🌺Balance all your chakra at once👇
In spirituality, just like in every other field,
we can always make things simple or complicated.
You have the choice to focus on each of your chakras individually.
You can waste your time with ''shadow work'' trying to understand everything.
This path will take years—in fact, probably LIFETIMES to get anywhere.
Instead, you can use true yogic methods which are extremely efficient.
Without focusing on any particular chakra, all of your chakras will balance themselves.
The reason that any of your energy centers are blocked
is simply because you are living your own little limited illusion.
If you can simply allow your mind and body to dissolve, to just exist. to just be.
At this very moment, you are perfect, kundalini energy flows from your root chakra all the way up to your crown.
For this reason, meditation is the ultimate key for chakra balancement.
In your meditation, you will be enlightened, but then, as soon as you'll open your eyes,
your illusive world resurface again,
which is why the goal of true meditation is to remain meditative at all times.
Even with eyes open while taking action in the world.
To learn the most effective and beginner-friendly way to meditate and to sustain this meditative state at all times for your liberation and growth as a soul.
Use the program shared in Spiritual Growth Academy
-Simon. Giving you back the power.