Sample MATLAB Code: Applied Database (Creating Excel File, Importing Excel File, Manipulating Data)

Sample MATLAB Code: Applied Database (Creating Excel File, Importing Excel File, Manipulating Data)

Engineering with Dr. Kelsey Joy

3 года назад

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@mehdicha2304 - 25.02.2022 16:03

Hello Joy, hope you doing good, would like to know about modifying the content of a cell or delete a column based on the content of the title ? if you could help would be gratefull

@lalabish-tn3yt - 17.01.2023 17:03

how can you draw histogram for your excell file ?mean mX and variance ?probability between mX-3σ_x^2≤X≤mX+3σ_x^2 ? P(X≥mX)
P(X≥mX ┤| Y≥mY)?

@lalabish-tn3yt - 17.01.2023 18:09

doc. thank you for your response but i have tried and giving me error may be i could send you the data and exmine it if you could help.

@lalabish-tn3yt - 17.01.2023 18:11

Load data
Data size : the number of row >= 100, which are called sampling
The number of column >= 3, which are called as features
(The priority is given to your real data. Do not copy the data of other students!!)
Using the data
Draw the histogram of any feature you may be interested, denoted as X.
Draw the histogram another feature denoted as Y
Given the data X
- find mean mX and variance σ_x^2
- find the probability between mX-3σ_x^2≤X≤mX+3σ_x^2
(Caution: it may not be Gaussian, hence to evaluate use your “real data”)
Given the data Y,
- find mean mY and variance σ_y^2
- find the probability between mY-3σ_y^2≤Y≤mY+3σ_y^2
(Caution: it may not be Gaussian, hence to evaluate use your “real data”)
Calculate the following probabilities
P(X≥mX ┤| Y≥mY)
Analysis the above results with respect to your Data features.
Are they independent?
And you may interpret the result in a physical meaning

this what i was asked to do but error poping

@lalabish-tn3yt - 17.01.2023 18:12

my code
%clear all; clc
%[data, textdata] = xlsread('trainees.xlsx')

x = data(2:169,5)

y = data(2:169,4)

@lalabish-tn3yt - 17.01.2023 18:13

but couldnt able to attach you the excel file can i have your email?

@asadrafiq9024 - 18.01.2023 12:38

Write down the MATLAB program for and receive the time expressed in 2400
format (e.g. 2305 hours), convert it to 12-hour format (e.g. 11.05 pm) and
display the new time to the screen. Your program is to repeat the processing
until a sentinel time of 9999 is entered.
I need code of above program wid output

@sirigiri7091 - 14.05.2023 09:27

Nice one mam keep it up , can u make viedo on how to calculate rainfall indices

@mayakrishnanchelliah9893 - 17.06.2023 10:21

hi mam, i have one doubt , i wrote program using read function for reading excel data and it worked on command window gives answer. but the same code does not work on simulink function and showing error. could you help me with this please?
