-contained engine explosion after a possible bird strike?

@marinmitu995 - 26.12.2024 11:35

Propaganda only !

@donscheid97 - 26.12.2024 11:34

The location of the alleged shrapnel explains the observed porpoising of the plane, likely lost one or more of the three hydraulic systems.

@frecklefacedgit - 26.12.2024 11:34

An excellent analysis and presentation.

@rileyn54 - 26.12.2024 11:32

Airliners shot down by Russia/USSR
1978: Korean Air Lines Flight 902
1981: Ram attack on TAR Canadair CL-44
1983: Korean Air Lines Flight 007
2014: Malaysia Airlines Flight 17
2024: Waiting on a full investigation

@ralphmck6369 - 26.12.2024 11:29

Your ideology leads you to immediately blame Russia, even though you have no proof of this. Pure propaganda!
Have you considered this might have been a 'false flag' operation by the CIA? They are known to do this, and they (and NATO) actually started the war - not Russia.
These heartless monsters don't care about the 'collateral damage' in their fanatical regime change plans. Beware of pre-judging based on your prejudices.

@richardc1983 - 26.12.2024 11:26

I can't help but think that if the landing gear wasn't extended then it wouldn't have flipped and dug down into the ground and would have likely glided along the ground.

@rileyn54 - 26.12.2024 11:26

Embraer has a super solid safety record, if you know anything about aviation you would know that these things don’t come out of the sky for no reason lol, they are super durable aircraft. They rarely have issues.

@kdenyer1 - 26.12.2024 11:25

Good information thanks 😊

@rileyn54 - 26.12.2024 11:23

Russia try not to get drunk and operate SAM’s challenge(impossible)

@borisnjers - 26.12.2024 11:21

Pilots seems to have saved half of the passangers.

@davonskevortful - 26.12.2024 11:21

Denys... are you saying that the gov is not telling the truth about the flight conditions... say it isnt so.

@JosephVarghese-g2l - 26.12.2024 11:21

you called Russia a terrorist country. but the entire world knows US is behind this proxy war and you have nothing to say about US.

@TrandafiraPP - 26.12.2024 11:18

Everyone can draw their own conclusions, all I see is the fact that Russia is blamed for all the evils in the world, without expecting an investigation to prove this to them...
The first hypothesis of those who presented the news was that a bird would have destroyed one of the plane's engines...
And in the images intended to provoke hatred towards the Russians, you can see the tail of the plane where you can see traces of bullets, but in different planes, something impossible to do neither from the ground nor from the air, and if it was a Russian missile the plane would not there would have been a queue...

@bittoochatterjee2661 - 26.12.2024 11:18

Як гордий індуїст і непохитний прихильник Росії, я повністю впевнений: ця людина, безсумнівно, «українець».

Перебільшені твердження цієї «так званої української льотчиці» викликають у кращому випадку смішні — хрестоматійний приклад оповідання без суті. Однак зображення та факти розповідають зовсім іншу історію!

Весь світ знає, що це була зграя птахів, яка влучила в цей нещасний літак, цей шланг каже, що його збила Росія.


Запитання: яка країна є кращою у фабрикуванні історій і поширенні пропаганди?
Відповідь: Україна/Українці 😁😂🤢🤮

Питання: Яка країна є найбільш корумпованою у світі?
Відповідь: Україна/Українці 😁😂🤢🤮

Запитання: люди якої нації глибоко вкоренилися в корупції та процвітають на ній?
Відповідь: Україна/Українці 😁😂🤢🤮

Питання: Хто швидше за все зрадить свій рід, націю, принципи заради грошей?
Відповідь: Україна/Українці 😁😂🤢🤮

Питання: яка країна програє цю війну, більшість її солдатів важко поранені, а багато хто залишився без рук і ніг?
Відповідь: Україна/Українці 😁😂🤢🤮

Зрозуміло, чому багато індійців, включно зі мною, змінили нейтральність або симпатію до України з лютого 2022 року по квітень 2022 року на палких прихильників Росії.

Українці постійно демонструють нечесність і маніпуляції, доводячи себе ненадійними на багатьох фронтах.

Індія підтримує Росію❤❤✌✌👍👍
Храни Боже Росію.
Хай Бог благословить президента Путіна.👍👍✌✌👌👌👌👌👏👏❤❤💕💕😘😘🥰🥰😍😍😊😊

99,99% індійців усім серцем підтримують Росію, нашого надійного союзника та друга.❤❤✌✌👍👍😘😘😘😘💕💕💕💕🥰🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍😍😊😊😊😊✔✔✔✔✔✔👌👌👏👏.

@frankiebac8757 - 26.12.2024 11:17

Russia every time. Putin's days are numbered!

@SC9750-r3w - 26.12.2024 11:17

Very comprehensive reporting. What a sad Christmas day as Putin delivers his gifts to Ukraine and the world.

@jompy151 - 26.12.2024 11:17

Reminds me of when i was working for DHL and one of their Airbus A300's was shot down in Iraq , luckily the crew miraculously managed to land the aircraft even if they did go off the runway and end up in the perimeter surrounded by UXB's

@2QuartersKorean - 26.12.2024 11:16

Could a bird strike causing engine damage that has engine parts ejecting out the back hitting the planes tail be possible, just wondering, not saying that happened

@MsRwong - 26.12.2024 11:14

It could be someone who wished to create a war & blaming Russia!

