Love it id pull that same shit😂😂
ОтветитьA blast from the past! I remember seeing you destroy that Dynamite years ago and getting all pissed off, now it just makes me laugh lol
ОтветитьSong lyrics:
Well moon’s high in the sky it’s a warm summer night
I got my lawnmower rolling with a pale of moonlight
Holding a cold beer, got my vape in my hand I’m a redneck rocking
Vacuum in and rocking vacuuming the land
I’m cruising round my property my trailer inside sipping on my beer feeling the grass beneath my feet
It’s okay to sing the crickets all chatting
Vacuums humming it don’t really matter drinking a cold beer
Drinking a cold beer vaping at midnight
Vacuuming blues that’s right
Now that i see this I think I'm gonna try it 💀
Ответить(Requested) Karcher Puzzi 100 Destruction (FULL) Stephen Destructed
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