We start in 1572. The Shimazu story is...predictable. It's mostly a lot of fighting generics and the Tachibana. If you played the Shimazu stories in SW4, you pretty much know what's going on. They fight the rival clans and come out on top. In the first cutscene, they're using their cats to time their attack since portable clocks weren't a thing yet and you can tell the time by how a cat's pupils are dilated.
The Tachibana are working for the Otomo, but Sorin Otomo sucks and the clan goes into decline as time goes on. A lot of the dialogue is the Shimazu brothers talking about very samurai things like respecting their fallen foes, etc. Very predictable.
One of the later battles has Toyohisa join, his father, Iehisa, doesn't want him to get hurt and wants him to show the pride of the Shimazu, so he puts his helmet on his head and tightens the strap as much as he can, then cuts the excess so that his helmet won't come off no matter what. He only cuts the helmet strap free when Toyohisa survives the battle.
Dosetsu Tachibana passes away and demands that his body be placed in armor and he be buried facing towards the Shimazu's territory so he can defend the Otomo even in death. He says that anyone who doesn't allow his final wish will be cursed by him. Muneshige gives him a normal burial anyways.
When Ginchiyo asks why he went against his wishes, he says that he didn't want him to have to keep fighting even in death, that it should be up to the living to fight the Shimazu. He says that if his spirit appears before him, he'll commit sudoku to make up for it.
As the Shimazu are steadily taking over all of Kyushu, the remaining lords band together and seek aid from the Toyotomi. Joun Takahashi holds them off to buy time for their arrival, at the cost of his life. The Shimazu treat him with respect, so Ginchiyo and Muneshige don't attack them when they go to retrieve his body, saving it for the battlefield instead.
The Shimazu beat back the first wave of Toyotomi reinforcements, due to them being strong and the Otomo who were in charge being terrible commanders, trying to flee from the battle before it even started. Hideyoshi had them executed.
With the Otomo clan gone, Ginchiyo is unsure how to feel given that her father Dosetsu fought so hard to protect it. Muneshige recommends leaving the Toyotomi and siding with the Shimazu instead. So they do. They plan a pre-emptive attack against the Toyotomi before their main force arrives because when that happens, the Toyotomi's momentum will be too strong to stop and the feudal lords allied with them will surrender.
They succeed in working together and push Hideyoshi back, but he manages to get away. In the ending cutscene they talk about how he'll come back with a larger force, but enjoy the moment they have to relax for now.
So yeah, this really only turns into a what-if at the tail end here. Otherwise, it's pretty much just the Shimazu rise to power story. Not all that much to talk about as a result. The cat cutscenes are cute. We get a nice shot of Ginchiyo's ass at the end.
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