The REAL Reason Why Space is Dark

The REAL Reason Why Space is Dark

Interstellar News

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@zecopyninjayt9266 - 20.01.2024 07:16

"Why is space black?"

Science nerds: "This is interesting!" 🤓

Gen-z kids: "HUH?! Ayo ngl that's racist!" 🤬

@Cloudburn- - 21.01.2024 21:02


@gwugluud - 22.01.2024 07:37

This is the first time I've heard of Poe being a scientist, or dabbling in science well.

@CLICK-pm6di - 22.01.2024 08:26

Because God Created both lights and darkness

@Dovehkis - 22.01.2024 11:01

Space is an abyss with no end.
Voyager signals but it doesn’t send.
No reply from humanity’s messenger,
A star in space, lost forever.
And although we hope for a reply back,
Little Voyager 1 will eventually fade to black.

@pulsewatcher0ad - 23.01.2024 09:56

This is not good

@robertotorres661 - 24.01.2024 02:09

Yo whats the music in the background it sounds amazing

@cazembedwyer4147 - 27.01.2024 00:55

not big bang, but GOD!

@sobreaver - 30.01.2024 00:55

So ? Right ? This settles it ?!!! We live 'inside' a black hole right o0

@Crisis941 - 02.02.2024 00:49

An even bigger question than this is "What is space expanding into?" If its expanding then that means there is something or perhaps nothing outside of space. Space is basically the universe itself in this sense and is intertwined with time and all the laws of physics, does that mean if you were outside of "space" that there would be no time and you would no longer be bound by the same rules?

@a.i1970 - 02.02.2024 12:54

Go Buy 3 Light Bulbs😏

1 Red/Sun,

1 Blue/Sun,

1 Yellow/Sun😌

Go In A Dark Room, Turn On All Three Light Bulbs, & Watch The Room Go Black🤗

Don't Believe Me, Check It Out😎

@BrendanScalesdaytrading - 02.02.2024 22:51

But why can we see inside our atmosphere but in space you can’t see the light I’m still confused

@gmc6vette - 04.02.2024 03:03

If light doesn't hit your eye then how do you know it's there?

@darkstar_-hi6wp - 04.02.2024 11:37

Space really isn't that dark. It's how our cameras work to take photos and capture light that makes it look pitch black dark out there like a black void.

@AtomicPixels - 06.02.2024 13:11

Except the Big Bang didn’t happen. So there’s that. Or did you not read recent white papers? Clearly not.

@KidGriMmMusic - 07.02.2024 06:21

So science doesn’t know why space is dark. Just saying. Pretty pretentious

@mohammedumar9435 - 11.02.2024 05:25

It maybe that the black is nothingness

@danielramadhin6219 - 11.02.2024 07:30

I'm extremely fascinated with these things and appreciate it. but why can't put these efforts and resources towards fixing our selves and the planet we living on.. ? our actual home, earth... . umm? i could keep going but that won't have a impact. because I'm no one. I'm just saying, secure what we live in, and live on. 🤘

@DJFLIPNO - 19.02.2024 14:00

I couldn't finish the stupid video lol hey go inside your bedroom close all the windows,turn the lights off... now light a candle up and place it in a corner,hung a tennis ball or two around your bedroom....that's your answer smh

@RemainedAnonymous - 22.02.2024 03:00

That's crazy😮😮

@cristhcast1277 - 22.02.2024 12:22

Damn, I love Melodysheep soundtrack

@disgustedluigi - 22.02.2024 23:35

Surprised this is one I actually knew.

@anjalE30 - 23.02.2024 05:59

It's not dark at all

It's BEAUTIFUL in ways u can't imagine

When will humans understand your limitations

The human eye can only perceive certain wavelengths of light on the spectrum

It's not that dark matter, or energy or space does not exist

It is not "dark"

It's simply the fact that you cannot see it !

When u dream, is it dark?

What u perceive as dreams is jus your spirit awake, in the other dimension

The true reality, while the body charges, "asleep"

The body is an earth suit

The eyes are earth vessels

U can only perceive what is meant for the EARTH

To see and comprehend outside of that, was not a function made for the human mind

@chrisboshers - 28.02.2024 08:23

Its called relativity. Light is traveling in every direction. You just only see what's relative to you.

