Playdough Surgery 🔪🦵🏼- Total Hip Arthroplasty (Replacement)
This 3-year old kid has been dying to use his tools from his tool box - translation: “I need an ortho case, please.” 🦴
He continually amazes me with how much he actually retains from this. We prepped for this surgery by watching both a real case and a simulated one (he was sure to tell me he preferred “the bloody one”), and then shocked this mama during our own case by pointing out the hip joint “capsule” 🤯 #whatnow
Disclaimer: The following video is intended for entertainment/educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice.
#totalhipreplacement #hipreplacement #orthopedics #orthopedic #orthopedicsurgery @aaos_1 #surgery #surgeon #medicalstudent #medicine #medicalschool #playdough #playdoughfun #playdoh #kidsactivities #doctormom #learnthroughplay #thebreakfasteur
#Playdough #Playdoughsurgery #Surgery #Hip_surgery #Hip_replacement #Total_hip_replacement #Orthopedic_surgery