It’s Witchcraft: Decks for the Craft- My Top 5 Decks for Beginning Witches

It’s Witchcraft: Decks for the Craft- My Top 5 Decks for Beginning Witches


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@mrs.amybarrenechea6301 - 20.10.2024 04:18

She is the one that got me into decks. I love her recommendations.

@compassrosewitch - 20.10.2024 04:22

So happy to be here for the premiere 😊

@thatdreamydirtwitch - 20.10.2024 04:45

I'm glad you are feeling better, you look beautiful as always. Thank you for the great content and recommendations❤

@Eliana.333 - 20.10.2024 04:48

I had a feeling Lost Oracle would be in the top 5. 🤗 Sending you beautiful and well wishes to heal smoothly my dear. 😘

@breathinglovein - 20.10.2024 04:52

Yes for me personally, I find people either are intrigued or freak out a little even in the witch community when they hear Vampyre. Energy witch is actually a really great way of putting it! Also you have me oogling at the lost oracle❤✨

@kaitlanlinnea - 20.10.2024 05:02

I feel like one of the essential moments for me of becoming an adult was realizing that most of the time, if people pronounce something or spell something wrong, it does. Not. Matter.

@pinksta6620 - 20.10.2024 05:57

Wow, I’m glad you mentioned ley lines. Last month, I had an activation of my gifts to the land. Scary at first but it made me feel more connected

@ej5000 - 20.10.2024 06:14

I'm happy you're feeling better, I bought Magick of you last year for my birthday and connected to it instantly,

@littlelovetarot - 20.10.2024 07:04

You look so much like a young Elizabeth Taylor here. So beautiful ❤

@M155ABYSS - 20.10.2024 08:06

I like your list. I have all but 2 of these lol. The Lost Oracle is a new favorite and I just ordered two prints from Maxine Miller as well. It took a while to receive them but they are worth it!

Id be interested in hearing more about what an energetic/vampiric witch is if you wanna elaborate? Im always interested in seeing how others perceive themselves and their witchcraft. It’s very inspiring.

@jaycuneo - 20.10.2024 08:22

I’ve been coveting magical botanical and compendium of witches. I just got Hush recently and imagine it will pair beautifully with either. Next llewellen sale 🤗 thank you for sharing your list. Might also pick up witch sister and several others. That new oracle does look awesome. I really appreciate how you articulate and structure these (and while sick!). Feel better soon!

@CricketsBay - 20.10.2024 08:36

Can you recommend sources about Ley Lines in North America? I know I found books in the library about Ley Lines in the U.S. when I was a teenager, but I couldn't find them again when I tried to point someone to them earlier this year. They found only books by British authors which they claim explicitly say Ley Lines are only in Europe. I read about Dowsers in the Southern U.S. who swear by Ley Lines and underground energy fields, but those sources seem to have disappeared recently.

@Artemis583 - 20.10.2024 10:24

I am deeply grateful that you're continuing this series. I find that each entry has been activating and illuminating in ways I didn't know I needed. And I find myself wanting to deep dive into my decks (and journal!) to explore new parts of myself after each installment 😊✨️ Thank you so much for all that you share with us, and blessings for continued recovery.

@joannepinnow6929 - 20.10.2024 14:21

What a fantastic video. I really enjoyed it, thank you for making it - you always share such valuable information which is I why I recently subscribed. I have the Darkwood Tarot, Compendium of Witches, Witch Sisters, and Magickal Botanical. But I'm thinking I need the Lost Oracle! I'm not a witch (yet) but I am so drawn to exploring this way of life and love everything I've come across about it. One day I asked my Tarot what I should or would practice or ground me as a witch, and the answer was so powerful, I felt so utterly happy - it just felt so at home and natural. Blessings to you and your son, I hope you continue to get better.

@tanjavh4768 - 20.10.2024 16:04

You might like the solitary witch by Lucy Cavendish?

@owlanna359 - 20.10.2024 16:50

Thank you Racine for the inspiration you constantly give me! Much love ❤❤❤

@emmaroseascension - 20.10.2024 17:01

Sorry to hear you and your son haven’t been well. I hope you both feel better soon. Big love hugs and steaming hot bowls of soup n tea to help you feel better . 🥣☕️❤🤗
I would love to watch your rant about religion n witchcraft video.
I love Witch Sister tarot and magick of you Oracle so much glad they made the list.

@ShadowReader - 20.10.2024 17:50

❤ thank you for sharing

@seekingvision - 20.10.2024 18:05

Thank you for making this video before Samhain, especially as you’ve been unwell. You’ve helped me make final decisions about which decks I’m pulling out of my collection to use for this season.
I hope you & your son fully recover swiftly. My 10 year old grandson stayed with me last weekend & of course I am now unwell 🤧 oh the joys of school aged children & back to school lurgies 😂
I bought the Lost Oracle due to your unboxing & Im enjoying it immensely & do feel it will be very important in my witchcraft practice. I use many of the decks you’ve mentioned here on my magical journey & am so grateful to you for bringing them all to my attention 🖤

@Amanda-bj5qk - 20.10.2024 19:04

I don't know how you do it but every time I'm at an impossible with my craft and I'm unsure where it is going you put out a video that I need to see that helps to guide me. Thank you❤

@ZenShawoom - 21.10.2024 09:36

I am so happy I am watching this video. This is helping.

@lizawasadiver - 22.10.2024 18:38

Hello! I'm a new subscriber and am loving your recommendations for decks and how to work with Lilith, who is the first diety I am trying to connect with. I am not totally new to the craft, but do love the look of the Magick of You oracle. Hope you and your son continue to feel better 🖤

@divyapatil7168 - 23.10.2024 19:53

Hey Raecine, I want to suggest an oracle deck that I feel you would really like. It's Dark mirror by Luna sava. I feel you would really enjoy this deck. Please check it out.

@rebekahcadman2892 - 26.10.2024 14:34

I felt this video is for me as I am very new. I’m going to get the lost oracle. I think I’ve said this before on a video (forgive me if I have) but I really would love more about energetic witchcraft. It resonates with me when you talk about it and I would love to learn more about it.

@user-yz7ds7rn9b - 02.11.2024 05:10

U are much appreciated. Never doubt that.

@DavidAnanda - 16.03.2025 04:19

I love the Thoth tarot cards
