High Winds And Snow At Our Homestead: Prepping For New Cabin Build

High Winds And Snow At Our Homestead: Prepping For New Cabin Build


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@Offgridlee444 - 09.12.2024 21:25

Hi, new subscriber here!
Enjoyed your video, nice wood pile! Still working on mine fighting the snow!

@stevewalters4565 - 09.12.2024 21:55

Looking good!
Keep on Truckin!😎🇺🇸

@billiehuskins8129 - 09.12.2024 22:06

My husband is Bruce too 🙂

@richardmelanson7947 - 09.12.2024 22:32

Great to see Cierra and Stanley are doing well. The cabin build will keep you busy during the winter. Until your next video, take care and be safe. (Judy NB)🇨🇦🌲

@rosemaryjasper1121 - 09.12.2024 22:52

Great video, good to see you all keeping warm and out of the snow!

@Slykkpkins - 09.12.2024 23:07

A trooper, stay safe, wonderful family, yup 😊

@davidvansickle563 - 10.12.2024 00:40

I gotta get one of those window bird feeder 😂😂😂

@carolstolz6553 - 10.12.2024 00:41

I remember the dust from the woodstove

@KenC49 - 10.12.2024 01:26

Hi Kyle! Think Bruce was interested in the bare spots of ground after you blown the snow. Do you put grit in with your chickens? Sand or crushed shells?

@patrickb5656 - 10.12.2024 01:51

Why don't you have a small wood pile on your cabin deck, close to the door?

@marjpatten3541 - 10.12.2024 02:20

Use the ashes other walkways no slip

@gabrielwettenstein8659 - 10.12.2024 02:34

All of that wood ash could be used to make lye along with wherever fat drippings you save from all the bacon you cook. If you do embark on making homemade soap, I'll buy your first bar.

@Masterchief68a - 10.12.2024 02:45

I’ve heard the ashes spread on the paths keep you from slipping?

@lucianmuller8261 - 10.12.2024 02:56

Hi Kyles, after watching you for a long time and following your tips, I have now started building a log cabin and am already on row 6. Tell me what you think.

"Simply Homestead Nova Scotia" is my channel

@TheCosmicRealm3 - 10.12.2024 03:01

12x20 is odd. Why not just go the "normal" and do 14x20?

@russellwatters5891 - 10.12.2024 03:01

Happy to see Cierra and Stanley doing well. You're the proud papa, doing so much to better yalls lives. Great to see you're able to get materials to the new cabin. Love what ya'll are doing ❤

@drewbravo8683 - 10.12.2024 04:14

I hope you were just referring to the bagged stuff for garbage as the concrete structures that were lying next to the bagged items, they look still good by the video, best to keep hold of them if you can. Great work, can't wait for more adventure on the log home!

@maryjonorum107 - 10.12.2024 05:30

Always get excited to see a new video. Love your enthusiasm. Your little guy is so precious. Stanley. Great name! You both have made a love filled home together.

@victoriaEish - 10.12.2024 05:52

I just don’t understand why all your buildings are so far from your home! Your woodshed/chicken coop. They should all be closer to your cabin. And I think your woman will be fine..if she’s prepared for it all being there in the onset. If not? Well…that’s kinda sad. Dang.

@lindabrooks8242 - 10.12.2024 07:01

Taking care of 'business" takes on a different meaning when you have an infant to consider. And, Kyle, you're a natural for it all.❤

@normacousley851 - 10.12.2024 07:04

Hey Kyle, where did you get your log fire stove thanks.

@samhill3496 - 10.12.2024 07:32

Good vid. Sorry about the tent. One does what he has to. Family first. If you can wrestle that tent back around it will probably set up pretty well. A day in the life. Finally winter. We have had some here in east Kentucky. Heavy winds the wrong direction. Had to repair roof. Warmed up and rain. Still have bloom on dogwood trees. Crazy. All good . Glad baby and Mom are doing well. Skeeter like my bird dogs love a good snow. Next time.

@RicardoCoyote - 10.12.2024 07:53

The algorithm totally disconnected me from you guys so I haven't seen you for quite a while. Congratulations on the birth of your new son, Stanley. 👋🏼🎉🎈

@alvinmousseau1100 - 10.12.2024 07:56

Nice video

@rupam1011 - 10.12.2024 15:18

@christophermason3191 - 10.12.2024 15:20

You should secure the water generator from the cold element.