@chrisboshers - 28.02.2024 08:30

Watched a video explaining the universe expanding infinitely into itself, forever. Even if we rewind time it would rewind infinitely. And the big bang is just occurring infinitely at every point in an infinite space, all at the same moment, but we measure the changes that are happening and call it time. When in reality its all happening at the same moment, but it just changes through time. Almost like boiling a pot of water. Forever.

@ThoughtfulAl - 04.03.2024 01:50

It's dark because it's not light

@cherylsalisbury571 - 05.03.2024 11:55

“Dark matter” or “dark energy” is the soup of all creation. Suns/stars burn it as fuel as well. It would make sense that there would be an endless supply in order for the universe to maintain itself as well as for more stars, planets, and life forms to continue to be created and be sustained.

@tenmiltenmil1770 - 15.03.2024 11:54

If the universe is expanding at such speed , is earth , our moon and sun and galaxy also moving along with that expansion ? 🧐🧐🧐🤔🤔🤔🤨🤨🤨

@leswalker4282 - 18.03.2024 05:07

I have a question if the universe is expanding what is it expanding into any thoughts please.

@kalaklah4848 - 09.04.2024 03:40

This makes me ask what actually is space

@richiknair9036 - 10.04.2024 06:29

The CMB is the footprint of the previous universes that have been created through multiple big bangs imo

@Badwolf222 - 12.04.2024 06:50

The light goes into the black holes

@JamesFox1 - 25.04.2024 10:15

31 = NO = EARTH IS 13 BILLION YEARS OLD = the Universe is INFINITE !!! And what up with the BIG BAMG """ THEORY """ = Predicted = discovered ? WUT = SOMETHING """ THAT IS STILL TO DATE WIDELY CONSIDERED A " THEORY """" = NOT SUSTAINED EXISTENCE !!! those are two Tottally Different subjects

@jaysonturner-williams8490 - 30.04.2024 00:04

Space is full of light and colour - we just cannot see it in its full glory :)

@stevehaqq1297 - 30.04.2024 03:51

It wasn't the Big Bang 💀

@GlennGlenn-n3y - 23.07.2024 04:40

there's only one true reason why sky/space is black .....we not in expanding universe ...we're in humongous rectangle defined by 6 ultra energetic black walls ....these walls are wat your lookin at when you look up into the night sky ...its pathetic that everyone just takes expanding universe as gospel when in reality it is nothing more than pure fantasy , hogwash & gobble-de-gook

@Muslim_Brother_A - 25.08.2024 20:45

Space is a real masterpiece. For every masterpiece there is a master.

@jasonzajac1819 - 29.08.2024 04:01

Too convenient. Technology seemed to exist

@perrylaszki - 13.09.2024 20:51

That would bring us to shadows. What’s casting it?

@perrylaszki - 13.09.2024 20:51

Atoms inside atoms. Or planets blocking white?

@perrylaszki - 13.09.2024 21:05

How condensed are these atoms within black holes? How are they growing? It’s strange to see a black hole, something quite immaculate. And what happens when at the death of a black hole or is the becoming a one, giant black hole In the sky. Even the fact that it is doing, things like growing or even, taking in energy from stars and merging with other black holes. Is strange indeed.

@perrylaszki - 14.09.2024 01:57

How big can a black hole get?

@perrylaszki - 14.09.2024 02:01

Black holes pulled apart space, and is expanding. Black pulled black apart. Darkness dose react to light. And also reacts when it is off. What is moving, and how dose everything have to do with gravity.

@perrylaszki - 14.09.2024 02:14

Could the universe just be expanding?

@Profesah_411 - 19.09.2024 10:26

Space is black because we only see it at night time and it’s dark at night time! I once went to space during business hours and it was awesome 😎. You’re welcome!

Please ask me why the sun is bright. Yes, because we only see it in the day time, and it’s………..

@theprolificnetwork4670 - 07.10.2024 18:32

Space isn't filled with Atmosphere so there's nothing to spread the light until it reaches a planets Atmosphere to do so. Mrs are like Candles if you will a large room with Candles and space them out all through the air but really far apart the light is only close to it it doesn't touch the light of the other Candles to light the whole space. Same as the Universe.

@RAPTURE37 - 16.01.2025 09:05

Space can do whatever it wants 🤔

@ErwinJ7 - 14.03.2025 21:47

So the outside of the universe must be black if it needs light to be able to see things.

@officialinterstellarnews - 14.04.2023 22:32

What are some questions you have always wondered about the universe? Let me know!
