Beautiful bahrain❤❤❤
ОтветитьKeep it up❤❤❤
ОтветитьI love Bahrain ❤❤❤
ОтветитьFamous streets
ОтветитьMoo moo goo,❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
ОтветитьI think you should remove the music or lower the music volume as we want to listen to the sounds of the streets (natural sounds)
ОтветитьGood that some of the old restaurants weren't touched .. eg., Mc Donalds..
ОтветитьFamouse streets 🎉❤
ОтветитьAOA brother m from bahrain also I also want make channel on u tube it will be successful or not plz tell
ОтветитьPeaceful Bahrain <3
ОтветитьBahrain very nice video
ОтветитьClean but not that clean-- shops occupying pavement areas, there's much to improve the public atmosphere.
ОтветитьManama Bahrain kota yang bersejarah ...
ОтветитьGold City is known for Chinese Hookers and there's a Bar called Diggers which is the main pick up next to Gold City. Chinese are 20 BD an Hour.
ОтветитьVery nice
ОтветитьBahrain main Bolanya Curang sama Indonesia.
ОтветитьPresiden AFC Mafia
ОтветитьI'm seeing alot of Pakistanis here
ОтветитьIt's clean
ОтветитьThe only building I recognise from 1970, is the Post Office.
ОтветитьNice video
ОтветитьThis looks so close to Dubai gold sukh area.
ОтветитьVery nice 👍
ОтветитьBrings back memories ❤
ОтветитьI spend half off my life in this country. God bless bahrian!!!
ОтветитьLa paix, la miséricorde et les bénédictions de Dieu soient sur vous. Comment vont les choses ? Dieu soit loué. Je m'appelle Amina du Maroc. Il a un registre de commerce et un certificat d'exercice professionnel. Je demande à Dieu de vous bénir de sa grâce abondante.
ОтветитьNothing interesting there, few shiny buildings that’s all