American Prom | Coming-of-Age Drama with Heart and Humor | Full Movie

American Prom | Coming-of-Age Drama with Heart and Humor | Full Movie

Studio Dome

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@AliCharamaCharama - 30.12.2024 11:33

pode trazer o filme Titanic por favor

@MariaAlejandre-vd9pf - 30.12.2024 20:27

Es la peor película y peor doblaje que e visto

@ItzNav-x5q - 30.12.2024 20:28

This movie is confusing

@ItzNav-x5q - 30.12.2024 21:16

Worst movie ever

@s.bermanberman1250 - 31.12.2024 01:55

This movie clearly was not make by professionals but i think you have a potential. You really should work more about th3 editing and more things so this movie will not look so confusing. The actors ar3 nice ,the shooting ar3 good but that is not enough. I m sorry but i stopped watching it after 16 minutes.

@KellyElla-q1l - 31.12.2024 03:52

Am dozing 😢😢😢😢

@Delanee-y6u - 31.12.2024 17:41

Honestly I'm going to be really about my feelings right now I just started about this movie but I don't know it's starting with some beach music and it's like you're not my type but maybe like some formal dress kind of like stuff need to fix a lot of things in this movie I'm not saying it's bad just I just want to be safe on the real side with movies so this work harder I'm not knocking your whole Creator but all you're doing really is like talking about like stories and stuff and I want it to be like more like a real movie so watch a real movie that is not like this and I'm not being mean I'm not trying to be mean but we just need to work on some things and then it'll be all movies whatever you want to call it and I'm not trying to judge anybody who made this movie it's just my opinion but you don't have to do anything to me it's like not my type movie and I just started this movie and it's already giving me no lies I don't like it so I didn't want to be me and I want to express my feelings to you and I hope you all love the movie but I don't love it it's not my favorite it's okay just like you need to work on some stuff that's my opinion so yeah that's my opinion and I'm not saying it's the worst movie ever you just need to focus on this something I know you are trying to still edit stuff and I get it cuz that's the point of making movies and I just want it to be good for everybody that likes it I am not trying to be the bosses and I just want to give my opinion but it's all right if you don't want to do anything what I said but the music needs to go off for sure so these are the three things you need to work on to edit I know you're still adding it but still I want to show you what my opinion is to edit another still adding stuff but these are my types that you should do you're not really talking and it's more like like with your bestie and like some not good music sorry about that just my opinion so yeah but here's three things to edit on no music you already know cuz I've been talking about it and no really showing your voice and I want to hear your voice not saying to be a creep just like I really want to Anna was a fast movie honestly it was an hour so I need you to add more things I know you're trying to edit but those are my opinions about the whole movie so yeah I know this is a long comment but this is just my feelings about this movie

@daianadossantossilva2360 - 04.01.2025 03:33

Sinceramente, a dublagem ñ combina com as falas dos personagens . Eu nem assisti, só fui avançando as cenas mas já dá pra ver que é bem chato.

@BethQuinjica - 07.01.2025 23:55


@elizabethekechi-fp3nx - 13.01.2025 18:20

What did i just watch?

@MauricioCorreia-k3q - 14.01.2025 00:38

Titanic filme por favor

@asingurashakiradocg - 14.01.2025 10:38

This story line is the worst i have ever watched, this is lost time that can never be gained😇😇

@brendabrittain7027 - 18.01.2025 07:06

Best friend

@iCarilloninChrist - 18.01.2025 13:41

Apparently I have aged out because I don't think my parents would have allowed me to go to Senior Prom at age 14 in the first place. And they (the parents) would have to be completely clueless to think Trinity was staying the night at Danica's, when Danica wasn't even going to the prom. DUH !!!

@CristineRaman - 24.01.2025 14:36

Movie iri rinobhohwa like very boring

@CMT1995 - 24.01.2025 17:32

Bruh I've seen SyFy original movies with better plots and characters than this shit

@Macmaclima - 24.01.2025 21:43

Que porcaria 😅

@shelbiecarroll9815 - 25.01.2025 04:45

This movie was so awful not to mention the music was crappy also

@AfumbomAlicenayah - 25.01.2025 20:49

I didn't understand anything on this movie

@leeannj2000 - 27.01.2025 20:38

This movie was dumb AF. Flip flopping back and forth. Weird script. Weird acting. A story of underage drinking, a highschool drunk, two 14 yr olds all about GOD and breaking rules, and a girl who wants to loose her virginity at 14 to a 17 yr old and he's all for it. The kid is pretty decent with women tho. You would think he'd be a prick head if football team, wanting to get a hotel room and sleep with the underage girl and a weird ass bell hop thinkin Michael is idk, older than a 17 yr old highschool student whos trying to force the 14 old into sex etc.. just weird..

@leeannj2000 - 27.01.2025 20:48

This movie was dumb AF. Flip flopping back and forth. Weird script. Weird acting. A story of underage drinking, a highschool drunk, two 14 yr olds all about GOD and breaking rules, and a girl who wants to loose her virginity at 14 to a 17 yr old and he's all for it. The kid is pretty decent with women tho. You would think he'd be a prick head if football team, wanting to get a hotel room and sleep with the underage girl etc.. just weird..

@LainaShigwedha-c8w - 08.02.2025 05:20


@shivak8182 - 14.02.2025 09:40

Third class 😢😢😢

@dougsousa24 - 14.02.2025 22:22

Awesome ❤ movie 👏

@user-jz2ze3xm2t - 15.02.2025 05:16

Never knew people were capable of making such a horrible script!! Oh the wasted hour of my life!!!

@HolinessBakare - 16.02.2025 00:20

Can someone explain this movie first her best friend moves away the she falls in love then someone is pregnant then I don't even know someone explain

@anorhelizabeth6604 - 20.02.2025 02:27

I read the comments just to be sure am not the only one who got confused

@vanessaswift3826 - 05.03.2025 11:07

This is a really good film to watch 😊

@christianLassalle5739 - 06.03.2025 18:58

Am I the only one who's getting confused watching this movie ? I tried all my best to understand what that was about, but I didn't actually, though I watched it from the beginning to the end !
