Watch this and ya know why Claude is the real deal and in the hearts of many birdies.
Red went to town in search of Claude hoping that his dream could turn into reality.
Giveaways galore after 1k subs, don’t miss the fun, stand a chance to win home a limited edition Rovio plush.
344 subs within 3 days to save El Gigante (Failed)
354 subs to resume the transmission of birds’ channel (Passed)
372 subs Dalton releases from Prison (Passed)
344 End Of Murphy (invalid)
345~352 Murphy remains in custody (invalid)
353 Murphy Escapes (Passed)
353 Murphy Caught/Killed (invalid)
360 Murphy Escaped Indefinitely (Passed)
363 Revival Of Fire Rooster (Passed)
375 Superbird Red Recovered From Fake Injury (Passed)
382 Purchase a ticket to access vantage point (Passed)
386 Good News from Mighty 🦅 Eagle (Unfolding)
392 When Steve II meets the Mighty Eagle (passed)
--- Fringy is required to beat 10 waves of MPDC (Passed)
403 The cost of Dr Dolores’ house visit (Passed)
471 Entry fee to Chip’s cell