Tricube Tales Solo: It Just Works (seriously)

Tricube Tales Solo: It Just Works (seriously)

A Squirrel Plays

1 год назад

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@goldengriffon - 18.01.2024 17:56

I've also been intrigued by solo play but overwhelmed with the options. I would prefer something compact and efficient. This just might do the trick!

@Catlord98765 - 18.01.2024 19:10

Wow a video

@blackphidora - 18.01.2024 20:00

If you need tables I def recommend looking at Ironsworn's tables.

@blackphidora - 18.01.2024 20:02


@AvenueStudios - 19.01.2024 00:14

I have always been intrigued by solo play games but necer had a chance yo try it. This is a great breakdown thank you! Looks like a good one to start if i can just find some time lying around 😅

@zadmar - 19.01.2024 00:26

Awesome review, and this time there really are plenty of “tables”! ;)

@crallsfickle2994 - 19.01.2024 03:15

Yeah, sometimes the solo spaces can be unbelievably overwhelming. I just make sure I have a basic oracle, some appropriate tables and go. If I want a more structured dungeon or adventure site I use a premade one or spend a session making one first.

I don’t feel the need for a complex system that will overlap with a simple one 80%+ of the time anyway.

@zadmar - 19.01.2024 11:14

I played a lot of Fighting Fantasy and other CYOA books as a kid, but it was the Mythic GM Emulator that really opened my eyes to the potential of solo gaming. As you mentioned in the video, the second edition is a big book (over four times the size of the first edition, which is what I started with), but the author has also released a "One-Page Mythic Game Master Emulator" version which is very good -- technically the PDF is 11 pages with examples and explanations, but the GM emulator itself is just one page.

I'd say the two biggest influences on the Tricube Tales solo rules are probably the Mythic GM Emulator and the Scarlet Heroes solo rules, both of which I consider excellent products.

@BuilderB-dt1f8 - 21.01.2024 20:10

Solo game play roll tables settings…and (jumpscare warning!) solo social interaction! It’s both the scariest one and the one I’m intrigued by, like a good horror flick! (Or maybe I just need the practice!) 🫣🤔👍👏

@artistpoet5253 - 01.02.2024 10:19

First time watching your show. So cool and funny. I've been picking up the TCT one-page settings for a while and do have the PDF of the solo rules but haven't given them a full try. Gotta stop procrastinating.

@MGShogun - 04.02.2024 07:56

Thanks for great video. It clarified some stuff for me so it's really helpful. You got new subscriber in me. Keep up the good work!

@AdlerMow - 14.03.2024 19:35

If you enjoy TCT, solo and simple systems you gonna love Dominus. It's a brazilian 2 page solo with TONS of theme. It's in portuguese, but it's as popular here as TCT is elsewhere, so I give it a shout out. It's similar, but uses only 1D6.

@AdlerMow - 29.03.2024 05:27

I recommend you Van Helsing 1857, a solo Dominus rpg from Brazil, translated to english. It's from Tarcísio Lucas, one of the biggest authors on solo rpg scene in Brazil, and an incredible person, too. His work is in DriveThruRpg. Would love your opinion on it!

@JamesTheKoopaTroopa - 29.04.2024 08:20

I find it useful when playing Tricube Tales solo to use Matthew Morgan's "Roaming difficulty" idea from His game RemiNES. I start my difficulty at 5 and as I play, when things are going good for me I crank I up and when things are going particularly bad, I lower it. That way the difficulty bounces from 4 to 6 without having to really worrying about how tough or easy something should be and I can focus on the story.

@SkittleBombs - 06.07.2024 13:31

Did you ever run a mythic game on this channel ?

@bob12884 - 06.07.2024 15:08

Big, big fan of Tricube Tales. I'm playing a weird campaign of essentially Magic the Gathering planeswalkers walking between worlds completing various written modules (the campaign was an excuse to finally play all of my modules I've collected over the years). That kind of game needs to be built around conceptual characters and Tricube Tales completes that for me. I no longer have to worry about building the character out using a long method or refitting mechanics to get the feel of what I want, I just say what it is. If it helps the scene? Bonus. Doesn't? 1d6.

For tactical combats, which are the big set-piece encounters, I use another system called Pulp Alley which is a "generic" miniature wargame. This system holds all of my characters' "stats."

@Chaoclypse - 30.09.2024 13:59

Awesome video! Really enjoyed it. I was interested in playing Tricube Tales solo, this has moved it up the list for me! Thanks!

@Gnomesrule - 19.10.2024 19:35

I love solo tricube. Its so fun! Mostly commenting for algorithm. Whimsical beasts need to stick together

@mattjackson - 20.11.2024 19:03

Great video, love how you keep the bloopers in. Awesome stuff!

@captainnolan5062 - 31.12.2024 00:27

Tricube Tales is a great storytelling game.

@GreedyDrunk92 - 16.01.2025 21:27

Watched your last video today and just realized, that your video is the one, that got me familiar with Tricube Tales and concept of solo roleplaying.
I just fell off my Pathfinder group back then (new job, new place, schedule issues) and was looking to scratch this itch. Heard some things about solo roleplaying, but it looked complicated as hell.
Then I randomly stumbled upon this video, decided to give it a spin.
Fast forward 10 months, TT is my #1 system and solo roleplaying is my new hobby, that I do on regular basis.
Thank you for that

@CavernadoLekkis - 18.01.2024 19:13

Great video, and I was surprised by the shoutout at the end of the video! Thank you very much!
Be careful with Solo RPG; some people (including me) tend to prefer playing solo rather than in a group.
