Nostalgia saat masih kecil punya Mini 4 WD Tamiya, namun karena berbagai situasi tidak pernah mencoba Bermain di track, diracuni teman teman kantor mencoba beli, dan ikut kompetisi untuk yg pertama kalinya, hasilnya ga mengecewakan gaeis..
Mobil itu tidak hanya Beli Rakit Race, namun banyak hal detail yg harus diperhatikan ketika bermain di Track..
kenceng tapi klontang alias keluar lintasan??
ga keluar lintasan tapi ga masuk waktu??
Buat Temen yang bernostalgia juga, saya persembahkan dokumentasi Video pertama kali ikut Balapan.. walaupun Saya tidak ikut berada disana karena berbagai alasan..
Selamat Menonton..
Nostalgic when I was little, I had a Mini 4 WD Tamiya, but due to various situations, I never tried to play on the track, was poisoned by my office friends trying to buy it, and entered the competition for the first time, the results didn't disappoint guys..
The car is not only buying and Racing, but there are so many details that must be considered when playing on the track..
For those of you who are nostalgic too, I present the video documentation for the first time participating in the race.. even though I wasn't there for various reasons..
Enjoy watching..
#Mini_4WD #Tamiya #race #lomba_agustusan