The Stone Node Crisis

The Stone Node Crisis


1 год назад

218 Просмотров

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@echoe4194 - 10.02.2023 07:16

s t o n e

@dominickpetrucci - 10.02.2023 07:19

Can’t you just make an infinite cobblestone generator?

@CrackABottleItUp - 10.02.2023 07:23


@dustgg - 18.02.2023 00:22


@clotz_18 - 18.02.2023 01:14


@Ljudet_Innan - 20.02.2023 17:09

I believe a change to how nodes/resources work would be a nice mix to the game in order to change the behavior of how players work, play and develop.
For example, imagine that each wipe the way nodes/resources works changes, month 1 less yields out of metal ore, increased yields on quarries but at the cost of more diesel, perhaps excav could compensate for that missing yield overall the map, and the next month, a completely different thing, now the resource that sprouts all over could be stone, and less wood overall all over the board.
Now with the addition of the industrial furnace, imagine the cost of wood when the rates of it is very very low, perhaps there could be a time when charcoal is more valuable than other resources, depending of the set values.
Outpost metal, wood and stone have been the same for years now and the pattern of how players farm stuff is pretty much the same regardless of the server. I for example, almost 90% of the times, I always trade stone for wood at outpost, the timer for buying it is practically non important when you got some time and a possible heli dropping you in and getting you out.
Maybe an increase of cost per transaction per user would and most likely, change how these things works.
Imagine actually selling part of your margins per transaction to players.
Like...the more time passes by, your ticket to buy resources out of vending machines, gives you more resources at a lower cost, and you could actually trade that "coupon" so to speak, to other players.
A change to these values would make the players actually plan and think differently about how they will manage to get the resources they need.
We see a ton of vending machines selling guns or comps but rarely stone, metal ore, wood, it does happen from time to time but it is rare.
There is plenty of shit being implemented to the game but the behavior of resources and how they affect the game could actually give it a different feel to it.

@maggotswag - 20.02.2023 17:39

Can't believe inflation has hit rust
