GEARS OF WAR 4 Gameplay Walkthrough FULL GAME [4K 60FPS PC ULTRA] - No Commentary

GEARS OF WAR 4 Gameplay Walkthrough FULL GAME [4K 60FPS PC ULTRA] - No Commentary


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@neofulcrum5013 - 09.06.2024 22:33

I can’t believe we’re getting to experience E-Day in the newest installment.

@YtOpen-ve4kd - 09.06.2024 22:34

@LandonHill7654 - 10.06.2024 00:31

You got gear of war ⚙️ February 2024

@kristoffermangila - 10.06.2024 03:53

"I have a rendezvous with Death..."

@jadeobsession9088 - 10.06.2024 04:20

i still gotta go back and find a full playthru of 3

@mr.want_oo55 - 10.06.2024 06:27

Lagend games

@dipakagrawal3553 - 10.06.2024 12:11

Can u please give us transformers war for cyberton pc game link?

@oxymorophile - 10.06.2024 16:13

Gears of War 4 : scénario,graphismes,cinematics, music....❤❤❤😮😮😊

@1001001a - 10.06.2024 16:59

This game is fun because?

@chugiesgameplay - 10.06.2024 22:01

Check out here

@macaboo6123 - 12.06.2024 22:18

This game is a blast to watch, the constant dialogue and comments makes the whole thing feel like one long cutscene/movie

@theReal_Truth_XL - 13.06.2024 10:13

Can we just have an aliens invasion so we human can stop killing each other 😅

@fireongaming450 - 13.06.2024 21:07

how you upload a full game??? marge of many video or One fully recorded video??

@ThePolitical_J - 16.06.2024 00:32

Great gameplay and good use of the blind fire shooting. It’s rare I see gamers use this effectively.

@AudiofictionJoe2002 - 17.06.2024 12:16

The running gag of the hold game 😂 suck it Jinn’s bot

@flutterface - 20.06.2024 07:13

On my replay of the franchise after the announcement of E-Day, I realized that the house of sovereigns in the first game felt familiar because I had seen it here in gears 4. The coalition showed us all the events that made up the battlefield that stuck around for so long after.

@RaphaelAntonioRosasCastro - 26.06.2024 04:06

Gears! Who's ready to dust off their Lancers and get back to kicking some Locust butt in Gears E-Day?

@yoshomiamoto - 29.06.2024 06:08

The voice actor for Marcus Fenix needs an academy award for best performance 😂

@shadowsagen723 - 30.06.2024 16:27

What I'm gonna say is like the Family Guy scene by Chris's boss Carl when they are talking about Lord of the Rings, That's not the point of the story its the adventure" but in gears it's be not the story its about the next fight/war. Why didn't the COG take the Locust Crystalline shells/cocoons and dump them out in the middle of the oceans. Even tho everyone would assume the Locust are gone but a shell formed over them so as a better safe measure dump em in the oceans. 🤔🤣.

@samytfriend6074 - 04.07.2024 04:24

I remember when i played gears of war 4. Like 3 years ago.

@ragnarian - 10.07.2024 19:11 did no one notice that many gears apparently just going missing in the fort?

that many soldiers suddenly stop responding, stop reporting,and no one questioned it? no investigations? no queries?

how did jinn or anyone else not send a team to find out why an old tourist spot,still staffed by gears, suddenly went dark...dozens, if not hundreds of gears mustve been there...not an insignificant amount!

and was jinn really making an army out of the robots just for a few stray humans who didnt want to be a part of cog?

cos all the overkill stuff she made, such as the vulture, would be excessive against some 'outsiders' in wooden shacks, and more suited to the swarm and its multitude of horrors

@glitchmaker010 - 19.07.2024 03:20

Needless to say... Of course Carmine would die

@Mob69420 - 20.07.2024 23:30

i’m so excited for E-Day

@BibekGhosh88 - 25.07.2024 14:03

good thing they're going back to the roots with E-Day instead of continuing this woke garbage.... Hopefully we'll get another great game after Judgement

@zmangkrd5312 - 26.07.2024 00:38

Good to see this gem, can’t wait for E Day!

@carlosgow - 13.08.2024 17:42

i dont know destroying robots for 2h straight kinda broke the fun and immersion for me, by far the least replayable gears

@Akshay_Black - 17.08.2024 08:45

Installation of gears 4 is near to impossible tried everything maybe i need to buy this one😂

@kevinpachuau3066 - 04.09.2024 16:48

Can I play in windows 11? and how much hours can we play from free trial download from Microsoft shop?

@avatar_.YouTube - 08.09.2024 04:04

Gears 5 full game please

@misfitedbear - 25.09.2024 14:29

fantastic game ruined by its storytelling

@sliperymangravy3069 - 27.09.2024 05:41

At first I wasn't a fan, but as time has passed I have a whole new respect for this game. I just miss Dom. RIP. You were a true brother to Marcus. And the loss of Anya. I can only the pain Marcus has inside. We love you Marcus and dread the moment that it's your time. If you haven't read the Gears books, I highly recommend them. Impossible to put down once you start them.

@AlexisDominguez-y4r - 27.09.2024 22:09

I'm going to play gears of 5😊😊😊

@jeffreyhooper4307 - 02.10.2024 14:38

Played all the gears war games on xbox Original xbox But the Is fourth and fifth one I haven't played yet

@multiversescriptutes8400 - 19.10.2024 00:10

Gears Of War>>>>>Yawnhammer

@axelwulf6220 - 19.11.2024 19:58

Love Gears of War
Hecking better than Call of Duty

@2pacraiderblakklion173 - 07.01.2025 08:29

Why dont this dude ever use his saw

@danieljurek6106 - 26.01.2025 02:42

Uwielbiam nocne dramaty!

@CARLOSMunozvite - 04.02.2025 01:57

Do you know what happens after Metal Gear Solid 4?

@Camslice-b14 - 09.02.2025 08:05

When that robot blocked the shot from the pouncer and Jd got picked up by said robot,right then we should have known nothing is immune from this "Swarm", not even robots

@Ashguy733 - 11.02.2025 06:18

So they couldn't burn the Locust bodies, yet those bodies were vulnerable to Flamethrowers in GOW 2 and 3 and ok even if so, we do know they were vulnerable to explosives. Why not just put them in a giant crater and launch artillery on the bodies and blow them to bits?

@MuazUbaid-d1o - 13.02.2025 19:43

Is no one gonna ignore the fact that he didn't die once in this game the last boss fight alone killed me 69420 times

@happybuggy1582 - 16.02.2025 04:06

We do not talk about gears 5. It did not happen

@robingrube3495 - 17.02.2025 22:10

You'd think the humans after all they've been through would have just used up their remaining resources and left the planet via giant rocket.

Oh well maybe next time.

@ManicMouse-vv8il - 23.02.2025 16:18

This game just have been produced when they wanted Hilary in the whiteouse.

@ManicMouse-vv8il - 23.02.2025 16:20

If went back to combat and I heard a women voice....nope!