@maureenreagan9544 - 10.12.2024 21:30

Okay, I’m confused. WHAT are you building this structure/cabin for? Don’t you already have, what, 2 others besides your main house plus the other one that’s still just the four walls? And now this one? Could someone explain what’s going on here?

@billbreuer2325 - 10.12.2024 22:16

Is your rooster's name short for Brewster ! My nephew's favorite joke .

@m3r-tri - 10.12.2024 22:46

Uf. Pa ne izgubljate časa. Stanly je gotovo tudi čutil, da vas nekaj časa ni bilo.

@jackofalltradesmasterofnon6120 - 11.12.2024 01:32

You're a good man taking care of his woman!

@41murphy2 - 11.12.2024 03:56


@jwaych955 - 11.12.2024 07:39

You need a garage / shop at your homestead…

@AmbientShrub - 12.12.2024 03:33

Skeeter must be one happy dog, he is living the life!

@cynthiayoung6763 - 12.12.2024 06:17

I just watched one of your first videos. Your Alaska cabin. You guys have come a long way. It’s fun to look back and see your past cabins.

@kellicollins50 - 12.12.2024 18:12

Miss y’all cooking, would love to see some of that. Merry Christmas

@sandramiller6996 - 13.12.2024 03:09

James Clark, 410 Oak Blvd, Port Byron, ILL. Is this a extention of your labor at John Deer? I don't see your spoiled rotten children. I ONLY SEE MY STERLING, ILL UNIT 5 WARRIORS.

@sandramiller6996 - 13.12.2024 03:13

What would Josephinas Catholics and John Richards Methodists, and the old order Amish of Alvin Miller's relatives say to this?

@sandramiller6996 - 13.12.2024 03:13

What in the Sam hell for?

@sandramiller6996 - 13.12.2024 03:14

Consider a metal sheeting under the wood flooring.

@Safaricabinlife - 13.12.2024 11:40

I will build a new off grid cabin too.

@offgridamy717 - 15.12.2024 01:53

I could watch a wood stove all night. I wish I went off grid at your age and not 60 .

@donnacahill8117 - 15.12.2024 03:09

I love watching your videos and look forward to the next one. Stanley is so cute. My best to the mom and dad. ❤🙏

@sandranelson7124 - 15.12.2024 03:34

(Tom here.)
Congratulations on your new baby, Sam. I pray he is happy and healthy. I also hope you all will be happy in your new home later on when you can build it. Take care, Sir!!

@jvalverde - 15.12.2024 17:39

Why are you dropping embers off your stove? Is the hottest part of it 😮

@UncaDave - 15.12.2024 18:12

Hope it all works out for you Kyle. Your family and your care of them is the best. Snowing here too in the high mountains of WV.

@timmurphy8895 - 28.12.2024 07:39

You haven’t talked about the goats did they not work out

@sandramiller6996 - 29.12.2024 15:39

Then I recycled some blown in insulation from my home by putting it in those big paper lawn/leaf bags and carried them to to the attic of my garage to use as a insulation without all that fiber flying around in the air. Much safer. And it did not go out to a landfill...recycled and sealed! Perhaps those people who are tearing down old homes might think about recycling insulation. Give that baby love and warmth.

@gianni4374 - 11.01.2025 23:03

how many acres do you have and did you buy directly from a seller?

@trishawhysong - 14.01.2025 21:10

I love your channel! I am relocating from AZ to AR and while I build inwant to stay in a wall tent. I am a single female. In the winter I will use a wood stove and in the summer a portable AC on a generator. I will be living in it for a year and will build a base off the ground for it. What Wall Tent do you recommend? I love the size of yours!

@FootballHackLife - 22.02.2025 06:05

You need a 1 by on the cinder blocks. The steel frame on the block will crack them. Watch videos on how to set up a mobile homes also how to relevel them. I also seen you talking about releveling the cabin in an old video. You need a 3/8 piece of steel to put between your jack and the wood at least 12inches long and as wide as your beam so the head of the jack doesn't push up in the wood. It would be better to get (3) 20 ton jacks and lift the whole beam at once all together. One beam at a time start left to right or right to left just make sure its one beam at a time. Make sure you have good lumber to jack on and your jack is straight up and down they will kickout and you could get hurt easily. I use to do releveling jobs for a living I sent you a email if you would like to talk about it more.