@justgjt - 26.12.2024 11:13

Perhaps the pilots knew what had occured and were smart enough to get the aircraft to a non Russian area so the truth would get out.

@alvydasjokubauskas2587 - 26.12.2024 11:13

Does this mean war? or just we pretend that we never shot down anything and they pretend like nothing has happened situation?

@alexjones622 - 26.12.2024 11:12

How did you come up with that conclusion that Russian did it😅😅😅 Bla bla bla

@torukmahtomahto409 - 26.12.2024 11:12

WHY is so hard to admit that the UA war was started in 2014 and NOT by Russia ???

@indiandaeng - 26.12.2024 11:10

Of couse Putin will deny it.

@kipa170 - 26.12.2024 11:09

The unfortunate thing with this is that no matter what the outcome, whether it’s the truth or not. It will be politicised and used as an escalation of war!

@TheGSWorkshop-n8u - 26.12.2024 11:06

Yes mister inspector…Im sure you are perfectly right in your analysis without even visiting the sight!🤔
Russia shooting down its own planes over its own territory!?!?🙄

@josefkrejci8107 - 26.12.2024 11:04

You are spreading confusion, Russia does not undertake terrorist missions! You are mistaken about time and space.

@Joseph-ut4ui - 26.12.2024 11:02

CNN is still claiming it was a bird strike. Next they will say that Donald Trump trained the birds.

@NeoCortex-xd3qo - 26.12.2024 11:02

Soo stupid. Plane shot...when...? Where....? Doesn't explode mid air, how come...? For what....? Purely dumb title.

@deanjericevic8912 - 26.12.2024 11:01

An interesting & cogent presentation of the demise of the passenger airliner! Astounding that the pilots were able to save some of the passengers lives (but not their own though)!

@Tate.TopG. - 26.12.2024 11:01

Stop the propaganda lies...

@Saltyseadog-n7f - 26.12.2024 11:00

Russia will never admit anything. They will likely blame Ukrainian drone debris 😁

@milangacik994 - 26.12.2024 10:58

It was hit by Ukrainian remote operated drone... Act of pure terrorism. I woonder if you dare to publish it or be subservient to NATO/US/EU propaganda purposes...

@kirkgemmell5833 - 26.12.2024 10:58

More than likely Ukrainians making shit similar to Air Malaysia flight some years ago

@turanamo - 26.12.2024 10:56

What a load of BS from a propagandist.

@Elnur05282 - 26.12.2024 10:56

As a nation we are devastated with the news. Whatever you mentioned in the video makes sense 100%.Looks like the rudder and the flaps are both damaged, so the only way to reduce the speed is engaging landing gear and making phugoid cycles. Both motors have different outputs, also need to syncronise their power level by trial and error methods. Between Russia and Azerbaijan the terrain is not plain, the best scenario is to fly over Caspian to analyze the risks and landing safely. They did an amazing job under these circumstances by saving 30 people. RIP to al deceased

@bittoochatterjee2661 - 26.12.2024 10:55

As a proud Hindu Indian and a staunch supporter of Russia, I am fully convinced: This person is undoubtedly " Ukrainian".

The exaggerated claims by this "so-called Ukrainian pilot" are laughable at best—a textbook example of storytelling without substance. However, the images and facts tell an entirely different tale!

Whole of world knows it was flock of Birds that Hit this Unfortunate Plane This A Hole Says Russia Shot it Down .


Question: Which country excels in fabricating stories and spreading propaganda?
Answer: Ukraine/Ukrainians 😁😂🤢🤮

Question: Which is the most corrupt country in the world?
Answer: Ukraine/Ukrainians 😁😂🤢🤮

Question: Which nation's people are deeply entrenched in corruption and thrive on it?
Answer: Ukraine/Ukrainians 😁😂🤢🤮

Question: Who is most likely to betray their family, nation, and principles for money?
Answer: Ukraine/Ukrainians 😁😂🤢🤮

Question: Which country is losing this war, with most of its soldiers gravely injured and many left without arms or legs?
Answer: Ukraine/Ukrainians 😁😂🤢🤮

It’s clear why many Indians, including myself, have shifted from initially Feb 2022 - April - 2022 being neutral or sympathetic toward Ukraine to becoming ardent supporters of Russia.

Ukrainians have consistently shown dishonesty and manipulation, proving themselves unreliable on multiple fronts.

India Stands with Russia❤❤✌✌👍👍
God bless Russia.
God bless President Putin.👍👍👌👌👏👏❤❤💕💕😘😘🥰🥰😍😍😊😊
99.99% of Indians wholeheartedly support Russia, our trusted ally and friend.❤❤✌✌👍👍

@abitofeverything9970 - 26.12.2024 10:52

Wasnt a russian missile... They use long steel rods as shrapnel. Look towards someone else.. that uses steel balls as shrapnel..... anyone?

@Jr.Hamdan - 26.12.2024 10:50

Ukraine or isreal whoever it is,innocent people die for ugly geopolitics

@lestergillis8171 - 26.12.2024 10:49

Was that a BUK missile?

@stampedetrail2003 - 26.12.2024 10:49

russia is a terrorist regime and Biden must be asleep to not see it and respond to it.

@kingchett26 - 26.12.2024 10:49

You wre a traitor, Mr Pilot.. And you've gained weight as you splurge propaganda
